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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:


You genuinely do think it should all be about work, don't you? I bet you do loads of unpaid work like a mug. It sounds like you also equate a person's opinion and/or approach to work with their ethos and ethic on everything else.

You've really bought in to the pish.

Work is nothing more than a means to an end. Who cares if someone works hard in an office (although not sure how you can work hard in an office)? It's meaningless. It's pointless. It's not something to be admired or be proud of. No one cares.

I sit on my arse all day bored out of my mind doing a pishy office job. I do what is asked me and it's very basic and straightforward. I'm probably sadly in the minority of people who do a job they don't like and worse, don't care about (other than the monthly wage) and have zero passion about.

Work should, at all times, be secondary to life. That means that at times it will get in the way of work and to me there is no issue with that at all.

I would of course love to not work at all but sadly that will never happen unless I win the lottery.


Agree with most of your outlook on not working too much etc, but the bold bit is bollocks. I’ve done a few jobs that were more physically demanding in the past, but my current office-based job requires far more hard work than any I’ve done previously. People seem to associate physical work (no matter how mentally easy and monotonous) as ‘hard work’, but mentally strenuous jobs take it out of you more in my experience. 

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Agree with most of your outlook on not working too much etc, but the bold bit is bollocks. I’ve done a few jobs that were more physically demanding in the past, but my current office-based job requires far more hard work than any I’ve done previously. People seem to associate physical work (no matter how mentally easy and monotonous) as ‘hard work’, but mentally strenuous jobs take it out of you more in my experience. 

Tend to find those who think this most are also the fastest to run from anything that requires the slightest bit of thinking.

'You've done f**k all whilst I've be grafting like f**k doing(insert brain dead task)'

'You know we can swap...'

'Nah that looks far too complicated'
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8 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

 Listen, and understand. That DABaracus is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.


There is no fate but what we make.

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(would never do sales; despise it).

(only one of which was sales).

Reality is you’ll just do what you’re told and take the money, same as the rest of us, right? Some of us are lucky enough not to despise it though I guess, makes the day pass a little quicker.
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I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying your work or devoting yourself to it. Lots of people enjoy responsibility and take pride in the work they do and can be defined by it to an extent.

Making someone work the day they’ve been told of the bereavement of a close personal friend isn’t good though. You need to treat people like human beings and give them some space for things like this. In my work people have been given time off when they’ve had news like this, absolutely right IMO.

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17 minutes ago, NJ2 said:


Reality is you’ll just do what you’re told and take the money, same as the rest of us, right? Some of us are lucky enough not to despise it though I guess, makes the day pass a little quicker.


The reality is I'd rather be on the dole than do sales. I'll never do it.

Fortunately no job I've had since 2003 has had any element of sales at all.

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The reality is I'd rather be on the dole than do sales. I'll never do it.
Fortunately no job I've had since 2003 has had any element of sales at all.

Fair enough. I’d have thought given you’ve done it before, you could again but guess the experience put you off sufficiently. I think I could just about do anything for work rather than the dole, probably more because the stigma attached.
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3 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

Fair enough. I’d have thought given you’ve done it before, you could again but guess the experience put you off sufficiently. I think I could just about do anything for work rather than the dole, probably more because the stigma attached.

Being on the dole is shit. I'd course try to get a job doing pretty much anything else than sales, but if it came down to a choice between dole and sales (exceptionally unlikely) then it would be the former.

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:


What don’t you like about sales?




I hate feeling like I need to pressure someone in to buying some shit they don’t want.


I hate pestering people.


I hate the environment sales creates.


I hate the bullshit folk talk about sales.


I hate the targets you are invariably set.


I hate the lack of morals that almost always creeps in.


I hate salespeople in the main as they tend to be total bellends.

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18 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Wouldnt it be a good idea to give the boy a few days sick leave or something?

He doesn't work the NHS. The security is ran by an outside firm. He took the Monday off but (I think) the security lads are on zero hour contracts. No work = no pay.

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57 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:


I hate feeling like I need to pressure someone in to buying some shit they don’t want.

I hate pestering people.

I hate the environment sales creates.

I hate the bullshit folk talk about sales.

I hate the targets you are invariably set.

I hate the lack of morals that almost always creeps in.

I hate salespeople in the main as they tend to be total bellends.

That's only one type of sales though.

Most internal sales jobs are very different to that. I work in (for want of a better term) technical sales. People phone me for help selecting the right product, and I deal with very few of your stereotypical sales-driven type people. It's very different to the cold calling/lead generation nonsense.

Edited by Jaggy Snake
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6 hours ago, DA Baracus said:



I hate feeling like I need to pressure someone in to buying some shit they don’t want.


I hate pestering people.


I hate the environment sales creates.


I hate the bullshit folk talk about sales.


I hate the targets you are invariably set.


I hate the lack of morals that almost always creeps in.


I hate salespeople in the main as they tend to be total bellends.

But apart from that...

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:


I hate feeling like I need to pressure someone in to buying some shit they don’t want.

I hate pestering people.

I hate the environment sales creates.

I hate the bullshit folk talk about sales.

I hate the targets you are invariably set.

I hate the lack of morals that almost always creeps in.

I hate salespeople in the main as they tend to be total bellends.

.. but "Glen Garry Glen Ross" is your favourite film and "California Dreaming" by Lawrence Donegan is your favourite book!  Just joking

If sales is simply nudging things along - persuading someone to buy something they were probably going to buy anyway, then your job is simply removing hesitation and it is fine.

If it is about selling somebody something they don't actually want but they just want you out of their lives forever - then yes I can see your point.

I am particular amused by the "Unsale" - i.e. when you were about to buy something but the salesperson is so obnoxious - you decide not to.  I think these people should get a negative commission when that happens.

Edited by Fullerene
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17 hours ago, Oooooft said:



Ffs its not family.


Take the rest of the day off aye, but after that use holidays if he wants more time.


Be good of the boss to approve them at short notice.

I'm not the emotional type at all, but I watched my mate die recently and its the worst I've felt in my life. My grandparents have all died and I've been effected, aye, but nothing to the extent that I felt this time, and still do. Maybe at the age of 37, I've lead a sheltered life, or maybe its the fact that I witnessed it happening, or that a young family has been left without a dad...or a combination of everything, but its on my mind, each and every day without fail. It happened in the evening and I went to work the next day, and did until the funeral, I took that off and the following day, and my work never questioned me at all as they had known the circumstances. 


Each situation is different, and just because the person involved isnt blood related, doesnt necessarily make it any less traumatic.

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