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Yet another US shooting

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I post on a couple of forums predominantly frequented by Americans. The vast majority (90% plus) have an unhealthy obsession with guns and are enraged if gun control is even talked about. 'Protect my family' is the most common phrase used.

Their cult like worship of the military and unwavering belief in a Sky Fairy also adds to my realisation that it's not a place I could ever imagine myself wanting to live in.

My neighbour is an American guy...otherwise seemingly normal. He enjoys shooting birds and other small animals with a slingshot. I'm sure he would love to own a gun and shoot them with that instead. Americans, eh!
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7 hours ago, Dindeleux said:

Honestly.........just leave this forum you are an absolute weapon.

Identify which part of my statement was wrong.

You can't.

6 hours ago, NotThePars said:

I hate to be this snobbish but honestly the minter of a guy handed all the privileges of being born straight, white and male who ends up working as a delivery driver holding those views on racial superiority.

Don't know what you do, but there's probably more than a 50-50 shot that I'm richer than you.

Don't have any views on "racial superiority." Just think that culture / race matters on many issues more than class when it comes to behavior. This shouldn't be a controversial statement. It's backed up by facts. 

6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I suspect the only times he encounters a delivery driver is when his boss tells him to go to reception and sign for some stationary supplies.

You think I'm an office turkey in the monkey suit?:lol: Ain't bout that life.

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15 minutes ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

Identify which part of my statement was wrong.

You can't.

Don't know what you do, but there's probably more than a 50-50 shot that I'm richer than you.

Don't have any views on "racial superiority." Just think that culture / race matters on many issues more than class when it comes to behavior. This shouldn't be a controversial statement. It's backed up by facts. 

You think I'm an office turkey in the monkey suit?:lol: Ain't bout that life.

Quite the c**t, aren't you?

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I don't disagree with most of what you responded.

1. Interesting how you tout Scotland. Scotland is 96% white with 5.5 million people, so it's a decent comp to compare your murder rate to the white murder rate by US state. Wiki says Scotland was an average of 1.42/100,000 over 5 years from 2010-2014. I typed "white murder rate by US state" into Google. I found a blog post that attempted to read into the FBI statistics and figure out the number. It's not perfect and you can't break out Hispanics from Whites, but here's the results of his efforts. The numbers are from the five years around the year 2006.


The following states have white murder rates lower than Scotland, despite our gun ownership: New Hampshire, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Illinois, and Wisconsin. In addition the following states are under 2/100,000: Vermont, Maine, Utah, Delaware, Ohio, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Montana, and Oregon.  Of the 7 states over 4/100,000, all except Alaska have heavy Hispanic populations (Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oklahoma, Texas). 

Looking around the blogs other posts they do seem to focus on racial issues, so you can take that into account. Read the article to understand their methodology. 

2. You bring up mental health care: What would you change? This guy had money. Most of these white, mentally ill mass shooters had money. How do we get them their mental health counseling. It's commonly pointed out that one of the reasons for the explosion of violence rates in our country in the 1970s and 80s was the end of most involuntarily commitment for the mentally ill. If people have the resources to get help, but won't, what should we do?

3. Thank you for mentioning Canada's gun ownership. We have a more violent culture. Always have. Look at the colonial era. Look at the Western expansion. And it remains the same today. That's what I mean about culture being important. 

4. It's not just the IRA. I assume that the mafia and organized Muslim groups have access to guns if they want them. If criminal gangs want guns in the UK they can get them. Imagine how much easier it will be in the USA where there are 300 million guns and will be widespread civil disobedience to any gun ban. Getting 1/3rd of them turned in voluntarily would count as a massive victory, but even that number would probably be unrealistic. 

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6 hours ago, DigOutYourSoul said:

I'm over in the states just now and the way this is being reported is crazy. I've had CNN, Fox and CBS on today and there's been barley any talk of guns/access to guns being an issue.

To me that's symptomatic of the issue, an issue that will never change.

In any other country 500 people being injured by a pre-planned, well executed attack like this would cause serious questions to be asked about how someone managed to get access to this kind of killing power. But here it's fully accepted.

I've spoken to a few Americans by the pool today and it's just re-affirmed to me the fact that they've now gone beyond the point of no return when it comes to guns and this is just a consequence of the environment that is NRA America.

A large percentage of us grew up around guns, so we don't have a fear of them. We can do the math in our head on the likelihood of being killed in an event like this. It's so low as to not even register. 


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7 hours ago, ICTChris said:

One of the attackers brothers has said that he wasn't a gun nut or even interested in them. Apparently his dad was a convicted bank robber, a diagnosed psychopath who had been on the FBIs most wanted.

His neighbours have said he was a weirdo because he was so quiet.



Maybe he just hated country and western music?


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1 hour ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

A large percentage of us grew up around guns, so we don't have a fear of them. We can do the math in our head on the likelihood of being killed in an event like this. It's so low as to not even register. 



Maybe if you used the " math" to calculate  Americans + guns = Dangerous , then maybe you would have more  fear of them 

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8 hours ago, Jimmy85 said:

Old man. Poor eyesight. I know some posters have joked about it but it genuinely could've been accidental. 

Aye, he was probably trying to scare away the pigeons.

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“This is the price of freedom. Violent nuts are allowed to roam free until they do damage, no matter how threatening they are.”

Bill O’Reilly is a sex pest, a racist, a homophobe, blind to logic and only capable of single clause sentences, but he’s still not the dumbest person (formerly)on Fox (Carlson) or the most bigoted (Hannity).

These guys and Infowars are laughable. Their only defence is “but but but civil liberties... but but but Ferguson”.

On that note, at some point over the last week, Joseph Paul Watson made the jump from cognitively challenged conspiracy loonball into out-and-out KKK apologist.
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2 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:


The following states have white murder rates lower than Scotland, despite our gun ownership: New Hampshire, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

So out of 'Murica's 50 states, only 8 have white murder rates lower than Scotland?

Scotland has some pretty mental places.  Not a great stat, bucko.

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