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General Election 2015


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Just when you think Slab and their mouthpiece the Daily retread can't sink any lower, they go and manage it.

Mark Coburn@indycyclist14h14 hours ago

@DerekBateman2 @WingsScotland "Newspapers are quite properly accountable – in public – for any mistakes they make." Does the DR do irony?

This, from the DR's editorial, a mere page away from a non apology that IPSOS decreed they should make, while not bothering to correct the thing they were told to.
Clear revenge from a party and a paper that have been continuously found out to be blatant liars.
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What indications are those? I would rather vote SNP than Tory, but would be unhappy if Labour went in coalition with the Tories or SNP. They obviously won't go into coalition with the Tories, and I hope they rule out going into coalition with the SNP.

The indications come from Robert MacNeils tactical voting sheet, Lord Foulkes suggesting tactical votes on Twitter and Lord Moonie claiming Labour would rather be in coalition with the Tories than the SNP.

I don't think there is any chance of a formal coalition between Labour and SNP, there are too many "red line" hurdles but there are many similar centre left policies that a consensus should be able to be met on enough policy to allow for Government to function.

For me, Labour relying on SNP/ Plaid/ Green support gives it far more of a social conscience than a Labour majority would. Having a Labour majority or continuing with the coalition will not see significant change in the current course the country is taking.

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Who does that?

Do you want me to list names or something? There are clearly people who vote Labour because their parents do, and their parents did. And there are clearly people who vote SNP because they're 'more Scottish' for doing so. Bad and as thick as each other.
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Do you want me to list names or something? There are clearly people who vote Labour because their parents do, and their parents did. And there are clearly people who vote SNP because they're 'more Scottish' for doing so. Bad and as thick as each other.

Not names, but there must be some quantitative data to support your supposition, whether it's in social attitude surveys, polling questions, or just quotes from people saying "it makes me feel more scoatish" so a link would be nice, if only for the satisfaction of my own curiosity.

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Not names, but there must be some quantitative data to support your supposition, whether it's in social attitude surveys, polling questions, or just quotes from people saying "it makes me feel more scoatish" so a link would be nice, if only for the satisfaction of my own curiosity.

I've no idea if there has been a study done or not, just like I've no idea if there's been a study done on Labour voters voting that way because their dad did. I take evidence from clips you see of interviews on the news when it comes to Labour, and the pish you read on Facebook and places where people suggest it's unScottish to vote Labour/Tory/Lib Dem. It quite obviously happens and I don't need to provide a study in a football forum to say so.

My point anyway, was that the troll who said jmothecat only voted Labour because his dad did, lied. The accused came on and offered perfectly thought out reasoning for voting Labour, whether you agree with it or not. I just find it interesting that nobody picked up the liar for his lie, probably just because he's on your 'side'.

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I've no idea if there has been a study done or not, just like I've no idea if there's been a study done on Labour voters voting that way because their dad did. I take evidence from clips you see of interviews on the news when it comes to Labour, and the pish you read on Facebook and places where people suggest it's unScottish to vote Labour/Tory/Lib Dem. It quite obviously happens and I don't need to provide a study in a football forum to say so.

My point anyway, was that the troll who said jmothecat only voted Labour because his dad did, lied. The accused came on and offered perfectly thought out reasoning for voting Labour, whether you agree with it or not. I just find it interesting that nobody picked up the liar for his lie, probably just because he's on your 'side'.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence at least attesting to the ol' generational vote for Labour, less so on the idea that a vote for the SNP makes people feel more Scottish, or 'scoatish' as you call it, or at least perceive themselves as such but still, on the main point I wasn't following the whole conversation and only saw Jmo's lengthy post and I commented on it solely because I find it tragic that the reasons that make him comfortable as a Labour supporter are ideals in direct contrast to Labour's historical leanings and indeed it's own grandiloquent exclamations about it's own aspirations.

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Correction, 45% of those who voted opted for independence. 15% of the electorate couldn't be arsed.

Westminster however is indeed heading for a bloody nose in May from Scottish voters, of that there is no doubt.

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English nationalistic twaddle. Apparently the central aim of the SNP is not to ensure Indepenence for Scotland but to 'tear Britain apart'!

They'll be calling for gunboats to be sent to calm the natives next.

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What a wonderful article. The tears were held back until the last couple of paragraphs.

Jim Murphy will prevent this from happening IMO - labour wont be losing a single seat.

Last 2 sentences were my favourite.

So unionists are entitled to feel a deep and heavy sense of foreboding. This election is going to be a disaster.


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English nationalistic twaddle. Apparently the central aim of the SNP is not to ensure Indepenence for Scotland but to 'tear Britain apart'!

They'll be calling for gunboats to be sent to calm the natives next.

Alex Massie is Scottish.

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