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Off The Ball - Is it good?

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42 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:


Hiya Tam. 

Ahhh that old trope for anyone who defends someone or something on here or doesn't go with the majority. Shite and lazy patter .... on a par with OtB at times.

I don't particularly seek out Tam's comedy, it has a strong Les Dawson vibe which is fair enough, I'm sure his an audience if decreasing. That's the period in time that forged him, but there doesn't seem to be much evolution and references to 80's sitcoms are an eye roller. Consequently, I don't listen to Off the Ball any more and I certainly don't feel the need to come on here to vent at any little thing he said that doesn't agree with my world view. It very much plays into the Ricky Gervais' .... "but I don't want guitar lessons" routine.

However, I do have time for the stuff he does at countless charity nights and club fundraisers up and down the country. I also appreciate the fact we have Scottish football not represented solely by the OF with shills like Andy Cameron and Jonathan Watson. Certainly a lot more merit to his side gigs that than sitting behind a keyboard virtue signalling. The anonymity argument he uses is a weak one and I don't know what that's his go-to.

Since I joined P&B I've seen folk on here have a go, often without context when called out, and always double down. I highlighted a post made by Clown Job and referenced 25 other times in this thread where he previously commented showing he never missed a show but always had an issue at what was said so spun things to his agenda. He buggered off from P&B 2 months ago according to his profile, I guess Kerrydale is a safer space.

Talking of agenda's, CraigKillie's twitter account featured on our club thread about 6 months back when he swung by as a concerned citizen bystander in the Callum Slattery stupid drunken arrest stuff but the knife sharpening in his Twitter account was at odds at what he was posting on here. I suspect that's where he got the photo from.

On 06/10/2022 at 12:57, Handsome John said:

Having seen these comments and also the ones you made on Twitter, you are clearly comparing the two separate incidents and are advocating a 10 match ban in line with Lafferty’s potential punishment. 



Edited by Kapowzer
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I have an Instagram account but never use it, set it up one day to check it out but wasn't for me, made one post in three years 


After reading this thread I logged on and followed Mr Cowan, jeezy peeps man....... his meltdown is off the scale, guy is making a rip roaring c**t of himself over some people on a football forum calling him an out of touch dinosaur, misogynistic etc.

Seriously Tam, put the phone down. 

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I'd invite you to read what I wrote. I never conveyed he had an anti Tam agenda, I said he repeatedly takes umbrage a number of things and I think goes about it in a shitty way. Homophobia (rightfully) being a constant issue and the misogyny was one he jumped on yesterday due to the MP's involvement. The bit in our thread stuck in my mind because I called him out on it and he showed up again last month when the sentence was announced. Apologies for having a memory and recalling stuff I was involved in.

CraigKillie would probably get more people to join his crusade if it wasn't fuelled by retribution and punishment.

I just take issue on here with people being hypocrites or rewriting history to suit what they are peddling. My eye rolling at virtue signalling is one that has definitely evolved over the past couple of years as its gained prominence and the "I'm offended" whine is now used to shut down anything in our society.

Just replying.


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20 minutes ago, Kapowzer said:

I'd invite you to read what I wrote. I never conveyed he had an anti Tam agenda, I said he repeatedly takes umbrage a number of things and I think goes about it in a shitty way. Homophobia (rightfully) being a constant issue and the misogyny was one he jumped on yesterday due to the MP's involvement. The bit in our thread stuck in my mind because I called him out on it and he showed up again last month when the sentence was announced. Apologies for having a memory and recalling stuff I was involved in.

CraigKillie would probably get more people to join his crusade if it wasn't fuelled by retribution and punishment.

I just take issue on here with people being hypocrites or rewriting history to suit what they are peddling. My eye rolling at virtue signalling is one that has definitely evolved over the past couple of years as its gained prominence and the "I'm offended" whine is now used to shut down anything in our society.

Just replying.


Maybe, and this might be a shock here, Craig was correct, I'm yet to see anyone point to evidence to the contrary.

It's fucking weird for a TV and Radio personality like Tam to search his own name on Twitter and Pie and Bovril and then get upset and try to gaslight a pile-on when people call him out for being a homophobic, sexist auld fud.

Also please Tam, stopping using music in your stories, its cringey af. 


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2 hours ago, Kapowzer said:

However, I do have time for the stuff he does at countless charity nights and club fundraisers up and down the country. I also appreciate the fact we have Scottish football not represented solely by the OF with shills like Andy Cameron and Jonathan Watson. Certainly a lot more merit to his side gigs that than sitting behind a keyboard virtue signalling. The anonymity argument he uses is a weak one and I don't know what that's his go-to.


"I met myself at a charity do once. I was down to earth and VERY funny*."


*You almost certainly weren't, you absolute roaster.

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One other thing that struck me about all this is that whereas Stuart has always worn his indy credentials on his sleeve, in my view he is very professional in conveying those views and interacting with guests of all persuasions. Tam on the other hand has always insisted how he isn't into politics and the "political stuff" implying him to be uninterested or apolitical. However when (bizarrely) attacked by an SNP MP he immediately quotes anti-SNP tropes and rumours that although easily found, would not be something you would expect someone with such a lack of political interest to immediately reference. 

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On 15/03/2023 at 01:19, Highland Capital said:

If you really want to have a look down a rabbit hole, have a look at Paul Mitchell’s Twitter, especially his likes. An absolute hellscape. 


26 minutes ago, Merkland Red said:


His likes on Twitter are like if Graham Linehan and JK Rowling had a love child.

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I enjoy Off the Ball in the main, but Tam has been having an ongoing meltdown for years now. He’s absolutely desperate to get himself “cancelled”.  

In fairness to him the mention in parliament was completely mental. Really don’t know what Bardell was thinking of, using actual parliamentary time to bring up a small-time BBC radio presenter posting a ‘yer da’ clip of women hurting themselves by accident, on Instagram to his 27,000 followers. It ironically smacks of an agenda, just like Tam’s unprovoked and ludicrous attack on Marvin Bartley… Bardell I’m sure by no coincidence appears to be a Livingston fan, and has met Bartley on several occasions. 

Edited by Paco
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On 15/03/2023 at 01:19, Highland Capital said:

If you really want to have a look down a rabbit hole, have a look at Paul Mitchell’s Twitter, especially his likes. An absolute hellscape. 

I know some people who used to work with him (Standard Life, iirc?) before he made commentating his main work.

They said he was an absolute arsehole, one of those religious bampots who go all "faux offended" if they are pulled up on their outlandish views.

It is telling that they didnt even mention the fact that he was a hearts fan when listing the reasons he was thought of as a walloper.

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11 hours ago, Kapowzer said:

Ahhh that old trope for anyone who defends someone or something on here or doesn't go with the majority. Shite and lazy patter .... on a par with OtB at times.

I don't particularly seek out Tam's comedy, it has a strong Les Dawson vibe which is fair enough, I'm sure his an audience if decreasing. That's the period in time that forged him, but there doesn't seem to be much evolution and references to 80's sitcoms are an eye roller. Consequently, I don't listen to Off the Ball any more and I certainly don't feel the need to come on here to vent at any little thing he said that doesn't agree with my world view. It very much plays into the Ricky Gervais' .... "but I don't want guitar lessons" routine.

However, I do have time for the stuff he does at countless charity nights and club fundraisers up and down the country. I also appreciate the fact we have Scottish football not represented solely by the OF with shills like Andy Cameron and Jonathan Watson. Certainly a lot more merit to his side gigs that than sitting behind a keyboard virtue signalling. The anonymity argument he uses is a weak one and I don't know what that's his go-to.

Since I joined P&B I've seen folk on here have a go, often without context when called out, and always double down. I highlighted a post made by Clown Job and referenced 25 other times in this thread where he previously commented showing he never missed a show but always had an issue at what was said so spun things to his agenda. He buggered off from P&B 2 months ago according to his profile, I guess Kerrydale is a safer space.

Talking of agenda's, CraigKillie's twitter account featured on our club thread about 6 months back when he swung by as a concerned citizen bystander in the Callum Slattery stupid drunken arrest stuff but the knife sharpening in his Twitter account was at odds at what he was posting on here. I suspect that's where he got the photo from.

It's amazing to see someone unironically peddling the "aye, but they do work for charity" defence now, especially for a BBC employee.

Also, Les Dawson did nothing to deserve such vicious denigration. Wash your keyboard out.

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@Kapowzer hates @craigkillie so much that he confused me with him a few weeks ago and lashed out instantly following a point I made comparing criminals in Scottish football.

It later appeared that he was actually agreeing with me but because of the hatred he has for @craigkillie he couldn’t help himself from bursting into tears.

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1 minute ago, Sortmeout said:

@Kapowzer hates @craigkillie so much that he confused me with him a few weeks ago and lashed out instantly following a point I made comparing criminals in Scottish football.

It later appeared that he was actually agreeing with me but because of the hatred he has for @craigkillie he couldn’t help himself from bursting into tears.

Has anyone ever seen you and Craig together?





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