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I lost it this morning in work when my boss (and uncle) came in reading that and brought it up to me. Felt the need to launch this email at them.

Dear Mr Neville,

As a reader of your newspaper since my teenage years, I was mortified to see your (front page headline) coverage of the fans in the South Enclosure at Dens.

The 2 articles, which contain serious allegations, which lead to Football Banning Orders is ludicrous. Sectarianism has by, and large been eradicated from Dens Park, and more specifically the "Derry" through self policing by the fans. To see your newspaper alleging not just football fans from the covering area, but general citizens of sectarianism and even hooliganism is nothing short of reprehensible.

I have been a Season Ticket holder with the club since childhood, my first in fact being in the South Enclosure as an 8 year old boy, and I believe the number of racist, bigoted, or hooligan fans has dropped. On the few occasions of which I have heard or seen an "incident" which many deem inappropriate, I've then witnessed fellow supporters urging (often in very blunt terms) that person to have a look at themselves and their actions.

To be frank, as I have this whole e-mail it appears in hindsight, your newspaper has defamed over 1000 people who every second week back their club to the hilt, within the law, and within expected standards. I expect a full rebuttal to be offered in tomorrows edition, or you can be sure that many like myself will feel aggrieved and will consider their future purchases of your once respectable newspaper. I'll leave you with these two results, of which goals weren't scored;

Dundee 1-6 Aberdeen and Dundee 1-19 Aberdeen, I think it's pretty clear to see where the problem is most weeks, and it isn't within the South Enclosure.


J**** K****.

If they c***s think they can get away with making up shite allegations (and printing them, with quotes and photos of 4 Arabs) then they can get right to f**k. On the back of painting football fans in the city with the same brush as the wankers who masquerade as football fans to start fights as the Dundee Utility, I think it's fair game if not just Derry-boys but both sets of fans called them on this shite.

Seeing my photo in the Tele next to those allegations made me fuucking sick. I hope that DCTs chickens come home to roost. Shower of p***ks.

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I lost it this morning in work when my boss (and uncle) came in reading that and brought it up to me. Felt the need to launch this email at them.

If they c***s think they can get away with making up shite allegations (and printing them, with quotes and photos of 4 Arabs) then they can get right to f**k. On the back of painting football fans in the city with the same brush as the wankers who masquerade as football fans to start fights as the Dundee Utility, I think it's fair game if not just Derry-boys but both sets of fans called them on this shite.

Seeing my photo in the Tele next to those allegations made me fuucking sick. I hope that DCTs chickens come home to roost. Shower of p***ks.

Well said that man.

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Some form of protest should be done in my opinion, they want it to have no atmosphere let's do it, no singing or noise from the derry when the players come out at the start of the game! Everyone holding up a red card, "no to racism and sectarianism..." Then maybe at another time during the game a different coloured card for a "f*ck you" to the tele and the courier!

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My head well and truly went when I read that article his morning. I composed an email to the editor on the back of it asking for the proof of this sectarian and racist chanting. These are both criminal offences and for them to present it as fact with no back up is disgusting. I also asked further questions about racist chanting at Tannadice RE Morgaro Gomis and the serious incidinces of football violence at Tannadice which occurs whenever an Eastern European team come calling and any coverage they gave these. It was a seething mess of an email!The club really need to come up with a statement here but I've no great confidence that they will. 1 Dundee fan made a disgusing comment about Eddie Thompson and the club issued an official apology within a couple of hours, now a whole section of our support is being targeted by the local media with blatant lies and the club need to step up.
I lost it this morning in work when my boss (and uncle) came in reading that and brought it up to me. Felt the need to launch this email at them. If they c***s think they can get away with making up shite allegations (and printing them, with quotes and photos of 4 Arabs) then they can get right to f**k. On the back of painting football fans in the city with the same brush as the wankers who masquerade as football fans to start fights as the Dundee Utility, I think it's fair game if not just Derry-boys but both sets of fans called them on this shite. Seeing my photo in the Tele next to those allegations made me fuucking sick. I hope that DCTs chickens come home to roost. Shower of p***ks.
Well said boys. Get the c***s telt.
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Some form of protest should be done in my opinion, they want it to have no atmosphere let's do it, no singing or noise from the derry when the players come out at the start of the game!Everyone holding up a red card, "no to racism and sectarianism..." Then maybe at another time during the game a different coloured card for a "f*ck you" to the tele and the courier!

Why would you want the team to suffer for the words of the police and a paper. Are you a journalist at DC Thomsons by any chance?

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