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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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20 hours ago, Tynieness said:

Yeehah someone has brought back my decent guessometer.  Fully expected a five and came up as an eight.  Chuffed with that.

I left my new guessometer in the garage overnight and I fear Tynieness has   "borrowed " it. In the absence of my shiney new guessometer scored my usual 6.

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A slight and disappointing improvement in a quiz where less than 24 hours previously I had read all the answers. Still got the play wrong. Still got the Belinda Clark award wrong, because I thought I'd got it right yesterday. 8/10.

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An official complaint has been lodged with The Australian demanding an inquizition into the non-appearance of the Monday quiz. As I've lost the email address for a direct contact in that section a generic version has to be used so answer not expected anytime soon.  If you need to keep your squad match ready here is today's NZ Herald quiz. If you think The Australian quiz has too many Aussie questions then you'll love the NZ one as it has none. 4/10. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11921160

Edited by Eednud
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Looks like normal service has been resumed and yesterday's quiz has hit the archives. 7/10 for me and knew 6 (rugby, Odd Couple, Gran Chaco, Nancy Wake, Sudan & American Beauty. Guessed book character. So today, Tuesday 12 September 2017 we are doing yesterday's quiz, not the one most did yesterday, being today's but the real yesterday's, Monday 11 September 2017, even though it's today.


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