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What a difference a week makes eh? I, like others, gave him my support and backing as I thought he was the right man to take the club forward. However he seems to have lost the energy and enthusiasm he once had. He has one more game to turn things around, if he fails then its time to go.

The man I would bring in (I Never thought I would say this) Jim Duffy. At least he loves the club.

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Today was absolutely abysmal, or atleast the second half was. I actually thought we were quite lively in the first-half and even dared to dream that we might nick a wee win...how foolish! We lost all our attacking impetus when El Bakh went off, he was by far our liveliest player, even if his decision making can be a bit suspect at times. Teijsse was god-awful, barely won anything in the air all game, couldn't hold the ball up and absolutely shat it for his chance and passed it back to Clark.

I'm still in Hartley's corner, but I'm definitely swaying now...

Yes, it is a shame that we lost Stewart and Hemmings, no doubt that has had a massive detrimental effect on our play, but surely, SURELY Hartley should have predicted their probable departures and replaced them with better players. Williams is just terrible, he was non-existent today I thought. 

The next month is key for Paul. I don't think we'll sack him but he might walk after we get stuffed 3-0 by Thistle on Wednesday...he did rage quit on Alloa after all. I really hope he can turn things round for us, I'd take 10th this season and for Paul to learn and re-build, but I'm doubtful that that's going to happen.

Thinking now actually, has Hartley ever really learned from his mistakes? He seems to keep making similar ones...

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Although I do on some level kinda like the idea of Duffy coming back, do you remember what happened last season when a shite team brought back an ex-player, now manager, club legend to try to save their season?

Aye, but he'll at least make us exciting to watch again. We'll have the odd arse collapse and ultimately probably go down but I can't take my eyes bleeding from our football much longer.
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Let's all be honest here.  Hartley's more recent signings have simply been nowhere near good enough.


Hartley clearly thought Williams and Vincent were both good enough for pre-contract agreements.  No last minute panic buys.  Both are truly horrendous at getting past a man and neither appear capable of any sort of forward thinking in their passing.  I was led to believe that when at ICT Williams was at least a fast runner with the ball at his feet.  If he was, then I've yet to see it.


Switches off far too often.  Clearly has the ability but if he doesn't waken up he will repeatedly cost us simple goals.  


A gamble that increasingly doesn't look like it's going to pay off.  To be fair to him too much is being expected of him.  Nowhere near ready for a lengthy first team run but who else would take his place?  Loy (another Hartley signing) has little pace, interest or aggression in his play and he does not appear intelligent enough to make the necessary runs / passes.  


He may have come through the Celtic youth system but there is no way he will ever be a regular in their first team. 

El Bak is the only signing I have confidence in comming good and it's not like he was a find by Harley.

I'm now beginning to believe the rumour that Harkins was punted for openly criticising Harley's signings!

Add into the above that the team played today like they have never trained together and I have to say at the very least time is running out for Hartley.

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Does a team actually need a manager per the rules of the game? Has any team ever just let the players decide among themselves what squad, formation, and tactics to use?


Hypothetically, it would be interesting to see what would happen if the board gave Hartley a one week sabbatical and try to see if the players can organise themselves better than he can.

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Only last season many of you were saying how dire we were to watch, as you proceeded to beat us fairly easily.

Today was the worst Dundee I've seen for many a year, worse than Kilmarnock looked last week.

They at least scored with their one chance and we couldn't get back into it which, if your number 19 had taken his, could have happened today again.

I thought the Dundee team looked reasonable on paper, but it was an easy win for us in the end, despite giving a late penalty away to concede a goal which spoiled the game for me.

I'm not convinced Hartley is the man to get Dundee out of trouble. Play off with United could be fun though?

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Hartley has now lost my backing. The reason is simple; he's persisting with shite like Williams and Yordi. Even with a win of Wednesday (which at the moment seems impossible), I'll not be convinced he really knows what he's doing — he's gotten himself into a right mess with this squad, gamble after gamble will eventually end in disaster and I think that's what we're now seeing. I said it last week, but if the board are looking to retain his services then they really need to be strong and get him fucking telt.

Not calling for his head, but I'm done sticking up for him.


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