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Calling Cards of Morons

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8 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

One of those ludicrous marches went down the street I live on in Dundee once. It was a really pathetic sight of mostly old areseholes, mostly all portly, with a couple of lads who looked to be late teens. In total there were about 12 or so of them. They had a big police escort. 

It was just sad. They weren't getting the attention they so desperately craved (one of the major points of these dickhead marches for scummy bigots).

Never seen or heard one here since.

The last 1 to KO round my way caused me a massive detour.

Went out not realising it was on about 5mins before it started. When I returned a lot of the roads I need to get home were closed so I had to take the long way round.

As if I needed another reason to hate these lowlife losers

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Was in Morrisons just now and saw a fucking cretin walking along with his trolley, devouring a roast chicken from the deli counter, now ive seen me occasionally nibbling a few grapes or strawberries from a punnet of fruit ive picked up but ripping a cooked fucking chicken to pieces while walking around a supermarket then presenting a carcass of bones with a barcode at the till to pay for it is, in my opinion the behaviour of a complete fucking moron. 

I have a habit of breaking the end off my baguette (insert K.Williams here) whilst I’m wandering the aisles with my trolley. Once, I was particularly peckish and presented the cashier with a couple of inches of bread inside it’s long polythene sleeve. She looked at it for a couple of seconds and then enquired why I didn’t purchase “a full one”.


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9 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

It was just sad. They weren't getting the attention they so desperately craved (one of the major points of these dickhead marches for scummy bigots).

To be fair to them, anybody participating in any form of march is an attention seeking arsehole. 

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On the subject of arseholes prancing about our streets, silents discos in Edinburgh are getting it tight from the NIMBY-tastic EOTA. "Idiots" bulldozing people off pavements. Worst of all, they are not even silent. 

Get the snowploughs out of hibernation and clear these rabbles off our streets. 



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18 hours ago, Flybhoy said:

Was in Morrisons just now and saw a fucking cretin walking along with his trolley, devouring a roast chicken from the deli counter, now ive seen me occasionally nibbling a few grapes or strawberries from a punnet of fruit ive picked up but ripping a cooked fucking chicken to pieces while walking around a supermarket then presenting a carcass of bones with a barcode at the till to pay for it is, in my opinion the behaviour of a complete fucking moron. 

Was it Tony?

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5 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Is it aye?

It's funny that we need a march to celebrate something that benefited us in 1688.  Do we do marches for everything that's benefited us? I look forward to the Great Penicillin March on September 28th where we can celebrate the demise of harmful bacteria.

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17 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Much more ludicrous than a few blokes celebrating Parliamentary democracy.

Uh, Britain's Parliament didn't become a democracy - that is, where the mass of adults had the vote - until 1918, except in those parts of the British Isles where the apprentice boys slammed the gates shut, when they eventually attained universal adult suffrage in 1968 (in the face of opposition from many of those same folks who went on loyalist marches, and who had been rigging the Northern Irish political system through removing proportional representation, gerrymandering and property qualifications for 50 years).

Whatever the Apprentice boys were doing in the 17th century, and whatever their marchers are celebrating today has bugger all to do with Parliamentary democracy.

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2 hours ago, Aim Here said:

Whatever the Apprentice boys were doing in the 17th century, and whatever their marchers are celebrating today has bugger all to do with Parliamentary democracy.

The Bill of Rights was signed shortly after the relief of Derry and established parliamentary supremacy over the Crown,  the right to regular parliaments, the right to regular elections and the right to freedom of speech within parliament.  That there was later an increase in who had the right to vote and other parliamentary reforms makes no odds:  The Revolution of 1688 was all about parliamentary democracy.

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10 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

I have a habit of breaking the end off my baguette (insert K.Williams here) whilst I’m wandering the aisles with my trolley. Once, I was particularly peckish and presented the cashier with a couple of inches of bread inside it’s long polythene sleeve. She looked at it for a couple of seconds and then enquired why I didn’t purchase “a full one”.


When I present my couple of inches it never ends well either.

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23 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

The Bill of Rights was signed shortly after the relief of Derry and established parliamentary supremacy over the Crown,  the right to regular parliaments, the right to regular elections and the right to freedom of speech within parliament.  That there was later an increase in who had the right to vote and other parliamentary reforms makes no odds:  The Revolution of 1688 was all about parliamentary democracy.

And Catholics got to pay double land tax. Whoopee!

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Instead of the correct 'You fucking jammy cunt bastard.  You better fucking give me something after all the times I've helped you out over the years!'

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9 hours ago, Big Chief Toffee Teeth said:

People who clap the holder of a winning raffle ticket. Yea, well done : you bought that beautifully!

I bet you congratulate someone on getting pregnant which requires less skill! 

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Private number plates on cars - especially the ones that are a ridiculous attempt at spelling out the owners name. If you want your name on the back of your car get a stencil and a can of spray paint and do it properly, or get a " Kevin and Tracey" sticker for the top of the front windscreen as they did in the late 70s. Worst I saw was what appeared to be random letters on one but when I stopped behind that car at traffic lights the plate had the names of the guy's 3 children in much smaller letters underneath!!! So the guy went to the effort of getting a private plate and then the additional effort of having to explain to others what it meant. Now that is a weapons grade walloper.

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