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A day I hate to even recall is the 2010 League Cup Final. However, that horrible day, when Rangers went down to ten men, the outcome was effectively decided by the actions of both managers. Where I was sitting in Hampden, we all screamed at Gus MacPherson to basically calm the fcuk down, stroke it around, take it to extra time and grind the chunts into the dirt. We didn’t. I haven’t Googled, so this is from memory… Walter Smith made a substitution and a tactical change, and with nine men, scored the winner with a three on two breakaway. 

Doesn’t matter my view on the team he managed for a long time, that day, Walter Smith was the difference.


A hugely important figure in Scottish football history. RIP. Hope he didn’t begrudge us the 2013 final. 😎

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A decent bloke by most accounts and it's sad, as he was entitled to hope for a few more years than he got.

He did behave sportingly in the main and his role in Tommy Burns' funeral was symbolically powerful.

He did have less impressive moments such as in the bullying video posted earlier, but we'll allow it because of the identity of his victim.

He did a good job of steadying the Scotland ship, but he did then jump from it.  It's an understandable time to do it, but I think his managerial stature is somewhat overstated on here.  I'd have won lots of trophies if managing Rangers during that era and that would have been despite trying to make them lose.

His performance at Everton was fine, and I think that's probably a fair reflection.  It would have been better if he'd not allowed himself to become a puppet chairman under Green, but he wasn't the worst.

A good guy who usually brought some class to his behaviour. RIP.





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27 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

A day I hate to even recall is the 2010 League Cup Final. However, that horrible day, when Rangers went down to ten men, the outcome was effectively decided by the actions of both managers. Where I was sitting in Hampden, we all screamed at Gus MacPherson to basically calm the fcuk down, stroke it around, take it to extra time and grind the chunts into the dirt. We didn’t. I haven’t Googled, so this is from memory… Walter Smith made a substitution and a tactical change, and with nine men, scored the winner with a three on two breakaway. 

Doesn’t matter my view on the team he managed for a long time, that day, Walter Smith was the difference.


A hugely important figure in Scottish football history. RIP. Hope he didn’t begrudge us the 2013 final. 😎

Yeah my Rangers supporting uncle always talks about this.

McCoist was left in charge of Rangers games in the cups that year to get him into the swing of things before taking over.

That day obviously they were in the poop and McCoist was lost, so he came charging down from the stand, grabbed McCoist, and sorted them out with a couple of tweaks as you say.

I never personally met him, but he let me cross the road in front of his Range Rover outside the Auchterarder Co-op a few years ago.


RIP Walter Smith, a true great of the Scottish game. 

Edited by Ranaldo Bairn
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3 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

There's been a few that have got me.  I've actually felt the need to explain to my wife that, no, i didn't know him personally, but it feels like a death in the family.

Not that any Rangers fans have more or less of a claim to their memories of Walter, but I'm 42, my childhood years and formative time as a Rangers fan was watching Graeme Souness and then Walters Rangers sides.  I grew up knowing nothing other than us winning, which a generation of Rangers fans before me probably couldn't say in the same way.

There will never be another person that shapes a club the way he did.

Due to a fractious relationship with my auld man and other things that I won't get into here, my love for Rangers waned a long time ago. But there was a time, in fact precisely the time period you mentioned KB, that Rangers were everything to me, in a football sense anyway. Aye it was the late 80's/ early 90's and it was easier to love them because they were winning and I was a particularly naïve, impressionable early teen. But love them I did, and Walter was front and centre of everything they did. He was the manager, aye, but he was the manager when managers were figureheads in every sense of the word. 

To say anything else will come across as mawkish, but his passing has hit me in a way that I didn't really expect. 

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37 minutes ago, mozam76 said:

Due to a fractious relationship with my auld man and other things that I won't get into here, my love for Rangers waned a long time ago. But there was a time, in fact precisely the time period you mentioned KB, that Rangers were everything to me, in a football sense anyway. Aye it was the late 80's/ early 90's and it was easier to love them because they were winning and I was a particularly naïve, impressionable early teen. But love them I did, and Walter was front and centre of everything they did. He was the manager, aye, but he was the manager when managers were figureheads in every sense of the word. 

To say anything else will come across as mawkish, but his passing has hit me in a way that I didn't really expect. 

If you'll excuse me a moment's silliness, a line from Doctor Who, of all things, popped into my head earlier. 

One of these specials where two different Doctor Who's meet, David Tennant and Peter Davidson and Tennant's Doctor says to the other "you were always MY Doctor" which is something Doctor Who fans argue about, mostly everyone's Doctor is the one they grew up watching. 

Walter was MY Rangers manager and it doesn't matter how many others come and go and who wins what, Walter will always be MY Rangers manager. 

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1 hour ago, Shadow Play said:

I think I’m correct in saying when he discovered Gaza was going to spend Christmas Day on his own he invited him around to spend Christmas with his family.  How many managers care that much about their players?  

A true gentleman by all accounts.  


This was going through my head earlier. You could see/hear how upset the Rangers greats have been all day. To a man they’ve gone on about the loss of their father figure.  

Fk knows how Gazza’s doing today. I do hope he’s got good company. 

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3 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

It would be disingenuous for me to post a gushing tribute to the man when I can’t say I would’ve done so prior to today but that afc chat thread is disgraceful and shameful. It’s a horrible wee forum as most one club forums are but it’s not representative. 

Full of arseholes trying to out do one another in the controversy stakes

There are other Aberdeen forums out there for those that don't want to suffer the moronic ramblings on that site

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How well regarded Walter was can be measured by the opinions of his rivals and looking through many of the Celtic forums today there has been nothing but sympathy for a great football man and his family.

I loved how he still referred to Jock as Mr Stein, the way he brought TB and McCoist together in the Scotland setup was a powerful message and the way he showed up for TB and his family when he passed showed the class of the man. 

I have no doubt he will get the send off he deserves 


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RIP Walter. You ruined most of the 90s for me on a sporing level - but there is no doubt you were a gentleman and the respect you & Ally McC showed Tommy Burns will never be forgotten by me.

 Condolences to family & loved ones.

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