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Granny Danger

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I'm not your mate, i consider you subhuman like all tories.  Gonna falsely report me for homophobia again tory boy cause you can't handle your disgusting views being Questioned?   You never answered last time, how do you,  as a gay man, reconcile your support of a party that favoured electric shock treatment for gay people in living memory? 




OR you gonna report me again cause you can't? O

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I'm not your mate, i consider you subhuman like all tories.  Gonna falsely report me for homophobia again tory boy cause you can't handle your disgusting views being Questioned?   You never answered last time, how do you,  as a gay man, reconcile your support of a party that favoured electric shock treatment for gay people in living memory? 




OR you gonna report me again cause you can't? O

I've never once reported anyone for anything, though I'm grateful that someone else did. I see your ban hasn't calmed you down.

Oh, and I've posted my thoughts on the Conservatives and LGBT rights already on this forum.

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30 minutes ago, Sooky said:

So the SNP were nearly defeated on a council tax motion, but it ended up 63-63. Kezia Dugdale was in the chamber but, erm, didn't vote.

Kezia on the news telling everybody she pushed the button,and the parliament officers saying they can find no wrong :lol:

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6 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Kezia on the news telling everybody she pushed the button,and the parliament officers saying they can find no wrong :lol:

Whilst the circumstances may be funny, the outcome certainly isn't.  SNP to push ahead with proposals that will result in local taxation being redistributed (i.e. the NE Scotland losing out yet again).  We already have the lowest funding per head in Aberdeen City closely followed by the Shire.  The use of locally raised revenue for National policies is an absolute abdication of national responsibility by the SNP government.

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Whilst the circumstances may be funny, the outcome certainly isn't.  SNP to push ahead with proposals that will result in local taxation being redistributed (i.e. the NE Scotland losing out yet again).  We already have the lowest funding per head in Aberdeen City closely followed by the Shire.  The use of locally raised revenue for National policies is an absolute abdication of national responsibility by the SNP government.

Erm no: that is in fact the working definition of "national responsibility" - resources are distributed across the Scottish nation according to need.

If you bumpkins don't like the concept of a Scottish National Party governing your backwater as any nation-state would, feel free to start a localist party and see how you get on.

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7 minutes ago, vikingTON said:


Erm no: that is in fact the working definition of "national responsibility" - resources are distributed across the Scottish nation according to need.

If you bumpkins don't like the concept of Scottish National Party governing your backwater as any nation-state would, feel free to start a localist party and see how you get on.

Well knock me down with a feather at your complete lack of understanding between local and national taxation. 

I am pretty sure the UK government made the same argument over the North Sea Oil revenue.  Neither of which are acceptable.  You are however free to present your needs based assessment on why Aberdeen receives 80.6% of the Scottish average revenue allocation whilst Inverclyde receives 114.6%.

What surprises me is that the "bumpkins" in this "backwater" are actually capable of being used as a cash cow for the great unwashed on the West Coast. 

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3 hours ago, strichener said:

Well knock me down with a feather at your complete lack of understanding between local and national taxation. 


There is no practical difference. As is shown by the fact that the councils actually receive a huge amount of their budget from central government, which formed the central basis of COSLA's annual, Labour-led bitching and whining about the council tax freeze. Local taxation does not raise the funds for local government in the same way that National Insurance doesn't actually fund the welfare system. It's just different names for tax; deal with it. 


I am pretty sure the UK government made the same argument over the North Sea Oil revenue.  Neither of which are acceptable.

It is not acceptable in the UK, because the UK isn't, never has been and never will be a nation-state. Scotland, to the extent that it is governed by a Scottish National Party, is run as a nation-state in waiting. 

Again, if you find that "unacceptable" then form a bumpkin's localist party instead of whining about it. A Scottish nation-state is pretty much a foregone conclusion though. 


You are however free to present your needs based assessment on why Aberdeen receives 80.6% of the Scottish average revenue allocation whilst Inverclyde receives 114.6%.

I think I'll leave that assessment to the qualified civil servants running the Scottish Government (rather well), who are in a position to identify the best use of revenue with less of the troughing, mutual backslapping arrangements and sheer incompetence that local authorities have established as their calling card. Given the well publicised and spectacular wastes achieved by Aberdeen and Edinburgh City Councils on pointless, white elephant projects in their own city centres, that looks like being not only the right policy in terms of ideology but also a prudent fiscal measure. 

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Sorry lies again he reported me I even know what time and date, because I questioned his disgusting views and he couldn't justify them.  Once again he dodges difficult questions in this thread, a great example of why tories are worth zero respect. 

Edited by Peppino Impastato
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5 hours ago, vikingTON said:

BBC Reporting Scotland devoting a news slot this evening to what UKIP think about Scottish independence, despite the fact that they are a complete and utter irrelevance north of the border. Top work.

Last week during the report on Diane James' election, the BBC did one of those "5-second jumps between party loony talking heads to find out their opinion" things.

One of those loonies? None other than David Coburn. 

He's such a nonentity that the BBC didn't even realise who he was. 

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15 hours ago, vikingTON said:

There is no practical difference. As is shown by the fact that the councils actually receive a huge amount of their budget from central government, which formed the central basis of COSLA's annual, Labour-led bitching and whining about the council tax freeze. Local taxation does not raise the funds for local government in the same way that National Insurance doesn't actually fund the welfare system. It's just different names for tax; deal with it. 

It is not acceptable in the UK, because the UK isn't, never has been and never will be a nation-state. Scotland, to the extent that it is governed by a Scottish National Party, is run as a nation-state in waiting. 

Again, if you find that "unacceptable" then form a bumpkin's localist party instead of whining about it. A Scottish nation-state is pretty much a foregone conclusion though. 

I think I'll leave that assessment to the qualified civil servants running the Scottish Government (rather well), who are in a position to identify the best use of revenue with less of the troughing, mutual backslapping arrangements and sheer incompetence that local authorities have established as their calling card. Given the well publicised and spectacular wastes achieved by Aberdeen and Edinburgh City Councils on pointless, white elephant projects in their own city centres, that looks like being not only the right policy in terms of ideology but also a prudent fiscal measure. 

I will read this again when I have concussion.  It is the only way it is ever going to seem coherent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am I going mad or have the Tories actually managed to get even worse?

They've turned into a small c conservative party and seem to have lurched towards tabloid style socially right-wing policy at the expense of economic liberalism.

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Am I going mad or have the Tories actually managed to get even worse?

They've turned into a small c conservative party and seem to have lurched towards tabloid style socially right-wing policy at the expense of economic liberalism.

What you complaining about?This is what you campaigned for a no vote for,suck it up
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