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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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9 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

i'm still finding my feet in the world of scottish football,  are Dundee the Spurs of Scotland ?

No. Spurs have won the Korean Peace Cup and the Costa Del Sol Tournament. They're far too successful to be compared to Dundee.

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16 hours ago, PauloPerth said:

I'm sorted being a season ticket holder, and folk i know are sorted.

But I hope the club can get a useable membership list/ database system sorted.  We've kind of played at it for a while but fucks sake is it that difficult?  Everyone who isn't a season ticket holder pays a fiver or whatever admin cost to be a member in the summer and after season ticket holders they get priority for all-ticket matches.  They get a barcode as well and a day after ST holders sale Its open to them.  You've got a list of all your own fans, their addresses etc so no chance of away fans or whoever getting tickets for our end.

 I think that's probably the system UEFA envisaged, that most clubs roughly operate, when they emphasised how strict the control of no away fan sale has to be.  

I don't think anyone will miss out, but someone from out of town who maybe isn't in touch with any season ticket holders having to phone up the ticket office or get a stranger online to help them out just sounds more hassle than it needs to be.




31 minutes ago, Jamie_Beatson said:

I think it is about the best they could do in the tight timeframe. This is the exact scenario where a membership scheme (ie pay £20 for the season and you get first dibs on tickets, maybe deals on tickets for bog standard games and - importantly - your name in the ticket database) would have allowed more people access to the online system, but that's obviously hindsight.


24 minutes ago, Fife Saint said:
31 minutes ago, Jamie_Beatson said:
I think it is about the best they could do in the tight timeframe. This is the exact scenario where a membership scheme (ie pay £20 for the season and you get first dibs on tickets, maybe deals on tickets for bog standard games and - importantly - your name in the ticket database) would have allowed more people access to the online system, but that's obviously hindsight.

The database thing in particular cant be classed as hindsight given it is talked about in here EVERY FUCKING TIME THERE IS A CLAMOUR FOR TICKETS.


I expect the ticket office staff will be working their socks off and being as helpful as ever in trying to sort everyone out today, so fair play to them, must be a stressful couple of days with everything so rushed.

But it still seems like it could be easier for Saints fans who maybe don't have season ticket contacts, or maybe don't live in the area. I know there are a few folk on here who are either involved at the club, or have connections within, could someone put forward the membership type database idea for the future?

It could be an absolute godsend if we manage to make the group stages, and/ or go onto have another great Cup run with the renewed interest in Saints.  If it's impossible this season, then for next?

Membership gets you barcode to get tickets online after ST holder sale, discount for online shop etc for a nominal fee each season.  Then if there's big games and either you don't know a ST holder, or aren't a member, then theres not much room for grumbling.

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19 minutes ago, perthsaints99 said:

Out of curiosity, has anyone on this thread managed to get through on the phone to the ticket office to purchase their briefs? All I've seen is people posting screenshots of 1000+ attempted calls!

My mate has been trying all day and can’t get through.  He’s looking for 5 tickets ( 2 being under 12)….  And I am one of the 5.     If he can’t get through I might have to start begging on here for one 😬

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6 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:




I expect the ticket office staff will be working their socks off and being as helpful as ever in trying to sort everyone out today, so fair play to them, must be a stressful couple of days with everything so rushed.

But it still seems like it could be easier for Saints fans who maybe don't have season ticket contacts, or maybe don't live in the area. I know there are a few folk on here who are either involved at the club, or have connections within, could someone put forward the membership type database idea for the future?

It could be an absolute godsend if we manage to make the group stages, and/ or go onto have another great Cup run with the renewed interest in Saints.  If it's impossible this season, then for next?

Membership gets you barcode to get tickets online after ST holder sale, discount for online shop etc for a nominal fee each season.  Then if there's big games and either you don't know a ST holder, or aren't a member, then theres not much room for grumbling.

"20% off European group stage tickets for those who have a season ticket. "

That'll encourage the on the fencers to go out and get one. More people at the lesser games, more money spent at kiosk, Muirton etc etc. 

Edited by Mr Positive, sometimes.
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12 minutes ago, perthsaint1977 said:

Think folk would be shocked at how threadbare the staff situation is at the club. It relies massively on volunteers to help out mostly on match days which then reduces the cost of full time staff. That works well majority of the time but in situations like this, it then rears a few problems.
There is 6/8 folk there today ready to man the phone lines, but an issue has arisen that only is allowing 2 lines to be open.
Again, normal circumstances 2 lines is adequate but when needed extra, it's not happened.
Similar to future ticketing who were the company who got the contract to introduce electronic scanners and eticketing, they talked a good game about what the system could do. But when it come to the crunch, it couldn't handle it thus the delay yesterday with the announcement in tickets etc ( were waiting them to come up with a solution, only solution was the one that helped new season ticket holders obtain free entry )
The other issue is that it once a bar code used that's it, again this differs to what the company sold etc.
I get the frustrations from fans, but the staff are more frustrated as it makes them look like the problem when in fact it's factors out with their control..
Ticket staff were there past midnight last night and in at the crack of dawn today.

Honestly mate, the sensible ones understand that there are certain intricacies and challenges that cant be helped. I think the club and its staff have done a great job under the circumstances and these people should be applauded for their efforts. 

Edited by LiviSaint
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16 minutes ago, perthsaint1977 said:

The entitlement of some fans is brilliant today, one fan demanding they get a ticket as went to every game in the 1980s but has not been in the last 15 years due to a medical condition that stops them going. Where to even start with dealing with that.

There's one on the club Facebook page raging so hard at being unable to get through that he's now decided he won't bother attending future matches. In the same way, I suspect, he hasn't bothered attending matches in the past.

Saints have sold, what, 8,000 tickets in five hours. Pretty incredible given our setup.

Edited by Mr Heliums
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8 minutes ago, perthsaint1977 said:

Would love to show folk a video of us all running about daft on a Normal match day trying to get everything sorted and in place for fans arriving. It's normally straight forward but covid stuff just causes extra hurdles. And I know folk will say but covid ended yesterday, but the club still has a duty to follow procedure and protocols. Anyway hopefully everyone gets sorted out for tickets. The big worry has been tickets falling into the hands of Turkish fans. Don't think there was a perfect solution but think the one in place has been the best they could do in time frames.
The entitlement of some fans is brilliant today, one fan demanding they get a ticket as went to every game in the 1980s but has not been in the last 15 years due to a medical condition that stops them going. Where to even start with dealing with that.

Did he get one ?

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 Think whatever happens I’ll be sitting by myself so if anyone has a single going spare then I am keen.   Sometimes feel like I can soak up everything that’s going on better by myself anyway. Socialising for before and after the game….   
The thought of not getting to this after last season is not pleasant 

Edited by saint pogo
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Just now, saint pogo said:

 Think whatever happens I’ll be sitting by myself so if anyone has a single going spare then I am keen.   Sometimes feel like I can soak up everything that’s going on by myself anyway. Socialising for before and after the game….   
The thought of not getting to this after last season is not pleasant 

Someone help out the pogo!


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If someone's used my season ticket number for tickets do we have to enter at the same time? 

I don't think we do but now worried 😂 I'll be a late arrival due to work etc.

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2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

If someone's used my season ticket number for tickets do we have to enter at the same time? 

I don't think we do but now worried 😂 I'll be a late arrival due to work etc.

Doubt it.

Each ticket has its own individual barcode, ID etc so exists on its own right. Should be fine. 

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5 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

The cherry on the cake for me would be if BBC Scotland announced they are showing the game. A sold out McDiarmid on terrestrial TV for a game NOT involving the Old Firm would be a great advert for Scottish football.

You'd think that there was a fair chance of this, given what seemed a generally positive response to them airing the away leg (and the fact it's a winner take all tie).

A lot of Turkish expats would want to watch it too I'd imagine. 

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8 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

The cherry on the cake for me would be if BBC Scotland announced they are showing the game. A sold out McDiarmid on terrestrial TV for a game NOT involving the Old Firm would be a great advert for Scottish football.


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I mean the fact it’s being shown is amazing to say the least! I look forward to whoever the BBC have on try and talk saints down and criticise the fact we’ve not got 10k in the stadium 😂

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