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17 minutes ago, Snakebite said:

I can guess what they spoke about without even listening. All sooked Warb's boaby, shat themselves to criticise the mince job hes doing and spent an hour laughing at their own shite jokes and trotting out the cliches "needs time" "take their chances "individual errors" "rub of the green".

Not quite. It was more just hand wringing about the state of The Rangers. Macintyre trying to put a positive spin on things with "....but, but they played well didn't they?". Jackson whilst not putting the boot in certainly highlighted Dave King's "lack of investment" and seemed quite happy to have a couple of digs at #warbs in terms of his tactics, signings and subsequent meltdowns at the press "he doesn't seem to take criticism well." apparently.

Ferguson just seemed baffled at how bad they are. I had to laugh when Macintyre read out a text re: McInnes and Ferguson, bless him, started to talk positively about McInnes and how he managed to change things round and get the result. He only lasted about 3 sentences before turning his point round to how McInnes was able to affect the game in a way that Warburton couldn't and that just set him off about Warburton again.

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I can guess what they spoke about without even listening. All sooked Warb's boaby, shat themselves to criticise the mince job hes doing and spent an hour laughing at their own shite jokes and trotting out the cliches "needs time" "take their chances "individual errors" "rub of the green".

Was actually the opposite. Talked about not handling the step up and not coaching the defensive side of the team properly. It was almost refreshing to hear. If it hadn't just been constant.
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8 hours ago, The Master said:

Not Sportsound, but David Tanner on Sky promoted the upcoming Hibs v Dundee Utd game by saying "both are playing out of their division".

No they're not. Both were deservedly relegated, and one has deservedly stayed down for three seasons hence, because both weren't good enough for the top flight. 


What an idiot.

Why do so many people working in and around Scottish football seem to have such a problem with competition?

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This morning, the sports bit of Good Morning Scotland, actually attempted to build a feature round Derek Ferguson's observation that Celtic might be well clear by Christmas.

In fairness to Ferguson, I don't think he was claiming to have uttered anything remotely profound.  The profile his inane mumblings get given though is just ridiculous.  The audience gets treated like a tabloid readership.

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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

Apparently Celtic would be a top 6 team if they played in the English Premiership and had the TV and sponsorship money the English Premier League clubs get.

Any side, given decent management and a good team ethic, could get to that level in a couple of years. The amount of TV and other cash flowing into the English top league has, ironically, made it more, not less likely, that a "wild card" like Leicester will break up the wee Billionaires' Club at the top of the PL. 

Consistently top 6? Now that's a different kettle of mackerel. 

Certainly, if you were to drop Killie into that league, I'd expect a few seasons of six-pointers against Sunderland, Hull, Boro and the likes. We wouldn't go down, of course, because if we did...

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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

Apparently Celtic would be a top 6 team if they played in the English Premiership and had the TV and sponsorship money the English Premier League clubs get.

You've got that slightly wrong, tbf. According to Rodgers they'd be a top 4 team, with top 6 only the absolute minimum.

That's why the English are "terrified" of OF joining their system, apparently.

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Listened to the aftermath of the Celtic-City game. First things first, Celtic played brilliant and proved most people wrong. Stunning performance.

However, someone mentioned (maybe Bonner?) that it was a great result because City will have 10 times the amount of budget that Celtic operate on, so I thought to myself hold on here, ICT just drew 2-2 with Celtic only a few weeks ago and the same media have been going on about the £20,000,000(at least) of European money that Celtic will earn from being in that Champions League not to mention their 40k+ season ticket holders, sponsorship deals ect so Celtic operate on a budget probably 20 times bigger than ICT and they didn't cream themselves a couple of weeks ago over that result.

It was a great result for Celtic first and foremost and a wee get it up ye to English football but it was only a draw and City never really looked like losing. 

I'm guessing my point is why do the guys not cream over results like that by Aberdeen and ICT but only slate the OF after dropping points but when Celtic do it to Man City they are acting like its the biggest shock in European football history.

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4 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

It still surprised me folk think crowd size makes any form of difference in English footballs top tier.

Clearly crowd size do make  a difference but not as much as they once did and that affect is modified by economic factors..

Arsenal and Man United make over £100M in match day revenue which is double just about everybody else

An extra £50m+ every year is not a gargantuan amount of money for clubs that turnover £300M to £400M but it's not insignificant either.

For comparison here's Manchester City's losses over the Sheik Mansour period.


And here's last years TV revenue. 



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