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When will indyref2 happen?



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13 minutes ago, sophia said:

I knew his daughter Henrietta 

His real life daughter supposedly got asked why she didn’t use his surname as an actress only to ask if the reporter in question if they thought Carrot was the real family surname.

Edited by Granny Danger
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50 minutes ago, Kenneth840 said:

The issue wasn't settled.  Since 2015 there has been a majority vote for an Independence referendum by the people of Scotland, whether you like it or not. To deny this would be a denial of democracy.  

Now I see that the UK is changing in such a way that I believe it is going too far right for my liking.  I am a socialist at heart. 

If you mean a Holyrood majority, then you’re right.  There’s an independence majority, voted for by the Scottish electorate.

Holyrood doesn’t have the right to decide a referendum though, especially when the issue was settled in 2014.

Obviously you dispute that it was settled, but I disagree for a whole host of reasons.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Might as well call it a day on independence then.

Kenny's no longer terribly interested in whether a majority of people want independence.

The SNP were elected, so Sturgeon should do a Michael Scott style "I. DECLARE. INDEPENDENCE!" and we can all have jelly and ice cream. It'll be like 2012 all over again.

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8 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Kenny's no longer terribly interested in whether a majority of people want independence.

The SNP were elected, so Sturgeon should do a Michael Scott style "I. DECLARE. INDEPENDENCE!" and we can all have jelly and ice cream. It'll be like 2012 all over again.

Can you not just debate with him without the constant sneering and sarcasm?

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5 hours ago, BFTD said:

My home town in the West Midlands voted Leave by 2:1, so I'll be saying nothing about Birmingham's very narrow Leave vote.

Despite not having been there in a long time, I have a soft spot for Brum because my father claims there are areas he won't visit as they're full of "them".

I'll leave you to imagine who "they" are  :P

The Brummie Leave vote was only about 51/49 and they didn't let the people who had most to lose from us leaving vote. They also lumped in uber-Tory Sutton Coldfield with the Birmingham vote which doesn't usually happen. Still pissed me off, I was hoping for 70% remain... which they were predicting when I went to bed. But we are far from a Tory city, anyway.

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3 hours ago, Snafu said:


Used to be before all those folk came up from Glasgow here to Inverness in the 1960's and 70's that it was said that in speaking the English language the Invernessian accent was one of the clearest to understand. They call it posh Inverness now as opposed to the other remix version which I'm sure originated from the Glasgow area and mixed with Inverness to produce something a lot harder to get your ears around even for a well spoken Invernessian.



Having grown up in Inverness in the 60's and 70's (parents from Dochgarroch and Muir of Ord), well before the alleged influx of Weegies,  I consider myself a well spoken Invernessian. Living in the Midlands for a few years and attempting to converse with the locals, an Inverness accent was mistaken for Polish/Irish/Hillbilly by the natives down there. 

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37 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

Having grown up in Inverness in the 60's and 70's (parents from Dochgarroch and Muir of Ord), well before the alleged influx of Weegies,  I consider myself a well spoken Invernessian. Living in the Midlands for a few years and attempting to converse with the locals, an Inverness accent was mistaken for Polish/Irish/Hillbilly by the natives down there. 

Well in fairness to them they were pretty close with that one.

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18 hours ago, Big Rider said:

I love how Lord Frosts real concern about the breakup of the UK was that the Germans, French and everyone else really, would continue to point and laugh at shrivelled Little Britain. Whit a riddy for him.

Lord Frost must have a fabulous sense of humour.  For him to say that he is in a position to judge the morals of independence is verging on the hysterical.  Tories commenting on morals?  😂 



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17 hours ago, Snafu said:

is it really a union or was Scotland conquered? 

The AofU created a new nation - that of Great Britain - not a confederation.

17 hours ago, Snafu said:

Good example of the latter is how the Gaelic language speakers were treated.

Various nails have been hammered in to the Gaelic coffin over the 1,000 years of its decline.  The strongest opponent of Erse was James VI even before he became King of England - hewhaw to  do with England.  Also, while Inverness maybe have been swamped by Weegies in the 50s and 70s you also have to remember that Glasgow was overrun with Teuchters in the  40s and 50s - hence The  Hielanman's Umbrella - and almost none of them passed their language on to their offspring.

Gaelic stopped being useful and the Gaels stopped passing it on in the family.


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On 19/08/2022 at 11:44, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

I know this is petty, but would you please stop referring to the UK as Britain. 

Why?  Given that Great Britain was the new nation created by the AoU and given that 'British' is our demonym why would you have an issue with this?

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19 hours ago, sophia said:

You are quite wrong. 


I don't believe I am.  The decision has been made long ago whether soft no's and soft yes's will convert. 

There are no converts left.  People have decided long ago whether to stay with the Union or go with Scottish Independence.  

You are quite wrong. 

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On 19/08/2022 at 11:27, Big Rider said:

Britain is dead already matey.

There is no case to make for the union, bar making it illegal to leave. (That is not a union by-the-way).

You know that the little Englanders would vote for partition in their droves given the chance. They would love to show us Jock Scroungers the door.

This is a nice snapshot of Natterism and its grievance mentality.

Having lived - pretty much - half my life in Scotland and the other half in England I don't recognise the England as portrayed by the Nats.  More importantly, I don't recognise the Scotland as portrayed by the Nats.

You support an ugly dissident movement.

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19 hours ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

If you mean a Holyrood majority, then you’re right.  There’s an independence majority, voted for by the Scottish electorate.

Holyrood doesn’t have the right to decide a referendum though, especially when the issue was settled in 2014.

Obviously you dispute that it was settled, but I disagree for a whole host of reasons.

56 out of 59 MPs elected in Scotland 2015 UK general election.  Now if that is not a reason to declare Independence then I don't know what is.  I know that this fake preterendum and bullshit about the majority of votes as well as seats is an extra burden put upon us by our dear leader. 

It was 45% in 2014 and from what I gather by opinion polls support for Independence is 50/50 at best. 8 years and a 5% increase (was it 23% when Salmond was in charge?) so lets be honest here Sturgeon has done f**k all to increase support.  Sturgeon has successfully managed to alienate women, why I ask?  Feminist to the fingertips my arse.  Why focus on a minority of 0.3% of the population that are transgender when there are over 50% you have to convince.  0.3% and 50% 

What the f**k is she doing. 

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4 minutes ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

I actually really respect your opinion Kenneth, and most of my close circle of friends say the same.

My opinion, which I’d imagine you disagree with, is that Britain is a country.

No one has the right to take my nationality away from me.

No Surrender! 🇬🇧

Now you are taking the piss!

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