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2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Maybe the one who prints every single email, but the ones in the preceding paragraph write on them and actually physically store them in a folder.

Some workplaces have some practices which when looked at from the outside look like some sort of madness. You should ask them yourself politely, maybe in a way that is curious because you feel like you should be doing it also. Which you shouldn’t, obviously.

In my workplace we have to deal with other departments mistakes and it’s shit because the other departments don’t learn from them and actually knowingly give us stuff to do just so that they don’t have to deal with their mistakes.

In a meeting of senior managers our manager was told to keep quiet and wasn’t allowed to speak. It’s made the environment pretty toxic at times and has resulted and divisions and a whole lot of other shit I don’t want to go into other than I find it stressful because I’m conscientious and find waste and political bs horrible. I fear one day that the entire shitshow will fall apart like a house of cards when we can’t bail them out anymore.

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I used to work with an email printer-outer. She had filing cabinets full of the damn things, cross-referenced and colour-coded. In her case though, I suspect it was because she didn't know how to do her job but she could handle a printer. It gave her some element of control over her day.

She was eventually fired when too many clients complained they couldn't get timely responses from her.

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The phrases ‘Ach it’s jusy the way they’ve always done it’ and ‘It’s just the way he or she is’ should be outlawed in the workplace. 

Its a lazy cover for someone who is scared to inforce a company policy on a member of staff who is clearly either at it or directly breaching said policy.

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55 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

The phrases ‘Ach it’s jusy the way they’ve always done it’ and ‘It’s just the way he or she is’ should be outlawed in the workplace. 

Its a lazy cover for someone who is scared to inforce a company policy on a member of staff who is clearly either at it or directly breaching said policy.

The problem we have at the moment is that too many staff have been in the same job for too long and have fossilized in them which makes it difficult for them to accept even the smallest changes, far less embrace them. A while back I found an old staff list for one of the sections I have oversight of dating from about ten years ago in an old disused NTFS file and bar two out of ten it's literally the same people doing the same jobs today.

It's of the organisation's own making though...time was if you fancied a change of job within the place at the same level, you could talk to HR and they'd have a list of jobs which were either coming vacant or had people in them who felt the same way. They changed it so that every staff move would have to go through a full interview process - the cynic in me assumes it was to make a certain coterie of under-employed upper middle managers look a bit busier as they'd be the ones doing the interviews - with the net result that everyone effectively stopped moving unless it was on promotion...people were happy enough to put themselves through all that if there was a discernible benefit, but not for a move across the corridor at the same level.

They've changed it back now, but in a lot of cases the damage is done. Way too many people in the same job for 10+ years who have got into a rut with the mantra of any change being Not The Way We've Always Done It Here.

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23 hours ago, Jason King said:

Owing to illness I had to cover the delivery of a presentation to a group of customers yesterday - took the file off the network and hey ho off we go, only to realise that the person who normally delivers it hasnt updated it in over 2 years and its still mentioning figures from October 2016. Luckily I know the information and could update as I was going along but it made me look like a dick infront of people we rely on for employment.

Queried this morning why it was out of date and was told "I'm only here to deliver...." Naw, naw your not - if we ask you to deliver information to customers on a regular basis we expect you to be giving out the most up to date and accurate information.

So a big up to the gimps who follow the rule book exactly and who lack any sort of iniative to be able to do anything that isnt strictly defined as being their responsibility in their job description. Complete bawsacks who can only work within strictly defined paramaters and who if they work to 5:03pm you know are claming for that additional 3 minutes.

You are corporate as f**k. 

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The empty kettle is infuriating.
I have a boss that every time he comes in the tearoom has to make some comment about the kettle. If its any less than quarter full he'll shake it about and complain about people not thinking about fellow colleagues. If he comes in and it's almost full, even if obviously just freshly boiled he'll pour it all out and fill it again and boil it claiming he wants it fresh for his tea!
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I have a boss that every time he comes in the tearoom has to make some comment about the kettle. If its any less than quarter full he'll shake it about and complain about people not thinking about fellow colleagues. If he comes in and it's almost full, even if obviously just freshly boiled he'll pour it all out and fill it again and boil it claiming he wants it fresh for his tea!
I worked with a guy who always emptied the kettle, refilling it then boiled it and would not take a cuppa if this had not been done
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14 hours ago, TheScarf said:

The phrases ‘Ach it’s jusy the way they’ve always done it’ and ‘It’s just the way he or she is’ should be outlawed in the workplace. 

Its a lazy cover for someone who is scared to inforce a company policy on a member of staff who is clearly either at it or directly breaching said policy.

Yup, this is partially a result of the more power to the employee pish thats crept into workplaces over the years, HR departments find it hard to remove shite workers because there are all sorts of things a worker can use to get away with being utter cabbages at their job

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Ive got several colleagues who've been working at my place of work since the dawn of time. Two in particular have been there over 35 years.

The methods they use are so out of date and they've clearly thrown the towel in and are just cruising along till they retire in a few years. 

One arrives at work ten minuites late every day, has a cup of coffee, then starts work and will be gone before 3 o'clock with an "Aye, well its time to knock off lads, im knackered". p***k.

And what fucks me off to the high heavens is that the management are fully aware this goes on and will do f**k all about it. Mainly because these employees have done it for so long and have figured out the ever changing, brown nosing managers (who've got at least one eye on another upwards move) just dont care unless it causes a problem to someone even further up the management chain.

Bunch of arseholes.

Edited by mishtergrolsch
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