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1 hour ago, fuzzydunlop said:

so, got into our office today. I live and work down in England. I sometimes go into a network office at a depot near home as normally I'm out visiting customers so when I come into our depot no one has their own desk..you just grab whatever is free and people from various other offices/areas come and go depending on meetings etc.

Anyway, I had one eye on the Scotland rugby game, few folk also watching the score on BBC. 

Theres a lad from our accounts department here today working about 4 desks away from me.   He's never down here so its unusual to see him and he's not one of the 'regulars' in this office(most of the usual guys are sound).   He's a wee bloke, bit of a nerd, can imagine him playing Dungeons and Dragons at the weekend and hes the type who always has to make a 'funny' comment about everything and witters on to anyone who he gets the attention of.  Colin Hunt type guy...

On seeing the Scotland score he proclaims to the office "oh i see the jocks are finally managing to get somewhere in Japan".  The use of the word 'Jock' had already got my attention but I had my back to him so I've carried it on working and ignored it.

He then continues with "oooh 49-0, I don't think Scottish folk can count that high though".  Theres been a bit of a giggle in the office, I've swung round and said in my best Begbie accent "do ye want to repeat that I didnae quite hear it?" although I was smiling so it could still be seen as banter.  He's continued by saying "yeah well you're not the brightest lot up there are you?", and I've responded(again jokingly and I'm cringing about saying it)  with "i can show you how bright we are in the car park if you want".

I appreciate folk will think i'm making this up but its genuiely just happened this morning.   Some office lass who was listening to it all has come up to me and said "you better be careful, he'll go to HR and say you threatened him".  So yeah thats been my morning.


Edited by Jacksgranda
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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

I used to live down in England and although I never had any incidents such as that I did get loads of wee jibes such as that on separate occasions from different people.


It was always meant as a joke but definitely happened enough from enough different people to feel like they do love feeling superior to us.


"feeling superior" and "being superior" are not synonymous.

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yeah man, that pretty much sums it up.   99% of the English guys I work with are sound, and some are in fact supportive of Scotland when it comes to Sport...which I actually struggle with because I love it when England beat.    One English guy was getting really excited about the Rugby result earlier and seemed quite disappointed when I told him although I was looking at the score I couldnt care less. 
My missus always reminds of me of the Scotland 1-0 France game when I was in a pub.  I'd just moved down here.  I think England must've been playing at the same time as I didnt watch the Scotland match live  (could be wrong though), and I'm sure the score came up on the screen and everyone cheered... but typical Scottish my response to her later was "aye only cos you lot think hating the French as a bigger thing and we're insignificant to youse" - I couldnt even see the positive in the situation(apart from the pint someone bought me)
But yeah most of the time its fine..although walking into the office recently after the Kazakstan game wasn't fun.

Yeah most of the people who did it were sound in general, what astonished me most was the amount of people who did it when they first met me as soon as they heard my accent.

I have no issue with it from mates but just surprised me that I’d get it from those who just met me.

I also found most people said they would support Scotland but they still found it hilarious when we lost and I am fairly confident if Scotland were better than them at football that the support would dissipate fairly quickly.
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On 01/10/2019 at 20:06, Jason King said:

So you should be, feckin part timer.

Didn't you say you work for the government and try to get away with doing as little work as possible?

Didn't you also quickly disappear when another poster on here who works in the same department as you said he would be happy to highlight your bellend posts to your employer?

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2 hours ago, fuzzydunlop said:

so, got into our office today. I live and work down in England. I sometimes go into a network office at a depot near home as normally I'm out visiting customers so when I come into our depot no one has their own desk..you just grab whatever is free and people from various other offices/areas come and go depending on meetings etc.

Anyway, I had one eye on the Scotland rugby game, few folk also watching the score on BBC. 

Theres a lad from our accounts department here today working about 4 desks away from me.   He's never down here so its unusual to see him and he's not one of the 'regulars' in this office(most of the usual guys are sound).   He's a wee bloke, bit of a nerd, can imagine him playing Dungeons and Dragons at the weekend and hes the type who always has to make a 'funny' comment about everything and witters on to anyone who he gets the attention of.  Colin Hunt type guy...

On seeing the Scotland score he proclaims to the office "oh i see the jocks are finally managing to get somewhere in Japan".  The use of the word 'Jock' had already got my attention but I had my back to him so I've carried it on working and ignored it.

He then continues with "oooh 49-0, I don't think Scottish folk can count that high though".  Theres been a bit of a giggle in the office, I've swung round and said in my best Begbie accent "do ye want to repeat that I didnae quite hear it?" although I was smiling so it could still be seen as banter.  He's continued by saying "yeah well you're not the brightest lot up there are you?", and I've responded(again jokingly and I'm cringing about saying it)  with "i can show you how bright we are in the car park if you want".

I appreciate folk will think i'm making this up but its genuiely just happened this morning.   Some office lass who was listening to it all has come up to me and said "you better be careful, he'll go to HR and say you threatened him".  So yeah thats been my morning.

Disappointed this wasn't the view from outside your office today...


unnamed (14).gif

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2 hours ago, fuzzydunlop said:

so, got into our office today. I live and work down in England. I sometimes go into a network office at a depot near home as normally I'm out visiting customers so when I come into our depot no one has their own desk..you just grab whatever is free and people from various other offices/areas come and go depending on meetings etc.

Anyway, I had one eye on the Scotland rugby game, few folk also watching the score on BBC. 

Theres a lad from our accounts department here today working about 4 desks away from me.   He's never down here so its unusual to see him and he's not one of the 'regulars' in this office(most of the usual guys are sound).   He's a wee bloke, bit of a nerd, can imagine him playing Dungeons and Dragons at the weekend and hes the type who always has to make a 'funny' comment about everything and witters on to anyone who he gets the attention of.  Colin Hunt type guy...

On seeing the Scotland score he proclaims to the office "oh i see the jocks are finally managing to get somewhere in Japan".  The use of the word 'Jock' had already got my attention but I had my back to him so I've carried it on working and ignored it.

He then continues with "oooh 49-0, I don't think Scottish folk can count that high though".  Theres been a bit of a giggle in the office, I've swung round and said in my best Begbie accent "do ye want to repeat that I didnae quite hear it?" although I was smiling so it could still be seen as banter.  He's continued by saying "yeah well you're not the brightest lot up there are you?", and I've responded(again jokingly and I'm cringing about saying it)  with "i can show you how bright we are in the car park if you want".

I appreciate folk will think i'm making this up but its genuiely just happened this morning.   Some office lass who was listening to it all has come up to me and said "you better be careful, he'll go to HR and say you threatened him".  So yeah thats been my morning.


47 minutes ago, fuzzydunlop said:

where did i say I was getting het about the rugby? Just out of interest

Almost your entire post is about you getting upset with someone talking about Rugby (and in the section where you aren't talking about how raging you are over rugby you spend slagging off the guy who is getting you het up about Rugby) ergo you are getting het up about a sport played and watched solely by roasters. You've lost the high ground and should resign from your job forthwith.

Edited by Jason King
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Just now, Jason King said:


Almost your entire post is about you getting upset with someone talking about Rugby ergo you are getting het up about a sport played and watched solely by roasters. You've lost the high ground.

If you are able to read properly you will see my first comment was about his use of the word 'jock' in an open office environment...however this isn't soemthing that bothered me too much.  

My fellow work colleague then continued to make the statement alluding to the fact Scottish people couldnt count which in turn could be construed that he was saying we were all stupid. 

Unfortunately you seem to be proving him right by your words and lack of understanding.



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18 minutes ago, fuzzydunlop said:

If you are able to read properly you will see my first comment was about his use of the word 'jock' in an open office environment...however this isn't soemthing that bothered me too much.  

My fellow work colleague then continued to make the statement alluding to the fact Scottish people couldnt count which in turn could be construed that he was saying we were all stupid. 

Unfortunately you seem to be proving him right by your words and lack of understanding.



Get him reported to HR for racism, problem solved.

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Didn't you say you work for the government and try to get away with doing as little work as possible?
Didn't you also quickly disappear when another poster on here who works in the same department as you said he would be happy to highlight your bellend posts to your employer?
This sounds good.
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15 hours ago, Adam101 said:

Get him reported to HR for racism, problem solved.

ha funnily enough the wife said that to me last night, but nah, ahm no a grass.   

The Wife and I have a bit of an ongoing feud over Scottish-English racism so obviously I couldnt wait to tell her.  She's English and has been upto Scotland loads. She's rarely had anything said apart from the odd drunken ars*hole...nothing directly offensive its usually something stupid like "ah yoouse english folk ruining oor country".

However when I was first seeing her I made the mistake of bringing her up to Glasgow the day Scotland were playing Italy in the crucial Euro qualifier  game(was it 2007?)

I'd arranged to go through to watch it in Glasgow with my mates. As my wife hates football she'd arranged to go out for lunch with some of my mates g/fs and wives and got to a few non-football pubs and meet us a bit after the game.  

I hadn't anticipated how much carnage Glasgow would be that day/night!  Not sure if any P&B folk were in the city but just mayhem everywhere.  Anyway, after the game someone heard my wives accent and had a go at her for being English.

So when I met up with her later that night she wasnt best please and still goes on about it to this day.

I did ask her if she'd said something stupid like "come on guys, its only a game" but she swears she was at the bar ordering a drink and some ned round and said "and you can f*ck off back down there ya english b*stard"  

so anytime I'm down here and experience anything negative I feel the need to let her know or save it for the next time she brings up the above. Anyone else have long running petty feuds with their partners...?


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1 minute ago, fuzzydunlop said:

ha funnily enough the wife said that to me last night, but nah, ahm no a grass.   

Fight fire with fire my friend - he would have been punted for moaning to HR that someone had been rude to him  after he had already been accused of racism. You might have missed your boat and now it might make you look like you're deflecting.

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Should’ve just asked him to repeat himself and if he was stupid enough gone to HR.

No threats, nothing. Just straight to grassing. Company might not do anything but give him a lecture about it. But it’ll maybe make them think twice.

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so, got into our office today. I live and work down in England. I sometimes go into a network office at a depot near home as normally I'm out visiting customers so when I come into our depot no one has their own desk..you just grab whatever is free and people from various other offices/areas come and go depending on meetings etc.
Anyway, I had one eye on the Scotland rugby game, few folk also watching the score on BBC. 
Theres a lad from our accounts department here today working about 4 desks away from me.   He's never down here so its unusual to see him and he's not one of the 'regulars' in this office(most of the usual guys are sound).   He's a wee bloke, bit of a nerd, can imagine him playing Dungeons and Dragons at the weekend and hes the type who always has to make a 'funny' comment about everything and witters on to anyone who he gets the attention of.  Colin Hunt type guy...
On seeing the Scotland score he proclaims to the office "oh i see the jocks are finally managing to get somewhere in Japan".  The use of the word 'Jock' had already got my attention but I had my back to him so I've carried it on working and ignored it.
He then continues with "oooh 49-0, I don't think Scottish folk can count that high though".  Theres been a bit of a giggle in the office, I've swung round and said in my best Begbie accent "do ye want to repeat that I didnae quite hear it?" although I was smiling so it could still be seen as banter.  He's continued by saying "yeah well you're not the brightest lot up there are you?", and I've responded(again jokingly and I'm cringing about saying it)  with "i can show you how bright we are in the car park if you want".
I appreciate folk will think i'm making this up but its genuiely just happened this morning.   Some office lass who was listening to it all has come up to me and said "you better be careful, he'll go to HR and say you threatened him".  So yeah thats been my morning.
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Just attended our annual diversity training update.
One person (I won't assume his/her/their gender) described the use of the terms "red man" and "green man" at crossing signals as inappropriate in the 21st century.
What's their alternate suggestion, both renamed as rainbow person?
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1 hour ago, Mark Connolly said:

Just attended our annual diversity training update.

One person (I won't assume his/her/their gender) described the use of the terms "red man" and "green man" at crossing signals as inappropriate in the 21st century.

It's certainly inappropriate in Sandy Row...

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