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Ask your work for help. See the HR manager. They may put you on an EAP, employee assistance programme. This is designed to help sort out any problems you may have.

Depression falls into such a category, they will send you to a OH doctor, who obviously is on their payroll but are compassionate in their approach.

They will declare you unfit for work and contact your employer to tell them so. You will also be provided with phone numbers to call.

Tell them your main issue and they will find you a psychotherapist in your area. The people you phone are trained to listen and never pass judgement.

You can pick whatever sex you require, I like talking to females so I picked her.

First visit can be daunting, you've bottled up all your shit like myself. You tell your story, you weep, she listens without judgement. She writes notes about the runners and riders.

She makes a plan for you, she learns you how to escape the madness in your nut. Let the beauty of nature in and let the madness out. Breathing exercises to help control yourself.

Her voice will soothe your nut, listen and learn. Like the booze, we only have today. Tomorrow may never come so why worry about it.

Keep it simple.

All the best man.

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An update

Things seem to be going well at work, I like the school and they seem to like me

Also went on a "date" last night, I thought it went well, she emailed today to set another one for next Sunday, then called me tonight just to say hi and goodnight.

ETA: awaits "angel of death" type comments, doesna give a f**k!

Edited by Raidernation
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Hey everyone, just thought id let you all know i got myself a new job, its only a temp contract the now but its in a completely new direction than call center work and the pay is gonna be much better too

Glad to hear it.

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Hi, I've been a follower of the forum for a while now but I've never got round to signing up and posting.

I'm 22 and had social anxiety disorder for about 5 years. I managed to see a doctor a couple of months back and was referred to a guided self help worker. However, it isn't helping and I find myself spending more time in the waiting room than in the session.

I'm also a 4th year student and doing a degree online. I've had a couple of assignments recently, so I've been under a lot of stress and my sleep has been affected.

I've found in the last week or so that I can't seem to concentrate and I've no motivation to do anything. I still live at home and I've just been lying in my room for the last 2 days. I haven't really spoken to my family because I'm worried I'll just snap at them. I dont have any hope for the future and I have negative thoughts going round my mind most of the time. I haven't spoken to anyone about it because I don't want to be a burden and the whole thing makes me feel pathetic.

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Hi, I've been a follower of the forum for a while now but I've never got round to signing up and posting.

I'm 22 and had social anxiety disorder for about 5 years. I managed to see a doctor a couple of months back and was referred to a guided self help worker. However, it isn't helping and I find myself spending more time in the waiting room than in the session.

I'm also a 4th year student and doing a degree online. I've had a couple of assignments recently, so I've been under a lot of stress and my sleep has been affected.

I've found in the last week or so that I can't seem to concentrate and I've no motivation to do anything. I still live at home and I've just been lying in my room for the last 2 days. I haven't really spoken to my family because I'm worried I'll just snap at them. I dont have any hope for the future and I have negative thoughts going round my mind most of the time. I haven't spoken to anyone about it because I don't want to be a burden and the whole thing makes me feel pathetic.

Sounds pretty bad. Sorry to hear that.

Have you tried medication from your GP? You should go back and tell him that seeing the guided self help worker isn't working (what a terribly written sentence!). You need to see what the options are and explore them until you find something that works for you.

I know it won't be easy and it seems like a huge hassle making an appointment and going along and explaining everything to your doctor, and it might even seem pointless, but unfortunately there is no easy answer here. You simply have to do it.

In regards to your uni work you've obviously done well to get to 4th year, especially since you've been suffering with your condition. I would suggest speaking to your tutor (if you have one) to let them know that are having problems. All universities will have systems in place to help with such situations and they can perhaps give you extensions or even a break from study if required. Let them know sooner rather than later or if you're submitting work that is below your standard and they aren't aware, your degree could be affected.

I understand the feeling of just wanting to shut yourself away and being worried about what your family are thinking. Have you talked to them? Do they know your situation? You say you feel like a burden so haven't spoken to anyone, but have you considered that you aren't a burden and that people would be glad to hear from you, even if it is for you to tell them how you're feeling?

The point that it makes you feel pathetic is something that many of us have felt when suffering. It might not be much, or nay help, but know that many people have such problems at some point in their life. There's nothing pathetic about it.

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Has anyone else been prescribed Sertraline before? Been on it for 6 months now, have just been bumped up to 100mg after a bit of a dip. It's making me so fatigued and numb.

Yup. Had to change off it as the side effects were brutal. Not being able to ejaculate for at least an hour might seem like a joy, but it really isn't. For me or my fiancee. Poor lassie.

I've been on tablets of some kind since I was younger, but recently stopped. I work 50/50 between the office and home, so my biggest worry was that days spent at home would feel even worse without tablets. On the contrary. I've been managing my diet a lot better, and cut down my Pepsi Max intake from a 2l bottle a day to one glass maximum. When I have time on my own in the flat I've started baking. Bread, cakes, pies, pastries - you name it. It really helps keep my mind clear.

The first few weeks 'cold turkey' were brutal, but once I got into a rhythm it was worth it. If anyone ever needs to talk then drop me a PM.

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Hate posting on this thread, due to how some other people view me on here.

I can totally sympathise with this. I've taken a few weeks off from here as it wasn't helping my mental state whatsoever. For some reason I let nearly every negative comment about myself get to me, and it eats me up for days. If it's about football, then it doesn't bother me in the slightest. However when someone makes comments or digs about me as a person (without knowing me IRL) I can't get it out my head. The logical part of my brain that says "it's not important" when I look back on things vanishes, and I end up just beating myself up about who I am.

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My problem isn't depression.Its unbridled anger as soon as I hear MSM (mainstream media) broadcasting against T he SNP Scottish Government....its not impartial....whenever other regions broadcast failings in other areas like (ENGLAND ) today..its never broadcast in Scotland.BBC SCOTLAND is nothing more than a campaigning arm of The Establishment....and STV do their level best to smear The SNP Scottish Government as well...though I tend to think they TRY to come across more balanced...hedging their bets?...could never say that about The Biased Broadcasting Corporation...they unashamedly broadcast negative stories..irrespective whether stories are borne out in truth and fact (always...always check sources)....but then again we would expect nothing less from an Establishment institution....time for The Scottish Broadcasting Service...where you will...guaranteed...hear level-playing-field-broadcasting in Scotland....so you can make up your own mind on POLICIES...not what Westminster tells you to believe.

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My problem isn't depression.Its unbridled anger as soon as I hear MSM (mainstream media) broadcasting against T he SNP Scottish Government....its not impartial....whenever other regions broadcast failings in other areas like (ENGLAND ) today..its never broadcast in Scotland.BBC SCOTLAND is nothing more than a campaigning arm of The Establishment....and STV do their level best to smear The SNP Scottish Government as well...though I tend to think they TRY to come across more balanced...hedging their bets?...could never say that about The Biased Broadcasting Corporation...they unashamedly broadcast negative stories..irrespective whether stories are borne out in truth and fact (always...always check sources)....but then again we would expect nothing less from an Establishment institution....time for The Scottish Broadcasting Service...where you will...guaranteed...hear level-playing-field-broadcasting in Scotland....so you can make up your own mind on POLICIES...not what Westminster tells you to believe.

You're the only genuine fucking nutter on here.
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Sounds pretty bad. Sorry to hear that.

Have you tried medication from your GP? You should go back and tell him that seeing the guided self help worker isn't working (what a terribly written sentence!). You need to see what the options are and explore them until you find something that works for you.

I know it won't be easy and it seems like a huge hassle making an appointment and going along and explaining everything to your doctor, and it might even seem pointless, but unfortunately there is no easy answer here. You simply have to do it.

In regards to your uni work you've obviously done well to get to 4th year, especially since you've been suffering with your condition. I would suggest speaking to your tutor (if you have one) to let them know that are having problems. All universities will have systems in place to help with such situations and they can perhaps give you extensions or even a break from study if required. Let them know sooner rather than later or if you're submitting work that is below your standard and they aren't aware, your degree could be affected.

I understand the feeling of just wanting to shut yourself away and being worried about what your family are thinking. Have you talked to them? Do they know your situation? You say you feel like a burden so haven't spoken to anyone, but have you considered that you aren't a burden and that people would be glad to hear from you, even if it is for you to tell them how you're feeling?

The point that it makes you feel pathetic is something that many of us have felt when suffering. It might not be much, or nay help, but know that many people have such problems at some point in their life. There's nothing pathetic about it.

F**k me, and you said I was a tedious c**t.

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My problem isn't depression.Its unbridled anger as soon as I hear MSM (mainstream media) broadcasting against T he SNP Scottish Government....its not impartial....whenever other regions broadcast failings in other areas like (ENGLAND ) today..its never broadcast in Scotland.BBC SCOTLAND is nothing more than a campaigning arm of The Establishment....and STV do their level best to smear The SNP Scottish Government as well...though I tend to think they TRY to come across more balanced...hedging their bets?...could never say that about The Biased Broadcasting Corporation...they unashamedly broadcast negative stories..irrespective whether stories are borne out in truth and fact (always...always check sources)....but then again we would expect nothing less from an Establishment institution....time for The Scottish Broadcasting Service...where you will...guaranteed...hear level-playing-field-broadcasting in Scotland....so you can make up your own mind on POLICIES...not what Westminster tells you to believe.

Politics forum for this pish

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