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Stoners are bigger arseholes than drinkers IMO.

got to be the most untrue statement in the history of mankind. Go to your local hospital on a Saturday night ask the doctors and nurses what they think. They would love cannabis to replacealcohol Iin society.

Go to a police station ask them who causes more bother.

People aren't cleaning up sick and fixing broken windows from Stonerseevery week.

They're coherent, rational, respectful, conversant etc. Drunks rate off the charts on the arsehole scale Stonersddon't even register.

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The only stoners I know are waste of space bums. Worked with one who turned up an hour late for work, clearly stoned, and said he was sorry he couldn't make it on time but he had to get a sandwich, as if that was a perfectly normal excuse for not turning up to work.

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The only stoners I know are waste of space bums. Worked with one who turned up an hour late for work, clearly stoned, and said he was sorry he couldn't make it on time but he had to get a sandwich, as if that was a perfectly normal excuse for not turning up to work.

Definitely the worst people to work with. I've worked with alcoholics and stoners and alcoholics are far better to work with. Stoners tend to be constantly late, move at half the speed as everyone else and bore you to tears with their arguments as to why weed should be legal, even if nobody in the conversation disagrees.

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I said drunk enough, and everyone does, including you. And me.This doesn't happen when people are stoned, at worst they'll eat all your kitkats and fall asleep.

I've never got myself into bother because of how drunk I am. When I'm 'that' drunk I end up spewing or falling asleep.

That would conclude your blanket statement to be utter guff. Nice try, though.

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The only stoners I know are waste of space bums. Worked with one who turned up an hour late for work, clearly stoned, and said he was sorry he couldn't make it on time but he had to get a sandwich, as if that was a perfectly normal excuse for not turning up to work.


What kind of sandwich?

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It amuses me greatly that folk are commenting on 'all' the 'stoners' they've met. There will be plenty of people who smoke who you don't know do it, and are more than happy to keep it to themselves and have no interest discussing it. Not everyone who smokes weed shouts about It from the rooftops.... One of my good mates is a regular toker, few people know and he hates when any sort of 'legalise it' chat comes up, as do I, because its boring as f**k.

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On the flip side, you do of course get some complete fuds who smoke themselves silly and start telling everyone to 'chill out man' while giggling like a school girl. These people are the worst craic going and should be avoided whenever possible.

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Class A's following loads of alcohol is the most anti social mix imo, next to amateur drinkers on office nights out.

I've met some of my best ever mates, while eccied out my tits. Granted, they were only my best mate for about an hour or so but it's definitely not anti-social, quite the opposite in fact.

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Stoners tend to be absolute arseholes who like to make everyone aware of the fact that they smoke weed.


Yup, like people who don't own a television and vegetarians. 


And people who complain about folk ordering a drink at a bar while they are sitting there, with plenty of seats available in other areas of the bar.   <_<

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