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General Election 2015


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You obviously think he's a knob because of how you see him on other tv shows which is fair enough but under his own terms making the videos he comes across very well and makes points that you will definitely agree with, he was well for independence as well. He mostly talks about how the politicians don't control the country its the big corporations and banks that make society so unequal.

He doesn't tell people not to vote - he says voting isn't enough and if you want to make change be active in your beliefs and get involved in your local community

I can understand you not liking him as you are v old

It could be my age has something to do with it. Maybe because of my age and the things I've experienced I have a greater disdain for bullshit artists like Brand. Maybe I don't need to listen to a multi-millionaire tell me that the real power in this country is banks and big business; I fucking know banks and big business have too much power without Russell Brand telling me.

I also know that whilst community activism can be a positive thing that community activists cannot pass laws to make fundamental changes to society. Politicians are the only ones who can do that and political activism rather than community activism is how you influence political parties and politicians.

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It could be my age has something to do with it. Maybe because of my age and the things I've experienced I have a greater disdain for bullshit artists like Brand. Maybe I don't need to listen to a multi-millionaire tell me that the real power in this country is banks and big business; I fucking know banks and big business have too much power without Russell Brand telling me.

I also know that whilst community activism can be a positive thing that community activists cannot pass laws to make fundamental changes to society. Politicians are the only ones who can do that and political activism rather than community activism is how you influence political parties and politicians.

Big business is also what creates jobs, you know real jobs - not public sector funded and union run closed shops etc... I bet you are a wee Brand fan really, live in hope of a tweet from your lefty comedy hero.

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You obviously think he's a knob because of how you see him on other tv shows which is fair enough but under his own terms making the videos he comes across very well and makes points that you will definitely agree with, he was well for independence as well. He mostly talks about how the politicians don't control the country its the big corporations and banks that make society so unequal.

He doesn't tell people not to vote - he says voting isn't enough and if you want to make change be active in your beliefs and get involved in your local community

I can understand you not liking him as you are v old

I'm 23 and have thought Russell Brand is a knob since at least 2009.

His political opinion videos have not changed this opinion for the better.

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Big business is also what creates jobs, you know real jobs - not public sector funded and union run closed shops etc... I bet you are a wee Brand fan really, live in hope of a tweet from your lefty comedy hero.

Big business has absorbed the job market and creates hee-haw. This concept that jobs would disappear without outrageously wealthy old men to sop up all the cash is beyond funny. Especially when parrotted by someone who, in all likelihood, isn't one of the ones benefiting.

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I'm 23 and have thought Russell Brand is a knob since at least 2009.

His political opinion videos have not changed this opinion for the better.

Then your judgment is shit.

By all means think he's a knob - but his beliefs and politics are very impressive. I don't think I'd go as far as throbber in terms of his influence but he has shaken up the establishment a wee bit.

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Are the SNP popular down south or is it a mixed bag?

Outside of those who believe the Mail and the like - "kilt wearing hordes bent on breaking up our country" - they actually seem to be well respected as an alternative to two closely-bound "big" parties. As I said above, Labour supporters say they resemble what their party should be, and the sheer hatred (and at times it is vicious, racist hatred) from Conservative supporters simply amounts to endorsement of this view.

Overall, I think the man in the street is curious more than anything, as the SNP were seen here in the same bracket as Plaid and the Greens sizewise. Cautiously welcoming of a new voice, is the general feeling I'm getting from more informed observers.

I have to say the TV debates have opened a few eyes, as the "three Graces" have made the most of airtime they wouldn't normally have been afforded. While Wood and Bennett have performed admirably, putting their policies forward, Sturgeon has been a revelation - mature, assured and unwilling to rise to petty jibes.

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He's a knob. But I'm not surprised by the amount of people, and not just really young people, who are influence by knob-like figures such as him.

He was telling people not to vote; how the f**k do you influence anything by not voting?

A bigger turnout gives greater legitimacy for politicians to do whatever the f**k they want.

A 0% turnout is a revolution.

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Big business is also what creates jobs, you know real jobs - not public sector funded and union run closed shops etc... I bet you are a wee Brand fan really, live in hope of a tweet from your lefty comedy hero.

I think you will find that small business employs more people than large business. :1eye

Anyway now that you have been corrected once again, carry on with your shite.

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It could be my age has something to do with it. Maybe because of my age and the things I've experienced I have a greater disdain for bullshit artists like Brand. Maybe I don't need to listen to a multi-millionaire tell me that the real power in this country is banks and big business; I fucking know banks and big business have too much power without Russell Brand telling me.

I also know that whilst community activism can be a positive thing that community activists cannot pass laws to make fundamental changes to society. Politicians are the only ones who can do that and political activism rather than community activism is how you influence political parties and politicians.

Would you not agree though that Brand has now sussed this last bit out? I think even he realised that it was never going to work trying to overhaul the system but what is more viable is getting the system working for the right people. And this is the point of voting for Labour, about trying to get them properly back to the left of centre "Party of the People" franchise they once were. Get the SNP with them to guarantee they don't stray off course but more importantly get people engaged in politics. That's EXACTLY what the Tories don't want..an engaged electorate. Say what you want about Brand but he's getting people engaged, getting them talking, getting them questioning who these Politicians are really looking out for.

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Then your judgment is shit.

By all means think he's a knob - but his beliefs and politics are very impressive. I don't think I'd go as far as throbber in terms of his influence but he has shaken up the establishment a wee bit.

Aye for a few months until he reverted to type and joined Payback2015. It would be laughable if it wasn't so depressing and predictable.

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To a certain extent the internet is having an impact now more than ever, but hand wringers going oooh look at all those nasty uncouth types achieve the square root of f**k all.

That's real people engaged in real politics in a way Scotland hadn't seen since the Poll Tax riots up to the referendum, its brilliant, its beautiful and it will lead to real change. Can you imagine if more people got involved? Half a million doing that every Saturday? We'd be independent within the decade guaranteed.

There's one big difference fuzzy.

The poll tax riots were needed because the establishment wasn't listening. Sheridan and the rest were in no way damaging those who opposes the tax.

These protesters are helping their opponents. Actually helping them. Think carefully about that for a wee second.

This plays into a regular media theme that the Nats have a nasty and aggressive element that don't allow opponents a voice. That they're bullies.

They are desperate but these protesters give them a narrative. And as we saw last year the mainstream media still has an important sway in our society. People believe this shite.

I'm all for protests. Take to the streets and knock yourself out but don't do it hours from a momentous election. We have the chance to wipe labour out in Scotland. We need a bit more discipline.

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What's your issue with what he said? If nobody voted then it would make headlines around the world and force a crisis of legitimacy in the parliament. It's all fair enough having shite turnouts for councils and EU elections but our first port of call generating next to no interest would be massive. Much more so than just turning out and voting the same parties again.
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A bigger turnout gives greater legitimacy for politicians to do whatever the f**k they want.

A 0% turnout is a revolution.

Agree with the first part but revolution requires a popular revolt on the streets. It was street protest, not voting abstentions, that overthrew communism in Eastern Europe. However, an abstention is a clear refusal to sanction rule by the political elite.

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There's one big difference fuzzy.

The poll tax riots were needed because the establishment wasn't listening. Sheridan and the rest were in no way damaging those who opposes the tax.

These protesters are helping their opponents. Actually helping them. Think carefully about that for a wee second.

This plays into a regular media theme that the Nats have a nasty and aggressive element that don't allow opponents a voice. That they're bullies.

They are desperate but these protesters give them a narrative. And as we saw last year the mainstream media still has an important sway in our society. People believe this shite.

I'm all for protests. Take to the streets and knock yourself out but don't do it hours from a momentous election. We have the chance to wipe labour out in Scotland. We need a bit more discipline.

Maybe and you make some decent points but I think stuff like that is organic so discipline doesn't apply. Its simply reflective of the mood in Scotland, people are genuinely deeply angry at Labour and want to express that, Labour events are their chance to do so.

I also think a few years of that and Labour would change dramatically, if it got to the point senior Labour figures couldn't appear in public in Scotland without it being disrupted Labour would split and the Scottish bit would support independence. Then independence would happen.

I think its a good thing to create a climate in Scotland where Labour are afraid to walk the streets, make them feel the depth of people's hatred and respond to it. I think 'Scottish' Labour needs rocked right to their very core, and there will be many out there right now absolutely shocked that that could happen to the Scottish Labour leader in the middle of Glasgow. They need to be forced to go through a period of self-examination and already are dismissing our votes on Thursday as a protest vote, things like this show them there's a lot more to it than that.

Obviously the media are going to spin it for all its worth but I think SNP voters are immune to that now, they still voted yes and the same number plus a few more still plan to vote SNP on Thursday. So a few shouty people at a rally isn't going to change that.

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