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When will indyref2 happen?



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Examples of the type of mediocrity absolutely endemic throughout Scottish society:-
1) Schools crammed full of teachers who, rather than commit to improving how they teach, simply respond to improvement targets by teaching to the test. People denying that this is a massive problem are a disgrace.
2) University students happy to settle for the obligatory and wholly mediocre 2:1 having spent 4 or 5 years displaying absolutely no passion for anything other than sinking gallons of beer at every opportunity.
3) The major arterial road linking Edinburgh and Glasgow is STILL only two fucking lanes.
4) No direct rail links between Fife and Glasgow requiring every man and his dog to go via Edinburgh which causes that whole region to clog up.
5) Brand new school buildings built at huge cost to the public purse some of which are already partially falling down because nobody who built them could give two fucks other than doing the job on the cheap.
6) Almost no dedicated cycle lanes anywhere allowing clear delineation between traffic, bikes and pedestrians rendering cities gridlocked at peak hours.
7) Local bus services which don't go to enough places and unbelievably in 2017 STILL have no digital timetables at each stop.
8) A new Forth Bridge about to open to great fanfare and a massive traffic jam. Meanwhile we are apparently and inexplicably going to shut an entire empty and perfectly functional bridge right next to it
That's just for starters.
Where are our global entrepeneurs? Where are the great engineer and science innovations? Dubai is road testing personal transport drones, Japan has bullet trains, Holland is absolutely covered in cycle lanes and meanwhile we can't even get trains to run on time or get buses to run properly on a fucking Sunday and most of our country still has either shit or no mobile phone reception to say nothing about the dreadful broadband coverage. Where are the Scottish pharmaceutical companies? The Scottish tech firms blowing the world away with our ingenuity? Grand Theft Auto? Seriously? Is that the best we can do? Where is the diversity in our business world? We manufacture almost nothing, we can't even manage to feed ourselves. Our care home system is in disarray with countless stories of neglect and abuse of our most vulnerable people. We will allow crap teachers to cling onto their jobs seemingly regardless of their ability causing a cycle of devastation to the educational needs of our kids. A generation of kids who are obsessed with themselves to the exclusion of everything and everyone else: the Biscuit generation - well named - apply the slightest pressure on them and they crumble. We have built an entire generation of kids who appear on the whole to be totally incapable of displaying any sort of resilience whatsoever. The list is endless.
Scotland needs a bolt straight up the arse if we are to do more than simply survive independence. We need a re-energisation of all our society to thrive. And I am not confident we have enough people prepared to do what is needed.
Now THAT was a genuine rant.
I feel better now. [emoji4]

You've lost it.
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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Examples of the type of mediocrity absolutely endemic throughout Scottish society:-

1) Schools crammed full of teachers who, rather than commit to improving how they teach, simply respond to improvement targets by teaching to the test. People denying that this is a massive problem are a disgrace.

2) University students happy to settle for the obligatory and wholly mediocre 2:1 having spent 4 or 5 years displaying absolutely no passion for anything other than sinking gallons of beer at every opportunity.

3) The major arterial road linking Edinburgh and Glasgow is STILL only two fucking lanes.

4) No direct rail links between Fife and Glasgow requiring every man and his dog to go via Edinburgh which causes that whole region to clog up.

5) Brand new school buildings built at huge cost to the public purse some of which are already partially falling down because nobody who built them could give two fucks other than doing the job on the cheap.

6) Almost no dedicated cycle lanes anywhere allowing clear delineation between traffic, bikes and pedestrians rendering cities gridlocked at peak hours.

7) Local bus services which don't go to enough places and unbelievably in 2017 STILL have no digital timetables at each stop.

8) A new Forth Bridge about to open to great fanfare and a massive traffic jam. Meanwhile we are apparently and inexplicably going to shut an entire empty and perfectly functional bridge right next to it

That's just for starters.

Where are our global entrepeneurs? Where are the great engineer and science innovations? Dubai is road testing personal transport drones, Japan has bullet trains, Holland is absolutely covered in cycle lanes and meanwhile we can't even get trains to run on time or get buses to run properly on a fucking Sunday and most of our country still has either shit or no mobile phone reception to say nothing about the dreadful broadband coverage. Where are the Scottish pharmaceutical companies? The Scottish tech firms blowing the world away with our ingenuity? Grand Theft Auto? Seriously? Is that the best we can do? Where is the diversity in our business world? We manufacture almost nothing, we can't even manage to feed ourselves. Our care home system is in disarray with countless stories of neglect and abuse of our most vulnerable people. We will allow crap teachers to cling onto their jobs seemingly regardless of their ability causing a cycle of devastation to the educational needs of our kids. A generation of kids who are obsessed with themselves to the exclusion of everything and everyone else: the Biscuit generation - well named - apply the slightest pressure on them and they crumble. We have built an entire generation of kids who appear on the whole to be totally incapable of displaying any sort of resilience whatsoever. The list is endless.

Scotland needs a bolt straight up the arse if we are to do more than simply survive independence. We need a re-energisation of all our society to thrive. And I am not confident we have enough people prepared to do what is needed.

Now THAT was a genuine rant.

I feel better now. :)

Are you telling the brits are holding us down?

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5 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

'It rarely answers the question' what does that even mean?The Ref result was decisive, the appetite for another shot at independence is of course still seductive amongst separatists, just not the rest of us. I'm ok with the way things are, seems to be the view of the majority in Scotland for the time being also. I understand how frustrating that must be for you.

I do not want an iScotland led by the SNP, is that so hard for you to accept and understand even if you disagree personally?



You had the opportunity to fill Holyrood with regionalists who would oppose their own country's statehood and sovereignty. You failed, and instead a party won which pledged to hold a referendum if BritNat separatists outvoted Scotland and decided to remove our European rights. You were thrown under the bus by the very British nationalism you hold dear (not that that will ever have a loyalist like yourself questioning how things work). You really need to accept that you were shafted last year, and that putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "but we won in 2014!" won't protect Scotland from the apparent evils of statehood (which is of course a good thing for everywhere except Scotland, because King Billy and that).

I know you don't want an iScotland led by the SNP - in fact, you don't want an independent Scotland at all, ever. Instead, you want a Scotland that is dependent, and don't care who governs it or what they do.

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3 hours ago, Alan Stubbs said:

The context doesn't save the minter of your comment. 'Polish people can gtf' isn't any worse than 'Polish people can get to f**k from having their say in the politics of Scotland'. If Scotland's your home, you have a say whether you're Scottish, Polish or Welsh. Quite right as well.

( Good, then we agree that People from any background that reside in Scotland can have their say and their vote in Scottish Politics and that is a good and desirable situation. Those outwith Scotland can gtf) 

Nope. I'm not remotely "worried" what other nations think of Britain. ( I'm not convinced, I believe you do care and are scrabbling round for any crumbs of comfort from whatever source to underscore your political agenda)


Ah the old virtue signalling line. What a cop out. ( No, because occasionally the accusation fits)




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20 minutes ago, McSpreader said:


We can agree to whatever you like, I'm sure next time you log on after a few Carlings we'll find out a bit more about what you actually think. Fooling nobody champ.

As for the rest of it, we're more than three replies deep discussing something, so of course the right winger is talking about agendas and virtue signalling. What a pity.

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4 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Examples of the type of mediocrity absolutely endemic throughout Scottish society:-

<snip purely for brevity, honest>

Don't forget the idle poor and their disgusting, sinful ways!




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You had the opportunity to fill Holyrood with regionalists who would oppose their own country's statehood and sovereignty. You failed, and instead a party won which pledged to hold a referendum if BritNat separatists outvoted Scotland and decided to remove our European rights. You were thrown under the bus by the very British nationalism you hold dear (not that that will ever have a loyalist like yourself questioning how things work). You really need to accept that you were shafted last year, and that putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "but we won in 2014!" won't protect Scotland from the apparent evils of statehood (which is of course a good thing for everywhere except Scotland, because King Billy and that).
I know you don't want an iScotland led by the SNP - in fact, you don't want an independent Scotland at all, ever. Instead, you want a Scotland that is dependent, and don't care who governs it or what they do.

The Scottish Ref and the EU Ref were very different questions/options for all Scots. I keep saying the Scottish Gov will now have to wait in order to hold sway until Brexit terms are finalised. Another Ref then? yep no problem. The rest of your predictable guff doesn't come into it. I think spitting feathers in the meantime will keep you happily occupied.
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32 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:


The Scottish Ref and the EU Ref were very different questions/options for all Scots. I keep saying the Scottish Gov will now have to wait in order to hold sway until Brexit terms are finalised. Another Ref then? yep no problem. The rest of your predictable guff doesn't come into it. I think spitting feathers in the meantime will keep you happily occupied.


Yes you do keep saying this but it has no basis in reality. A referendum will happen when the SNP and the Greens decide they want one.

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Yes you do keep saying this but it has no basis in reality. A referendum will happen when the SNP and the Greens decide they want one.

Relying on the handful of seats the Greens occupy at Holyrood isn't a convincing argument. A 2nd Ref may happen once the terms of Brexit are settled at WM. It isn't going to happen before then, Wee Nippy might be eager to pacify those separatists frothing at the mouth within her support, but reckon she's smarter than that (I think)!
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4 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:

Relying on the handful of seats the Greens occupy at Holyrood isn't a convincing argument. A 2nd Ref may happen once the terms of Brexit are settled at WM. It isn't going to happen before then, Wee Nippy might be eager to pacify those separatists frothing at the mouth within her support, but reckon she's smarter than that (I think)!

She's smarter than all her opponents that's for sure. We'll have a referendum when the SNP think the time is right whenever that may be and the greens will help to vote it through.

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10 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Examples of the type of mediocrity absolutely endemic throughout Scottish society:-

1) Schools crammed full of teachers who, rather than commit to improving how they teach, simply respond to improvement targets by teaching to the test. People denying that this is a massive problem are a disgrace.

2) University students happy to settle for the obligatory and wholly mediocre 2:1 having spent 4 or 5 years displaying absolutely no passion for anything other than sinking gallons of beer at every opportunity.

3) The major arterial road linking Edinburgh and Glasgow is STILL only two fucking lanes.

4) No direct rail links between Fife and Glasgow requiring every man and his dog to go via Edinburgh which causes that whole region to clog up.

5) Brand new school buildings built at huge cost to the public purse some of which are already partially falling down because nobody who built them could give two fucks other than doing the job on the cheap.

6) Almost no dedicated cycle lanes anywhere allowing clear delineation between traffic, bikes and pedestrians rendering cities gridlocked at peak hours.

7) Local bus services which don't go to enough places and unbelievably in 2017 STILL have no digital timetables at each stop.

8) A new Forth Bridge about to open to great fanfare and a massive traffic jam. Meanwhile we are apparently and inexplicably going to shut an entire empty and perfectly functional bridge right next to it

That's just for starters.

Where are our global entrepeneurs? Where are the great engineer and science innovations? Dubai is road testing personal transport drones, Japan has bullet trains, Holland is absolutely covered in cycle lanes and meanwhile we can't even get trains to run on time or get buses to run properly on a fucking Sunday and most of our country still has either shit or no mobile phone reception to say nothing about the dreadful broadband coverage. Where are the Scottish pharmaceutical companies? The Scottish tech firms blowing the world away with our ingenuity? Grand Theft Auto? Seriously? Is that the best we can do? Where is the diversity in our business world? We manufacture almost nothing, we can't even manage to feed ourselves. Our care home system is in disarray with countless stories of neglect and abuse of our most vulnerable people. We will allow crap teachers to cling onto their jobs seemingly regardless of their ability causing a cycle of devastation to the educational needs of our kids. A generation of kids who are obsessed with themselves to the exclusion of everything and everyone else: the Biscuit generation - well named - apply the slightest pressure on them and they crumble. We have built an entire generation of kids who appear on the whole to be totally incapable of displaying any sort of resilience whatsoever. The list is endless.

Scotland needs a bolt straight up the arse if we are to do more than simply survive independence. We need a re-energisation of all our society to thrive. And I am not confident we have enough people prepared to do what is needed.

Now THAT was a genuine rant.

I feel better now. :)

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She's smarter than all her opponents that's for sure. We'll have a referendum when the SNP think the time is right whenever that may be and the greens will help to vote it through.

Alex Salmond on the news there, reckons Autumn 2018.
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8 hours ago, Alan Stubbs said:

We can agree to whatever you like, I'm sure next time you log on after a few Carlings we'll find out a bit more about what you actually think. Fooling nobody champ.

As for the rest of it, we're more than three replies deep discussing something, so of course the right winger is talking about agendas and virtue signalling. What a pity.


And three replies in the  pseudo-left winger is accusing his opponents  of  drinking( ?!?) and racism.....not at all predictable......Never mind !

 Btw, You don't need me to fool you , your doing a fine job doing that to yourself.... Never mind!

Your in denial  about your constant virtue signalling and taking stances based on your political agenda rather than real convictions .....Never mind!

Your in denial about trying to shut down debate by denigrating your opponents character ....Never mind ! 

It's what we're used to.

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Relying on the handful of seats the Greens occupy at Holyrood isn't a convincing argument.

Democracy isn't a convincing argument?
Everyone who voted SNP or Green at the last election knew exactly where they stood on the Indy question.
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