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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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That's a bit better today - this practice is beginning to pay off!  8/10, missed out on the golf and basketball.  Another three hours on sporcle tonight to get ready for tomorrows relegation decider.

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5/10 - staggering towards the finishing man like a jaikey hanging on to his fish supper on a windy night. Usual confusion ovet unknown islands and irrelevant ausie politicians. Guessometer broken and looking for a refund.

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Just now, The Captain said:

5/10 - staggering towards the finishing man like a jaikey hanging on to his fish supper on a windy night. Usual confusion ovet unknown islands and irrelevant ausie politicians. Guessometer broken and looking for a refund.

Should read "finishing line."

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