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Jim Murphy


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Yeh he was the usual 'snp bad' pish we've come to expect. Dougie alexander was really good though, something along the lines of 'Scotland has voted against the tories, unfortunately they've put their trust in a different anti tory party, we have to win that trust back'.

Actually it's so spot on that you wonder if there was some resentment at having to spin the lie of 'vote snp get Tories' for the whole campaign.

I cant see that he, especially he, would be regretting it. He was the Labour campaign manager and would have been the one to authorise it.

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A quick question. Now that Murphy has lost his seat, and obviously has to wait till next year to stand as an MSP. Does the Labour Party pay him a wage for being leader, or will he be signing on?

All will be revealed at a press conference later this morning apparently.

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All will be revealed at a press conference later this morning apparently.

Not all, hopefully. I can live without the image of Skeletor doing a striptease.

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Back on topic, I keep hearing how gracious Jim was in his defeat speech. Did people stop listening halfway through or something?

I genuinely find it difficult to listen to him any more. It's not what he says, it's that patronising, ingratiating voice. It's almost vomit inducing.

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I'll take it back if at least two Cowdenbeath posters can confirm/deny. It was actually two Cowden guys who told me this today, the boss and a workie. Excellent work on my mother's extension btw, use Scottish tradesman! He says these Roma are doing odd jobs about Fife, probably also nicking lead off church roofs etc (that last bit is my add on, they didn't say that)


Lib Dems... :lol:

Very clever. No one is going to admit to coming from cowdenbeath

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That's the Scottish labour party chat starting

The knives are being sharpened

Mr Kerr compared Mr Murphy's campaign to "dad-dancing in the most modern nightclub in the city of Glasgow".

:lol::lol: :lol:

Unsurprised to see that fat troughing fuckwit Murray desperately trying to cling on to his London link. No doubt looking for a shadow cabinet post.

f**k you Murray and your £45k from PWC. Two faced hypocritical New labour c**t that you are.

Your party is as popular in Scotland as the Tories. How does that feel?

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Why Labour thought it wise to appoint a Leader who alienated at least 45% of the population during the referendum campaign hanging around with Tories is beyond me.

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Didn't the Tories start that same chatter a while ago as well? Returning to the old UK Tory/Scottish Unionist split because the party was so toxic up here?

Can't see it happening.

Murdoch Fraser stood for the leadership against Davidson on that platform

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So why not drop the "Scottish" and why the need for a leader based in Scotland?


This is a great point well made. They pretended to be 'Scottish' Labour to dupe Scots into voting for them. That's Labour, inherently deceitful to the core and totally shameless.

Also raging Britnats, if you read that guy's full quote its dripping with British nationalism.

I wonder where jmothecat is btw.

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Good vid by John Harris for the Guardian. The one Labour voter he finds, he asks why?. "Cos I'm a Conservative". Looks like a fat Sevconian too.

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Talking to a guy from Cowdenbeath who's doing an extension on my mother's house. Apparently the foodbank in 'Coodie' is so popular and big it's putting some local shops out of business, all these feckless buggars are getting their vouchers and free bags of food and loving it. This is according to him. He also told me about two camps of Roma outside the town that have taken over separate land plots, the larger mob has laid down concrete paving with pillars and a pair of matching lions at the camp entrance. I mean WTF. Police don't dare go near them he told me so they have carte blanche to create their own wee Fife fiefdom. He calls them Feckies, which apparently is Coodie for foreigner, anyway was more confirm, if needed, I'm correct to continue my UKIP support.

Lying c**t.

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Good vid by John Harris for the Guardian. The one Labour voter he finds, he asks why?. "Cos I'm a Conservative". Looks like a fat Sevconian too.

I have been impressed with Harris' reports over the last few weeks. Not someone I was aware prior to this campaign but I will definitely look out for his work in future (but will never buy the guardian)

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