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I thought baby reindeer was a solid 6.5/10 watch, nothing particularly special. I don’t think it being based on a true story or having Scottish characters made it any more interesting for my viewing experience.

Quite interested to see what the Piers Morgan interview is like with the real life Martha tomorrow however.

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Posted (edited)

Really enjoyed Baby Reindeer.

Reading other comments about this. He was clearly shown to be a shit comedian and that's exactly what the audience was supposed to think. He acknowledges it himself when he has a go at himself for being so naive just before his 'speech'.

Also, I had absolutely no sympathy for Martha. I fucking despised her, thought she was a horrific piece of shit. Donny's dad had it right! Aye she was clearly unwell but she needs to be responsible for her own actions.

As Throbber says above, will be interesting to see what the real 'Moira' says. Won't be watching it mind, will read about it, but imagine she'll talk heavy bollocks and spin a ludicrous fantasty. She's already said she is considering suing Netflix, as if their lawyers wouldn't have went over everything before it aired. She's still claiming to be a 'top lawyer' as well. 

Edited by DA Baracus
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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

She's already said she is considering suing Netflix, as if their lawyers wouldn't have went over everything before it aired. She's still claiming to be a 'top lawyer' as well. 

They talked about this on the Richard Osman and Marina Hyde podcast The Rest is Entertainment - it seems that Netflix have a couple of potential issues: 1. They didn't expect this to become a big hit so didn't actually do much (if any) compliance stuff (nowhere near a BBC or Channel 4 production would have done) and 2. At the start it says "This is a true story" which is different from the usual "Based on a true story" or "The events in this programme actually happened" which allows more for producers to say that characters have been exaggerated, sequences have been changed, timelines have been compressed, words used may not be 100% accurate etc. Also, when it came out the guy said something like "we've changed the character quite a lot... I don't think she'd recognise herself let alone people working out who it is" when it took very little effort from Internet sleuths to find her. They're also in bother for casting a man who looks like a well known producer for the character who abuses him but the guy he looks like is 100% innocent (it's well known in the industry who the guilty party is apparently) and the innocent guy has had threats and folk hassling him etc. 

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Posted (edited)

Just watched a few bits with the real Martha's interview with Pierce Morgan, her story is all over the place and she genuinely does seem quite unhinged. She also doesn't seem to understand actors don't necessarily sound the same in real life as they do when they're playing a role.

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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23 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

Just watched a few bits with the real Martha's interview with Pierce Morgan, her story is all over the place and she genuinely does seem quite unhinged


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2 hours ago, Bert Raccoon said:

Just watched a few bits with the real Martha's interview with Pierce Morgan, her story is all over the place and she genuinely does seem quite unhinged. She also doesn't seem to understand actors don't necessarily sound the same in real life as they do when they're playing a role.

I just can't believe she would be daft enough to lie about stuff that can easily be proven like court appearances.



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3 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

I just can't believe she would be daft enough to lie about stuff that can easily be proven like court appearances.



Are you forgetting the part where she's mentally unstable?

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She went on there to clear her name, but really hasn’t covered herself in glory with it. Being a lawyer, she would know that any decent lawyer would absolutely pick holes in the contradictions in her story about how many emails etc.

Also saying that the voicemails could have been recorded by someone using a dictaphone in the pub and recording her voice. 

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15 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Watched it with the wife last night. 

All contradictory. Morgan held back, sensing an incoming legal shitshow/potential for stabbing 


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11 hours ago, sparky88 said:

Is the source that she's mentally unstable Richard Gadd?

Well no. Its my own conclusion. But I'm not alone in thinking this of course. 

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Finished watching Baby Reindeer tonight. Would agree with others that it's a tough watch and I'm not sure how I feel about both. 

Ultimately she's the one with two similar criminal convictions, a real one for the watching. 


Anybody got recommendations for something else to watch now?

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Attack on Wembley


30 minutes in and the excuses are flying in, including Covid


Truth is, collectively the English are arseholes. Entitled, arrogant arseholes.

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13 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

Attack on Wembley


30 minutes in and the excuses are flying in, including Covid


Truth is, collectively the English are arseholes. Entitled, arrogant arseholes.

Watched this last night.  100% agree. 

First of all, absolutely glorious watching that penalty shoot out again with all the different perspectives and reactions...but its made 100 times better now you realise that absolute carnage that had happened before the game.   Just mental they put all that expectation on a 19 year old.

I had thought it had been a load of folk rushing the turnstiles at kick off.  Which was bad enough. However I hadn't been aware there was so much aggro leading upto kick off so makes the result even better. 

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