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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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To be honest, if you ignore the first act, this is up there with 'Empire'. Obviously there was wonky CGI that those you've seen it will know about, but 2/3rds of it was better than most Star Wars movies we've seen. The last minute was as good as I've seen in any SW movies.

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Saw it last night and thought it was excellent. It still has plenty of flaws but, whereas in The Force Awakens I spent m time spotting them all and fixating on them, here I still noticed them but didn't worry about them as I was enjoying much more.

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Wasn't sure what all the hype was about till the final third of the movie. Wasn't expecting that at all! Absolutely brilliant and on first viewing I would say it's up there. I'll need to watch it again though to confirm the brilliance of the end.

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Thought the first half hour/45 minutes were pretty dreadful. Jumping all over the place and was starting up a whole bunch of different storylines which gave it no flow, but the last hour is absolutely brilliant. Still think Force Awakens is better, but this was very enjoyable.

Only thing that sort of ruined it for me was all the nods to the previous films just made me think "Member A New Hope? Member *insert character that may or may not appear in this film*? Oh I member".

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Enjoyed it more on second viewing. Still think they should have obscured the features of the CGI characters, though, perhaps by solely focusing on their reflections.

I'm hoping that a version will surface someday that features the original ending.

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