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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Pretty sure when the Richard Spencer was punched i condemned there being any violence at all, not just violence against or by select groups. I have condemned Antifa, BLM and the Nazi's on many occasions because they have all been shown to resort to violence during their protests or opposition to protests. Regardless of whoever is protesting and what they protest or who they oppose, you will notice a repeating theme, i condemn hate and violence. 

What i said at the time:

"Regarding that neo nazi twat that was punched, i totally see both sides of it, hes totally the kinda guy who would deserve a punch, but its pathetic to resort to violence."

But condemning the violence on all sides equally is fucking stupid as is drawing equivalency between both sides. White nationalists are backed up by the systemic and historic economic, cultural and political subjugation of the state and can advocate their agenda of oppression and genocide without much fear of recourse from the state. Meanwhile black people continue to get murdered by the police without justice and you have moderates condemning people for reacting in the only manner they're able to. With physical violence.
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21 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


But condemning the violence on all sides equally is fucking stupid as is drawing equivalency between both sides. White nationalists are backed up by the systemic and historic economic, cultural and political subjugation of the state and can advocate their agenda of oppression and genocide without much fear of recourse from the state. Meanwhile black people continue to get murdered by the police without justice and you have moderates condemning people for reacting in the only manner they're able to. With physical violence.


That is your view and ill respect it, but i dont agree at all. Attacking people for having a different opinion is wrong as far as i am concerned.

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"Having a different opinion" is thinking beans don't belong in a fry up or saying the PS4 has better games than the Xbox One. Arguing for the genocide or continued oppression of marginalised groups is violence.


You have to remember that the only people fighting these nazis (and they are nazis. They're chanting about "blood and soil") are antifascist groups. The press aren't fighting these people, they're writing fawning articles about "dapper white nationalists". The police aren't fighting them, they are them. The state isn't fighting them, Donald Trump can't bring himself to condemn the people who voted him in. There is nobody who is willing to challenge these people apart from the antifascist groups out on the streets who are doing the work nobody wants to do.

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9 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

"Having a different opinion" is thinking beans don't belong in a fry up or saying the PS4 has better games than the Xbox One. Arguing for the genocide or continued oppression of marginalised groups is violence. That's apparent to anyone that isn't completely thick.

And i already stated i don't believe the Nazi's deserve a platform and i was happy to see Antifa deplatform them. But i wont endorse or support either side attacking or killing each other. 

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3 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I enjoyed a comment I saw on twitter last night accompanying this picture, suggesting people demonstrating in support of white supremacy were somewhat misguided in doing so while displaying flags of organisations that both comprehensively lost the one war they were involved in.

anyone who knows thier history wil tell you Nazi germany and its leaders although forming a formidable and effective Wermacht /luftwaffe/Kriegsmarine,

screwed it up due to nazi ideology being implimented rather than sound military tactics, Hitler may be thier hero but he was an incompetent fantasiacal lunatic.

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4 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

The only successful way to deplatform nazis is violence. My reference point for this is literally any point in history.

In the past that was a necessity because they were actively invading other countries and killing people. These days they are having pointless little rallies that only succeed in showing people that their ideology is still as wrong now as it was then. Weren't they being actively dispersed by the police at the time the incident happened?

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5 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

In the past that was a necessity because they were actively invading other countries and killing people. These days they are having pointless little rallies that only succeed in showing people that their ideology is still as wrong now as it was then. Weren't they being actively dispersed by the police at the time the incident happened?

It doesn't start with invading countries and killing people though, does it?

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They aren't "pointless little rallies" though they tap into a raw history and ideology of lynchings, police killings, state repression and a fucking president who's a fascist white supremacist. These actions don't take place in a vacuum they are emboldened, as I have said repeatedly and which you've failed to counter, by a president who can't condemn them, a press who fawn over them, a police force which protects them and murders the people they want them to kill, and a state who implicitly supports them. It's bizarre that you suddenly condone violence when it's another state's sovereignty that's breached but not when an ideology is used to oppress, attack and kill marginalised groups within a state's borders.

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I wish racist right wingers would stop pretending they give a f**k about "freedom of speech". They absolutely fucking hate people being able to say anything they like. The only freedom they are interested in is the freedom for them and people they agree with to say vile racist things, and lie like f**k, unchallenged.

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The worst thing is the reason they supposedly rallied isn't a bad one.  The destruction of the statues of Robert E. Lee is a disgrace.  Yes he was a Confederate General, but he was that only because the Commonwealth of Virgina joined the Confederation of States.  He did not agree with the break up of the US.  He was also a US war hero before and after the Civil War.  

When the US Government was pushing to punish Confederate sympathisers his name was always on the exemption list.  West Point even has a barracks named after him.  

If were to destroy statues of anyone who did something bad or fought for something questionable then pretty sure almost all historic figures who have statues across the world will require to be removed.  

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I watched that video of his "on many sides" speech from earlier and, as per usual with Trump, you can typically tell when he goes off on a tangent and starts adding his own words in. For the first 10 or so seconds of the speech he can barely look away from the paper with his speech on it but then launches into his "many sides, not Trump, not Obama" bit and doesn't look once at the paper on the lectern before returning to it and concentrating fully on it again. His speech writers must have a terrible time trying to get him to remain on track and not start waffling total pish that undoes their work.

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The worst thing is the reason they supposedly rallied isn't a bad one.  The destruction of the statues of Robert E. Lee is a disgrace.  Yes he was a Confederate General, but he was that only because the Commonwealth of Virgina joined the Confederation of States.  He did not agree with the break up of the US.  He was also a US war hero before and after the Civil War.  
When the US Government was pushing to punish Confederate sympathisers his name was always on the exemption list.  West Point even has a barracks named after him.  
If were to destroy statues of anyone who did something bad or fought for something questionable then pretty sure almost all historic figures who have statues across the world will require to be removed.  

Aye that's the worst thing about it.
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I cannot believe that a country that so exhaults their military, 1st on planes and shops fawning over them if they out in uniform....

How can that nation love it's military so much be the same people that fought against the Swastika and what it meant and what it did.....

They love their military but are literally flying the flag of the fascists their fathers and grandfathers fought against

Too fucked to understand

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1 hour ago, Antiochas III said:

The worst thing is the reason they supposedly rallied isn't a bad one.  The destruction of the statues of Robert E. Lee is a disgrace.  Yes he was a Confederate General, but he was that only because the Commonwealth of Virgina joined the Confederation of States.  He did not agree with the break up of the US.  He was also a US war hero before and after the Civil War.  

When the US Government was pushing to punish Confederate sympathisers his name was always on the exemption list.  West Point even has a barracks named after him.  

If were to destroy statues of anyone who did something bad or fought for something questionable then pretty sure almost all historic figures who have statues across the world will require to be removed.  


9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Killed injuns. 

I was trying to figure out what "wars" he would have been involved in, too.

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