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Granny Danger

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you can't deny that "the blame" lies with the individuals who acted unethically for profit.

Only if you think that the majority of people wouldn't do the same in their situation.

I think rather than power corrupting, power allows people to do the things a great many of us would given the chance.

Perhaps that's an overly negative look at humanity, but when folk are given the means, motive and opportunity to do something which benefits them they usually do. I lay the blame more at a system which doesn't do enough to discourage such behaviour.
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24 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

Only if you think that the majority of people wouldn't do the same in their situation.

I think rather than power corrupting, power allows people to do the things a great many of us would given the chance.

Perhaps that's an overly negative look at humanity, but when folk are given the means, motive and opportunity to do something which benefits them they usually do. I lay the blame more at a system which doesn't do enough to discourage such behaviour.

Is the only thing that stops you from fucking up others people's lives is if it's illegal? Pumping up drug prices by 6000% is not fine if there's no law against it. Personal moral responsibility is still a thing, no matter what system you're working in.

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Just now, doulikefish said:

Latin is to be taught in schools down south they should make Gaelic as part of the cirreculem up here just for the banter 

Should concentrate on spelling first!

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23 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

DWP accused of 'exploiting' benefits claimants with unpaid work trials
Claimants get benefits but no extra cash, meaning they are working for below the minimum wag e on placements lasting up to 30 days.


Re-legalising slavery is probably the logical culmination of all Tory party policies.

That's been their aim for a long time.

Sorry to keep harping on this, but the shortage of workers will eventually be solved by forcing the unemployed into jobs in exchange for keeping their benefits. Has the idea been floated in the right-wing press yet?

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5 minutes ago, BFTD said:

That's been their aim for a long time.

Sorry to keep harping on this, but the shortage of workers will eventually be solved by forcing the unemployed into jobs in exchange for keeping their benefits. Has the idea been floated in the right-wing press yet?

Not quite understanding this.

If the unemployed get jobs which is great, why would they need benefits?

Also, because of the shortage, wages will be forced higher due to market pressure.

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12 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Not quite understanding this.

If the unemployed get jobs which is great, why would they need benefits?

Also, because of the shortage, wages will be forced higher due to market pressure.

I don't know - maybe you could ask one of the 2.3 MILLION recipients of UC who are employed? 

Your first line is the least surprising statement I've seen on P&B in quite some time. 

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51 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

And the award for the shiniest turd according to Conservativehome goes to......Liz Truss????



Huge vote of confidence there for BoJo from his peers.

Served his purpose in that he got Brexit done, now time for him to go?

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Even though Liz Truss is fucking useless, you get the impression that there'd be daily comedy bulletins featuring her on the news if she was PM, which is surely the reason why Boris was chosen/elected by voters.

I'm not sure that competence or moral fibre are much of a consideration for the voting public anymore. Maybe we've just decided that they're all venal idiots, so we might as well elect the most entertaining.

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England will always have an identity problem until they stop conflating UK/Britain with England. Perfectly highlighted in this article today in the Guardian were they talk about the riots in England 10 years ago in terms of UK and Britain.



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14 minutes ago, Soapy FFC said:

England will always have an identity problem until they stop conflating UK/Britain with England. Perfectly highlighted in this article today in the Guardian were they talk about the riots in England 10 years ago in terms of UK and Britain.




Surprised at the Guardian for that one. Hopefully someone will get them telt.

Like the time Jimmy Hill called rioting Liverpool fans at Heysel, British.

"Surely we're all British at a time like this" he moaned to Scots phoning the BBC to complain.

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43 minutes ago, Soapy FFC said:

England will always have an identity problem until they stop conflating UK/Britain with England. Perfectly highlighted in this article today in the Guardian were they talk about the riots in England 10 years ago in terms of UK and Britain.



The media coverage of that at the time was "UK riots" as well. Despite the fact a few roasters in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland tried to organise stuff on facebook and got stamped out immediately.

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