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Pish Adverts

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LG selling healthy eating and exercise as horrible chores that take you away from the things you'd really rather be doing, with no apparent reason for wanting to do it. There's virtually no indication in the advert about how LG would be any help, other than selling you an air filter that will shake it's head disapprovingly at you for watching TV instead of...erm...watching a different type of programme on TV.

Also, WTF is going on with her clothes? She doesn't "even need to run the washer", she just sticks them in her LG dryer to remove some creases and reduce how much they stink? No wonder she's completely alone, even in her fun mountaineering (totally not 'shopped) pictures.


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That Carling advert where the Scouse twat is away for a shite and his mates, who are watching the football, give a false cheer and he bounds out of the bog full of lairy idiocy.

I'm watching The Krays (aye, I know but it was on ITV4 after the Scotland game) and that shitey advert has been on in every break.

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On 29/09/2022 at 13:02, Alfie Conns sideburns said:

Any, and I mean ANY advert where they play a popular song, but jump/edit/abridge to different parts of the song. The latest one that springs to mind (and I can't for the life of me remember what it's plugging) has desecrated Queen's Don't Stop Me Now.

If they could cut out just before it starts, then rejoin after it's finished...

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Cadbury’s shitty dairy milk advert with the salt o’ the earth voiceover proclaiming, “it’s the glass an’ a half that makes the taste an’ a half.”

What the f**k is “the taste and a half”? Making zero sense in their effort to be memorable and cutesy.

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Revolutionary new haircare treatment: grow it longer at the back, and comb it forward to cover up your receding hairline.

Genius. Can't believe nobody thought of it before.


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