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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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If you asked MacKay right now whether he thinks he has done something wrong, in all likeliness he'd say "no". I say that based on the numerous times he tried to deny, dismiss then blame others for his actions. I say that based on his continued silence rather than an out and out public apology. I say that because of his reaction to Courts 'red shirt' display.

It's clear he, himself, feels that he has done nothing wrong and that it's everyone else's fault for not seeing that or that "we're all too PC" or "woke" or whatever.

* insert confused Skinner meme *


No amount of white washing by his mates in the media will change people's opinions until MacKay comes out and shows genuine contrition. Something he has steadfastly avoided from the very moment the story broke.

Should people be allowed a second chance? Of course they should, but it needs to come after some self-reflection, something that MacKay (at least publicly) seems to have conveniently moved away from.

Edited by Ric
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3 hours ago, sophia said:

It isn't hard to find journalistic output that indicates views contrary to the ones you express 





I've done loads of courses and am now an expert, so ...


48 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:
4 hours ago, Pull My Strings said:
Nobody has suggested that Mackay should be barred from working in football.

Oh yes they have.

He declared (but alas without any further explanation).

Or do you just mean that's an opinion that someone, somewhere once expressed? There are folk on the internet with every opinion imaginable, let's not pretend that they inform or represent the mainstream debate.

Nobody, here,  is arguing that Mackay should be banned and to suggest otherwise is to deliberately misrepresent the conversation. Better?

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Nobody, here,  is arguing that Mackay should be banned and to suggest otherwise is to deliberately misrepresent the conversation. Better?

It's not like we're talking one guy in his parents attic in Coatbridge hammering away rants about Mackay. At the time of his Scotland appointment there were many folk saying he shouldn't be allowed to work in football. It wasn't a majority view, but certainly enough to get a list seat on the parliament of opinions.

Not sure how I was supposed to know you were only talking about people on here.
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I briefly worked with a guy who was on day release after doing time for racial violence. He mentioned something about taking part in some sort of diversity training while he was in jail.

Having heard how often he still casually slipped a bit of the old racism into everyday speech, I'm going to guess that he did the training purely to get on the route to release, much like Malky likely did his training to get back into his chosen field of work.

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I imagine the training is a bit like a driving awareness course when you get done for speeding. Doesn't actually change your driving in the long run, but it's worth doing instead of a harsher punishment. 

The issue with Mackay as many have said, he is still yet to give a meaningful apology, and again as others have said, you just need to look at the reaction to the Fuchs incident to see where his mindset is.

Get him to f**k.

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Mackay sent some horrible messages that were released by the person he sent them too. The guy who released them, iirc was a horrible wee shite himself who did it to put him in the shit, not through some higher moral reasoning.

Mackay didn't actually hurt anyone by sending those messages, so I tend to feel a bit "he who hath not sinned" about the opprobrium coming his way. 

In answer to @Dons_1988, I don't think he'll ever be allowed to move on so long as he remains in football. He could do all the campaigning and the most soul-bearing mea culpa demanded of him and it wouldn't be enough. Righteous anger is too intoxicating and getting to dump the shit we don't want to see in ourselves on other people is irresistible. 

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