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Things that annoy or delight you on the telly right now


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She puts the MMMMMM in MILF

...and the PHWOAR! in lexicograph...woar? :unsure:

I'm guessing there are plenty who'd like to put the dick into Dictionary Corner. And I'm not talking about Gyles Brandreth.

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Premier in adverts are a good combination of annoying factors, Lenny Henry and stereophonics. I could just about blank them out but there's a really obnoxious one of him snoring now that's doing my head in. If I ever have the misfortune to stay in one of there hotels in gonna shit in the kettle.

I've done a lot worse in a Premier Inn.

Don't know why, but I've started watching A League of Their Own. Its a shame that James Corden and Jack Whitehall are on it, two of the worst comedians in Britain, thwarted only by Michael McIntyre.

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Anyone else watching The Game? BBC's spy thriller set in 1972. I reckon it's absolutely excellent with a great cast and some good comic moments.

The props/set/location departments have worked overtime to get an authentic 1970s look and feel. The cars have been especially well done - I even spotted a Humber Scepter last episode and there can't be many of those around.

My only 'props' quibble is that everyone smokes king size and filtered cigarettes. This certainly wasn't the case in the 70s. King size weren't so common and you'd expect at least someone to have a pack of Capstan or Senior Service.

Still. It's a good yarn. Previous episodes here:


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Anyone else watching The Game? BBC's spy thriller set in 1972. I reckon it's absolutely excellent with a great cast and some good comic moments.

The props/set/location departments have worked overtime to get an authentic 1970s look and feel. The cars have been especially well done - I even spotted a Humber Scepter last episode and there can't be many of those around.

My only 'props' quibble is that everyone smokes king size and filtered cigarettes. This certainly wasn't the case in the 70s. King size weren't so common and you'd expect at least someone to have a pack of Capstan or Senior Service.

Still. It's a good yarn. Previous episodes here:


Episode 1 gets scrubbed on Saturday, 10 pm. Is this a new show?

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Episode 1 gets scrubbed on Saturday, 10 pm. Is this a new show?

I'm not an expert TV watcher but I think so. I also think you'd enjoy it. It is quite intelligent Telly and you're about my age so would appreciate the milieu.

Edited to add: Watch the first two episodes and if you're not gripped I shall adopt a Kenny Dalglish face as my avatar for a week.


Edited by The_Kincardine
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Saints or scoungers.

Unabashed benefit bashing. Even the saints are usually credited with not even realising what they are due, too proud to claim etc

...and why were you home to watch this show, sir? :P

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Anyone else watching The Game? BBC's spy thriller set in 1972. I reckon it's absolutely excellent with a great cast and some good comic moments.

The props/set/location departments have worked overtime to get an authentic 1970s look and feel. The cars have been especially well done - I even spotted a Humber Scepter last episode and there can't be many of those around.

My only 'props' quibble is that everyone smokes king size and filtered cigarettes. This certainly wasn't the case in the 70s. King size weren't so common and you'd expect at least someone to have a pack of Capstan or Senior Service.

Still. It's a good yarn. Previous episodes here:


Like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy? You've sold it to me, I'm gonna give a go anyways.

Thanks for the heads up.

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