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3 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

My work uses buying cakes etc as a wee morale thing, someone messes up instead of people getting angry they just ‘cake fine’ each other. I dont mind chipping in for a retirement/death/landmark/birth of child etc and we bring cakes in prior to going on leave or buy a round of rolls etc. If folks want to take part then great, if they dont then fair enough.

I had a police car crash into me last year. When I asked the cop if he was going to get into much bother he said "No, I'll just get the piss ripped out of me and have to buy cakes every day for 2 weeks". 

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21 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

If folks want to take part then great, if they dont then fair enough.

I always get slagged off in the office as I always decline some cake or a doughnut when someone brings it in, as I would then feel obliged to buy some for everyone else. One thing I can't stand is people that take every freebie that is going but won't put their hand in their pocket to treat other people.

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Cliques and the "f**k them" attitude are things that annoy me. The office staff (manager, assistant manager and sales/admin lass) often get stuff from m&s, Greggs, subway, or McDonalds for lunches, but never bother asking me and the other lads in the warehouse if we want anything. A few years back the sales/admin lass asked one of the drivers if he wanted to join the lottery syndicate, only for the boss to say "no, office staff only"

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I always get slagged off in the office as I always decline some cake or a doughnut when someone brings it in, as I would then feel obliged to buy some for everyone else. One thing I can't stand is people that take every freebie that is going but won't put their hand in their pocket to treat other people.

If im buying I buy for everyone, its all one to me who buys in return. Usually if im going on annual leave im too happy about the prospect of being away from work to care who bought one last time etc. Next time just take a cake.
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58 minutes ago, philpy said:

Cliques and the "f**k them" attitude are things that annoy me. The office staff (manager, assistant manager and sales/admin lass) often get stuff from m&s, Greggs, subway, or McDonalds for lunches, but never bother asking me and the other lads in the warehouse if we want anything. A few years back the sales/admin lass asked one of the drivers if he wanted to join the lottery syndicate, only for the boss to say "no, office staff only"

Jesus fucking wept. An office c**t didnt ask you if you wanted a cheeseburger and chips?

Would you want to share a lottery win with these fuckers??

Sheltered work life I must have lived.

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Jesus fucking wept. An office c**t didnt ask you if you wanted a cheeseburger and chips?
Would you want to share a lottery win with these fuckers??
Sheltered work life I must have lived.
Missing the point here. A bit of common decency would be nice, that's what I mean. We all work under the same roof. If I pop to the shop during my lunch break, I'll Always check if anyone wants anything.
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Missing the point here. A bit of common decency would be nice, that's what I mean. We all work under the same roof. If I pop to the shop during my lunch break, I'll Always check if anyone wants anything.
No chance would I be coming back from McDonald's with 17 big macs after everyone in the building said they wanted one. If they ask you then they need to ask everyone. Go to McDonald's yourself instead of wasting their precious lunch break time.
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11 hours ago, philpy said:

Cliques and the "f**k them" attitude are things that annoy me. The office staff (manager, assistant manager and sales/admin lass) often get stuff from m&s, Greggs, subway, or McDonalds for lunches, but never bother asking me and the other lads in the warehouse if we want anything. A few years back the sales/admin lass asked one of the drivers if he wanted to join the lottery syndicate, only for the boss to say "no, office staff only"

image.jpeg.175e18f7eaf10c027d754017982d25a9.jpeg IMO

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I changed jobs about 6 months ago. Previously was a customer services manager looking after a team of 12 folk.  Now I work on the road, pretty much on my own supporting people where needed so never in the same depot.  .One of the big plus points is I no longer have to deal with the Birthday bullsh*t.


The ‘deal’ in my previous role was the person whose birthday would bring in cakes. However there would also be a whip round for said person by the team.  As manager I would then have to make a ‘presentation’ to staff member and the team would sing happy birthday. It was so f*cking cringeworthy. I tried several times to suggest we ditch it at the turn of every year but the lassies took great offence at this at taking any excitement out of office life. 


The big problem for me was the presentation part. As I couldn’t just say “heres your present,  now get back to work”. I had to make a bit of a ‘speech’ and make small talk in front of everyone - ask what they were doing for their birthday etc..I soon ran out of patter and could feel myself regurgitating the same ’funny’ one liners from time to time as part of me inside died.   The thing was when I started as part of the team there was only 6 of us but as department grew and more people joined it felt like every 2 weeks it was someones birthday..and then you had the added weddings, newborns, folk leaving that added to the monotony of it all.  I’m not a skint flint by a long way –in fact as a manger I used to put in a bit more than everyone else but it was just relentless.


Don’t get me started on the ‘not so secret santa’ and the dramas revolving how much folk had spent on presents…. As I said not a day goes by that I don’t thank my lucky stars I’m now out of all that now!


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47 minutes ago, fuzzydunlop said:

I changed jobs about 6 months ago. Previously was a customer services manager looking after a team of 12 folk.  Now I work on the road, pretty much on my own supporting people where needed so never in the same depot.  .One of the big plus points is I no longer have to deal with the Birthday bullsh*t.


The ‘deal’ in my previous role was the person whose birthday would bring in cakes. However there would also be a whip round for said person by the team.  As manager I would then have to make a ‘presentation’ to staff member and the team would sing happy birthday. It was so f*cking cringeworthy. I tried several times to suggest we ditch it at the turn of every year but the lassies took great offence at this at taking any excitement out of office life. 


The big problem for me was the presentation part. As I couldn’t just say “heres your present,  now get back to work”. I had to make a bit of a ‘speech’ and make small talk in front of everyone - ask what they were doing for their birthday etc..I soon ran out of patter and could feel myself regurgitating the same ’funny’ one liners from time to time as part of me inside died.   The thing was when I started as part of the team there was only 6 of us but as department grew and more people joined it felt like every 2 weeks it was someones birthday..and then you had the added weddings, newborns, folk leaving that added to the monotony of it all.  I’m not a skint flint by a long way –in fact as a manger I used to put in a bit more than everyone else but it was just relentless.


Don’t get me started on the ‘not so secret santa’ and the dramas revolving how much folk had spent on presents…. As I said not a day goes by that I don’t thank my lucky stars I’m now out of all that now!


I'm surprised you weren't, considering there was a birthday every fortnight...

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37 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

I'm surprised you weren't, considering there was a birthday every fortnight...

well there was a total of 15 people in this Birthday syndicate so more than one a month averaged out(although I remember July was particularly bad!)

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55 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Ladies and gentlemen, the nub of the problem. 

Aye, exactly…I’ve nearly put some post on the topic about Snakes at work but I fear if I started I wouldn’t stop.  All my mates used to say it must be great managing a team of women, “I bet you are in yer element”.

Truth be told, although a couple of them were ‘wids’ to look at, it was mostly a bloody nightmare(which is no reference to having to deal with the time of the month when it was extra evil).  

Some of the stuff that used to go on was unbelievable, backstabbing, moaning, bitching, petty bullsh*t, etc etc


An example being, we had two different lunch hours,  split 12-1pm, 1-2pm so there was phone coverage. So half the folk would go early and half late. It would be swapped around every few weeks so it was fair, Everyone got a an early and late lunch throughout the month..  However if someone on the early shift lunch came back even a minute late(meaning the later shift were delayed going for theirs) it would be carnage.  I could understand if it was 10/15 minutes but I’m talking as soon as the clock hit 1pm folk would proclaim loudly in my direction “well that’s her late back from lunch again”.   If people were repeat offenders then I’d understand but it would happen once every few months at most but when it did it was like it should be treated as a sacking offence.


If, when I could be bothered to, I did respond, I’d ask if the person moaning if had any plans at lunch they were being kept back for. Every single time the answer would be “no, but I want to get my lunch and it means I get less time for mine”, to which I’d respond every time with “well you can just come back at 2.02pm instead of 2pm”.


I also had to stop the MacmIllan coffee mornings…a sentence itself which makes me feel like the most evil man in the UK. But one particular time one of the girls organised it but it meant she had to be in our canteen area for a couple of hours serving coffee and cakes to people who were buying for charity rather than in the office working.  Not ideal but in the spirit of charity I didn’t see a problem…wrong! One of the other girls kicked up such a fuss that it was unfair she was doing work whilst this other girl was apparently having the time of her life. When I suggested swapping over, the girl with the complaint refused because she obviously didn’t want to get involved in selling cakes.


Thing is, all this goes on as you are also trying to deal with actual customer issues and do actual work. 

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