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Hey everyone, just thought id let you all know i got myself a new job, its only a temp contract the now but its in a completely new direction than call center work and the pay is gonna be much better too

Fk me, you don't wait about! I'd have spent at least a week vegetating. Well done sir.

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All the best in the new job, Ed. You mentioned that you want a retail job in which you can progress into management, do you have the opportunity to do that with this new job?

Regardless, best of luck! :thumsup2

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Hey everyone, just thought id let you all know i got myself a new job, its only a temp contract the now but its in a completely new direction than call center work and the pay is gonna be much better too

Get in mate. Good luck with it. Time you deserve to be happy. Hope it works out lad.

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All the best in the new job, Ed. You mentioned that you want a retail job in which you can progress into management, do you have the opportunity to do that with this new job?

Regardless, best of luck! :thumsup2

Oh definitely if I'm kept on after Christmas, I'm working for Amazon in thier returns department, inspecting returned items to see if they can be resold or need to be returned to the manufacturer or are totalled.

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How are you feeling today?

I got very, very drunk, was nice to see some mates I haven't gone out with in a while.

Just had a stressful week, I do feel a lot better today. Some things are still getting me down, but I do feel a lot better.

Appreciate the concern :)

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I got very, very drunk, was nice to see some mates I haven't gone out with in a while.

Just had a stressful week, I do feel a lot better today. Some things are still getting me down, but I do feel a lot better.

Appreciate the concern :)

Good to hear you're feeling better.

As I mentioned in a previous post, was there anything you can identify that might have triggered this 'episode' (I don't like to use such a term but I'm sure you know what I mean)? Or was it just, like you say, stress that got on top of you?

No worries! Think this thread is for sharing these sort of things and I'm happy to talk to anyone experiencing these problems because I know how fucking awful it is.

Even a dirty b*****d Falkirk fan!

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Hate posting on this thread, due to how some other people view me on here.

I'm at a very low point just now. Does anyone just feel like Cutting off from everything socially completely?? That's how I feel, and I just can't get to the bottom of it. Work related stress isn't helping, we get no support from head office, and the workload is too much. I'm coming home in a foul mood every night, and it's causing major arguments. Me and the wife have tickets for Kevin bridges in Glasgow in a weeks time, everything is all paid for, but I keep getting the urge to burn the gig and train tickets and cancel the hotel, because for some reason I'm getting thoughts in my head that some idiot will spoil the night and I will end up doing something stupid. I'm really worried about my mental health but I'm scared shitless to speak to anyone. I've already had to talk myself out of walking out of work 3 this week.

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Dubious advice as having a dog could add to the stress. Plus walking with your thoughts won't work for everyone. It might but equally could have you dwelling on negatives more.

Philpy, yes, I know what you mean about shutting yourself off, having done it far too often. It's a classic reaction for many who feel suffer bouts of depression or low mood. It's like a defence mechanism mentally as sub conciously you probably feel that you might say or do something 'out of character' in a social setting that would upset/annoy/hurt someone and would make you feel worse. Your worries about the Kevin Bridges show would suggest that your brain is entering or is in that sort of mode. Whilst Welshbairn means well by saying that the show shouldn't your biggest concern right now, it seems to me that you mention it because it's clearly playing on your mind and has is adding to your stress, a clear sign that your mind is, for want of a better word, ill due to depression and/or stress. What should be a laugh is something you're almost dreading. Chances are it'll be absolutely fine, but we know the mind can be a dick when not working right.

Regarding your work, is the increased workload a short term thing or is it permanent? If it's the latter and there is no way your work can help with it, you might want to seriously consider moving elsewhere.

Regarding dreading talking to folk, I know what you mean as I was terrified of doing so for years. There isn't an easy solution to that; you have to do it. If you put it off and let it build you run the risk of things getting worse and for an extended period of time (years). There are a lot of sources (Breathing Space, counselling, your GP, a friend). If you try them you'll know what works for you and what doesn't. Don't suffer alone. Does your work offer any counselling service? If it does give it a try.

You really need to speak to your wife to let her know how you're feeling. She'll surely understand and be supportive. At the least she'll at least know that you aren't well and that it's nothing she's done.

As always you can drop me a PM if you want

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Hey everyone, just thought id let you all know i got myself a new job, its only a temp contract the now but its in a completely new direction than call center work and the pay is gonna be much better too

Fantastic to hear. You've actually made me have a good think about things in my life too.

You're an inspiration Edgarus. ;)

Hope all goes well for you and the change has been for the best.

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Hate posting on this thread, due to how some other people view me on here.

I'm at a very low point just now. Does anyone just feel like Cutting off from everything socially completely?? That's how I feel, and I just can't get to the bottom of it. Work related stress isn't helping, we get no support from head office, and the workload is too much. I'm coming home in a foul mood every night, and it's causing major arguments. Me and the wife have tickets for Kevin bridges in Glasgow in a weeks time, everything is all paid for, but I keep getting the urge to burn the gig and train tickets and cancel the hotel.

Seems quite rational tbh

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