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Edinburgh City

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3 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

This seems like a very stupid person's idea of how clever people think.

a) As many people would have called them "Edinburgh" before when they were known as Edinburgh City.
b) I'm not sure what genuine advantages you'd actually get from people doing that anyway. Do they think the tourists who flock to the city are going to confuse them for the big club and then turn up at a tinpot athletics ground to watch seaside league football at £18 a pop?

I didn't say it was a good idea, I said I understood it. Like libertarianism.

a) Some people did but the club, well the fans certinaly, always pushed against that - City, The Citizens, Citizens Supporters Club etc.

b) Probably more to do with merchandise and a vague notion of brand awareness I'd imagine. There was mention of other initiatives to improve the fan matchday experience but clear there is more focus on hospitality and maybe a belief that FC Edinburgh is a more appealing sponsorship opportunity.

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8 minutes ago, AllyMonc said:

Yeah that's broadly correct. Essentially the move back to Meadowbank has been an absolute farce for years now and from what I can see the relationship between the club and Edinburgh Leisure is barely functioning. We are still due to move back in but won't find out when until Tuesday. When we do move back we won't have our new stand due to a disagreement with the housebuilder. The lack of a new stand is a huge concern and I don't see how Meadowbank is a viable venue without it. 


In terms of you lot coming to visit the plan seems to be that we arrnage standing round the pitch which takes capacity over 1000. That's very far from a given however.


Yeah we found out via a livestream. The lack of consulation on the name is very very poor.


Personally I think the club will need to look at other options, what those are is anyone's guess. We're close to Hibs so maybe a groundshare? Not sure what Hibs would gain from that. That's based on nothing other than the thoughts in my head.


6 minutes ago, RubyTuesday said:

Here is a summary, I might get corrected on some of this

- Edinburgh Clowncil have delegated the whole Meadowbank debacle   project to a separate organisation called Edinburgh Leisure. The CEO of whom appears to be very uninterested in  Edinburgh City FC  FC Rebrand. The announcement on when Meadowbank will be open to the community keeps on getting put back , the latest date on the announcement will be Tuesday 21st June. The club had lined up a friendly with Hibs in early July but this can't go ahead as nobody knows if Meadowbank can be used (yes...that is less than 3 weeks away)

- There is no guarantee that the club will be able to play the League Cup games or opening SPFL league 1 games at Meadowbank, Chairman Jim says there are contingency plans for an alternative venue if required

- Subject to approval (that is a big 'if') the club can put up barriers around the pitch to allow for pitchside standing. Capacity will be 1,600 (although another poster said 1,200 so I can't be sure). So, there will be plenty of room for away fans. But zero chance of getting a decent view of the game unless you bring a stepladder. 

- Admission is going up £4 to £18. Reading between the lines the club are expecting some big travelling support from Dunfermline and Falkirk in particular and they want to milk this cash cow 

- Although planning permission has been granted to build a new 1,000 capacity stand on the other side of the pitch, it appears there is a dispute with a housebuilder over a 6 meter patch of land which may prevent that from happening. At all. 

- There is a lovely corporate hospitality room which seats 70, nice views to Fife. Oh, and you can watch the game from high up by looking through the window....

Cheers. Appreciate the summaries. Genuinely hope something gets worked out and the club can get the fans back onside a bit. Was good to see you guys get promoted and it’s a real shame to see the way the mood seems to have shifted lately. Innes Murray looks a cracking signing. i actually wondered if we might have tried to sign him.

All the best - except when you play us!

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It was great too, having an "Edinburgh City" back in the league, for football history buffs it was a great story, the unlikely resurrection of an epically dreadful team from decades ago as a new league club.

The no consultaion with fans is really appalling and I am not sure what the purpose of this rebrand is. The possibility of non-legal action from a social club which has beningly tolerated the "new" City since 1986 makes it all sound like a shaggy dog story to me.

Sadly I can see City falling apart and back into non league in the next few years. I was looking forward to seeing new Meadowbank at some point next season but think I'll pass.

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2 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

I wasn't saying you were the stupid person, I was saying the chairman was, apologies if that wasn't clear.

Aye sorry I got that, I was trying to clarify that I didn't think it was a good idea!

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Here's my take 

The club wanted to change the name regardless of the social club situation. The social club were still letting the club use the name and had no issue with them doing so(was told this by their committee myself). This is all about a corporate rebrand to attract people with money. 

The whole situation is rotten to the core. There is a split down the support. I'd say 70/30 in terms of people staying to support this nonsense. I'm in the 30% that won't be back at all. Tamthebam has been a supporter for 27 years, one of the longest serving custodians of the club and even he is taking a hike elsewhere from a post I've seen earlier. That tells you all you need to know! 

The lack of consultation is unforgivable. Nothing against board members on a personal level but this whole new venture isn't for me. The club is now an empty vessel devoid of soul. It took years to build some sort of identity within the fanbase and now that has completely gone. What tourist is going to go to Meadowbank over say Hearts or Hibs? Its all a load of nonsense. But hey, as long as those fancy new corporate rooms are full every other week then who cares. 

There's a small handful of people devastated by this. 

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2 hours ago, AllyMonc said:

In better news, getting Innes Murray on a 2 year deal is tremendous business. I was sure he'd be top end of League 1 at a minimum. Such a good player."

Aye, that's much better news for you.  I said a few weeks back now that I'd have been fine with Innes Murray at QOS, thought he was excellent in the play offs v Annan.  Quite surprised that Hibs let him go.

Reading the fans background info to the name change - oh dear, that's really depressing stuff.  Feel for the fans.

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51 minutes ago, RubyTuesday said:


- Admission is going up £4 to £18. Reading between the lines the club are expecting some big travelling support from Dunfermline and Falkirk in particular and they want to milk this cash cow 

Even if you get the permission to have 1,200 capacity with the standing round the pitch, I'm not sure how that would constitute big travelling supports. You'd be looking at 800 max away support for 4 games? An extra four or five grand across the 4 matches versus setting it at a more reasonable 15/16 quid doesn't seem a lot in comparison to pissing off your regulars or potential walk up Hearts/Hibs fans.

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1 hour ago, RubyTuesday said:

Admission is going up £4 to £18. Reading between the lines the club are expecting some big travelling support from Dunfermline and Falkirk in particular and they want to milk this cash cow 

This may seriously back fire if you only have 500 seats. Yes you might bump up a few more folk for the Dunfermline and Falkirk games but you could easily lose this on soft home fans and away fans from other clubs across the season. 



Anyway seems like a complete cluster f**k for you guys as per usual the fans are the ones properly shafted. However I look forward to attending my first game of football on stilts to get a decent view.

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39 minutes ago, Shandön Par said:

Think I’ll just grab a McDonalds and sit up a tree on Marionville Road.

I remember watching a game with some Meadowbank Thistle fans who had been banned by Bill Hunter for protesting against the move to Livingston.  There was a gap in the trees which meant you could get a half decent view.  Half time involved a quick pint in the Marionville Bar.  There are a few folk who have worked hard to help get City where they are who used to follow Thistle.  There must be a slight sense of deja vu for them.

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I feel sorry for the fans.

FC Edinburgh sounds like something that Hearts or Hibs get called in computer games that aren't allowed to use the clubs' real names. The sort of imagination that has lead to Open Goal Broomhill, Caledonian Braves, Glasgow Utd, etc.

If changing names was necessary surely there were better options in a city with such a rich history.

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On a separate note, as a teenager I went to watch Queens play Meadowbank away - early/mid 90s, top of the table clash.

There was a beer festival on under the stand (which I was too young to glean any enjoyment from), so for the game everyone got shipped out to the terracing. It absolutely pissed it down for the entire afternoon. To this day I've never been so utterly, utterly soaked at the football.

Edited by Adamski
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On the social club owning the name stuff my general thoughts are:


Seems there was a letter in place from the social club saying we could use the name - not a guarantee but a 'comfor letter' (In banking terms, a written assurance often provided by a parent company in respect of its subsidiary's financial obligations to a lender. It is usually used where the parent company is unable or unwilling to give a guarantee but wishes to give some comfort to the lender in respect of the subsidiary's ability to perform its obligations. It is not usually intended to be legally binding but it may give rise to a legally binding obligation depending on the wording. Therefore, care is needed when drafting a comfort letter)


Our lawyers have looked at that and said 'that's not worth the paper it's written on, you need to do something about it'. We've asked the social club for a formal guarantee or transfer of the name, they've dingied us. We've then used that as an excuse to kick off the rebrand. I don't think there was any material change in circumstances and no indication the social club was going to pull anything from us. 


As I think I said earlier - the excuse that we couldn't consult the fans on the name change because we had to act super quickly doesn't wash with me. The board knew the name they wanted and weren't prepared to risk ending up with something else (Edinburgh Jakey's FC for example?) so used the social club entity name stuff as an excuse (albeit one with a degree of truth).


Should say I live just down the road from the social club, never go in and this isn't making me any more likely to do so.

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44 minutes ago, Adamski said:

On a separate note, as a teenager I went to watch Queens play Meadowbank away - early/mid 90s, top of the table clash.

There was a beer festival on under the stand (which I was too young to glean any enjoyment from), so for the game everyone got shipped out to the terracing. It absolutely pissed it down for the entire afternoon. To this day I've never been so utterly, utterly soaked at the football.

Yeah, I was there too.

With regard to the team's prospects in League 1 next season, has anybody suggested FC Edinburgh Nil? <runs>

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Think my last trip to Meadowbank was for a cup tie with City (2-0 win for Queens I think) a few years back. Just had a wee look at the Edinburgh Leisure website for Meadowbank.  Has that 3 rows of seats (499?) stand in the photo replaced the old big grandstand?  If so, it reminds me of East Kilbride's K-Park where my lad's team used to train - pretty limited for senior league requirements I'd have thought.  Not great.


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