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4 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Enjoying the series, but the whole Poochy/Methadone Mick analogy is apt. I'd never have guessed he was going to turn into a recurring character TBH; just seemed like a single-scene plot device to introduce Pete's will. They've shoehorned him in at every opportunity like it's a contractual obligation.

It's inevitable that Methadone Mick gets the shit kicked out of him at the February stage show by some discerning P&B subscriber.

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9 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Enjoying the series, but the whole Poochy/Methadone Mick analogy is apt. I'd never have guessed he was going to turn into a recurring character TBH; just seemed like a single-scene plot device to introduce Pete's will. They've shoehorned him in at every opportunity like it's a contractual obligation.

Exactly this. It's like someone won a part and they're obligated to feature them for X amount of minutes in the series.

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Just now, Zen Archer said:

It's inevitable that Methadone Mick gets the shit kicked out of him at the February stage show by some discerning P&B subscriber.

Behave. Never gonna happen.

They'll have him dancing on a raised platform that naebdy can reach, while the rest of the crew perform musical numbers about how he's the heart and soul of Craiglang  :P

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Just now, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Behave. Never gonna happen.

They'll have him dancing on a raised platform that naebdy can reach, while the rest of the crew perform musical numbers about how he's the heart and soul of Craiglang  :P

So in your mind Methadone Mick is a cage dancer?

OK then!

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1 minute ago, Zen Archer said:

So in your mind Methadone Mick is a cage dancer?

OK then!

No, in my mind he's a one-scene character that everyone forgets about. Keep up, auld yin!

I'm channeling Ford and Greg with the raised platform thing. I expect full credit for my mind-reading skills when this actually happens.

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7 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

No, in my mind he's a one-scene character that everyone forgets about. Keep up, auld yin!

I'm channeling Ford and Greg with the raised platform thing. I expect full credit for my mind-reading skills when this actually happens.

Hopefully this cage implodes and it's the last we see of Mick again*


*actors need jobs, just not this one.

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Watched Fridays episode last night and didn't laugh once which is the first time I think I can recall ever not laughing at at least one line or scene in a Still Game episode. There just seems to be something missing this season that the other ones had. In regards to Mick, I can only echo what has already been said - he's been well overused and needs to get to f**k.

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6 hours ago, Zen Archer said:

Hopefully this cage implodes and it's the last we see of Mick again*


*actors need jobs, just not this one.

Mick is there to stay. The positive reaction to him on social media guarantees it sadly.

No surprise that the majority of his fans are the type who "hink ae need tae type in ma scottish accent so abdy kens ahm scottish byraway".

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10 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Behave. Never gonna happen.

They'll have him dancing on a raised platform that naebdy can reach, while the rest of the crew perform musical numbers about how he's the heart and soul of Craiglang  :P

Maybe he'll do a Wee Jimmy Krankie and fall off...

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Really good episode. Although falling over has been done to death now. Also the tarantula went from being under the pool table to climbing down the dart board in about 3 seconds.

Remember there were two spiders...
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Completely forgot about Winston's brother already. I'm not complaining that we haven't seen more of him as he was a pish character, but I am (pleasantly) surprised that we haven't seen more.

It's a big shame re Methadone Mick tbh, his opening appearance under the bridge was good. Giving him another couple of lines here and there wouldn't have been a disaster, but the overload of such a weak character has been awful to watch.

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3 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I thought Winston's brother was going to make a re-appearance? 

I'd be surprised if he didn't reappear in time to save the block of flats.

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Is anyone else noticing some problems with the general timeline here?  We're nine years since the end of the previous series but sometimes it's hard to make out if those nine years have passed in Still Game world (which we presumably are given Bobby looks a lot older and Winston is half the size he was) or if we're carrying on as if this  straight after the previous series finished.  In Friday's episode, Victor said that he hadn't seen his son in seven years.  This presumably is when he came back with the kids which he vowed to do after Victor pretended to be ill and wanted to see him.  Last week though, Fergie said he'd only been married a year and was married at 21, despite Jack and Victor being his chauffeur and going to on his stag do years ago and Fergie himself looking more like being in his early 30s and certainly not the 22 he would be going by what he said.

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