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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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6 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Having lived, about, 30 years apiece north and south the differences are so marginal as to be barely distinguishable.  Given that many hundreds of thousands of Scots live in England and vice versa this is unremarkable.  We haven't an international border to blight us.

This is unlikely to change anytime soon.  ScotchNattery - the idiotic idea that a bloke in Eyemouth should cross an international border to shop in Tesco in Berwick -  is a busted flush. 

There are vast numbers of people from all manner of countries who live in England.  Your argument there is utterly meaningless.

However, it's far stronger than the one about your bloke in Eyemouth.  Unless you're arguing that there should be no international land borders anywhere in the world, then you've, once more, nothing to say.

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6 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:


This is unlikely to change anytime soon.  ScotchNattery - the idiotic idea that a bloke in Eyemouth should cross an international border to shop in Tesco in Berwick -  is a busted flush. 

It's funny because I almost guarantee you voted Brexit which is trying to impose this very thing on Ireland. 

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rUK not being in the EU and Scotland being in the EU will probably win No the next independence referendum, no matter how tight the polls are at the moment. Well, it should if the No campiagn is competently run.

Edited by sparky88
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30 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

rUK not being in the EU and Scotland being in the EU will probably win No the next independence referendum, no matter how tight the polls are at the moment. Well, it should if the No campiagn is competently run.

You suggesting the No campaign will have a bus slogan along the lines of "we are too inept, corrupt and inward looking to manage a land border with an EU country"?

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1 hour ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

Borders are a bit of a pain, we need to be part of the Shengen Area so now we have to dump England. It's their own fault.

Have a mate who arrived at the border in Malaga yesterday - he was in what he called the "Brexit losers" queue 😆

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34 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

What on earth is the utter garbage about social, cultural and political homogeneity about? Is it just a random selection of words lifted from a sociology book?

It's a bit that's been going for about eight years at this point by my count. Amazed it still gets bites.

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2 hours ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

What on earth is the utter garbage about social, cultural and political homogeneity about? Is it just a random selection of words lifted from a sociology book?

He gets pished, self loathing kicks in and manifests as spiteful hatred of anything Scottish. I used to think it was a bit tragic but it's actually quite funny to see a lonely bigot in his 60s howling at the Politics sub into the wee small hours of most mornings. 

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8 minutes ago, Benjamin_Nevis said:

He gets pished, self loathing kicks in and manifests as spiteful hatred of anything Scottish. I used to think it was a bit tragic but it's actually quite funny to see a lonely bigot in his 60s howling at the Politics sub into the wee small hours of most mornings. 

Abuse, but you'll get away with it because you're SNP.

Or maybe you'll be made to change your name again.

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There was an interesting banner held up by the Union Bears group today. It accused the SNP of "crippling the NHS". Therefore it was an implicitly pro-Tory message, running defence for the Tories via misdirection, by abrogating them of blame. I thought it was a good example of the working class Tory mindset. They vote Tory purely for identity reasons. British nationalist, militarist, royalist, etc. Yet they recognise voting Tory goes squarely against their class interests. So they solve that cognitive dissonance by just lying. By inverting reality in their minds. They create a fantasy where the Tories are not the governing party ideologically bent on ending universal healthcare. 

It's shite to think there's a sizeable chunk of the Scottish working class doing this. 

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19 hours ago, Johnny Martin said:

Abuse, but you'll get away with it because you're SNP.


On 17/02/2023 at 22:06, The_Kincardine said:

The daft wee tartan gonks of P&B




Unionists dishing it out but refusing to take it back? I never!

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