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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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Unfortunately for No 10, the movement of the sun is as predictable as Tory lies.

It's not too difficult to see from the shadows in that photo that it was taken in the evening.  Around 7pm I reckon (definitely after 6pm), so for the No 10 spokeperson to suggest that was one of "a series of meetings throughout the afternoon” is clearly utter, utter bullshit.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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I doubt anything will come of these No 10 party stories, they're basically what everyone else was doing, skirting around the rules a bit to make life bearable. That one with Johnson conducting a virtual quiz was particularly lame. The barefaced hypocrisy of Dominic Cummings pontificating about them is startling. 

Edited by welshbairn
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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I doubt anything will come of these No 10 party stories, they're basically what everyone else was doing, skirting around the rules a bit to make life bearable. That one with Johnson conducting a virtual quiz was particularly lame. The barefaced hypocrisy of Dominic Cummings pontificating about them is startling. 

Probably not, but there should be an enormous fuss made, one law for them and another for us, government and officials should not be "skirting around the rules", they should be showing an example (fat chance in the current political climate, I suppose).

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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I doubt anything will come of these No 10 party stories, they're basically what everyone else was doing, skirting around the rules a bit to make life bearable. That one with Johnson conducting a virtual quiz was particularly lame. The barefaced hypocrisy of Dominic Cummings pontificating about them is startling. 


I'm inclined to agree, but as long as these become front page news stories, the media aren't going to drop it in a hurry.

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9 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


I'm inclined to agree, but as long as these become front page news stories, the media aren't going to drop it in a hurry.

I suspect the likes of Steve Baker and Jacob Rees-Mogg are behind the leaks in the hope of replacing Johnson with someone further to the right. Pretty well all the "one nation" tories have been purged from parliament and replaced with rabid Conservative Way Forward types, so there's no chance of the next PM being a cuddly Kenneth Clarke type.

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4 hours ago, Hard Graft said:

Just watched Raab on Breakfast time trying to defend this.  One minute it was during a break while working, therefore it must be acceptable for them to drink while they work, the next it was after they had finished for the day which therefore must cast it into a Social Gathering context.  Listening to him prattling on about hard they were working etc was absolutely sickening.  Just come out and say we do not give a F*** about the plebs we will do what we want.

If any journalist feels up to it, there's maybe one blindingly obvious question to ask.  How about "if every workplace in the country, every day, did exactly what was shown in the photo, would the Government be happy that everyone was doing everything they could to help stop the virus spreading?" 

If similar photos had come out about the Labour, LibDem or SNP workplaces would Raab have been quite so content? If it has been at Bute House, the Tories in Holyrood would have been calling in the tanks. 

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I suspect the likes of Steve Baker and Jacob Rees-Mogg are behind the leaks in the hope of replacing Johnson with someone further to the right. Pretty well all the "one nation" tories have been purged from parliament and replaced with rabid Conservative Way Forward types, so there's no chance of the next PM being a cuddly Kenneth Clarke type.

Well, some clever folk looked at the floor plans of no.s 10 and 11 and the picture was taken from the chancellors office, so likely him or his team is the leak.

Given further credence when you think he escaped to US last week and hasn't exactly been the face if the govt defending parties etc on TV....

OR that's all part of the plan to get rid of Johnson, blame Sunek and a complete nut job takes over. Proper conspiracy theory stuff of course, but I love it. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp

Johnson now quite obviously working out the personal ramifications for him, in making a decision on covid restrictions (or not).

I doubt if the 'good of the country' has anything to do with the decision he'll make. It's all about holding on to his job and quelling backbench rebellions. 

What a coward. 


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I think Boris will just be looking for a dignified exit now, he's too lazy for an extended battle with his own party to deal with Covid and fix the post Brexit problems, and he'll already be looking forward to making a packet doing his stand up act on speaking tours like Blair.

P.S. And a signed contract on his book deal.

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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I doubt anything will come of these No 10 party stories, they're basically what everyone else was doing, skirting around the rules a bit to make life bearable. That one with Johnson conducting a virtual quiz was particularly lame. The barefaced hypocrisy of Dominic Cummings pontificating about them is startling. 

What people are mad about doesn't actually matter it's whether the right people have decided Johnson is done and if so the necessary fuss will be made. Matt Hancock probably could've skated through his affair if Boris wanted him there but he didn't so he went. Look at Cummings last year.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I think Boris will just be looking for a dignified exit now, he's too lazy for an extended battle with his own party to deal with Covid and fix the post Brexit problems, and he'll already be looking forward to making a packet doing his stand up act on speaking tours like Blair.

P.S. And a signed contract on his book deal.


Got to agree with this, I really believe he's now decided enough is enough.

Have you placed an order for his forthcoming book, Bairn?

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I think Boris will just be looking for a dignified exit now, he's too lazy for an extended battle with his own party to deal with Covid and fix the post Brexit problems, and he'll already be looking forward to making a packet doing his stand up act on speaking tours like Blair.

P.S. And a signed contract on his book deal.

I think if you look at his interview on Sky today, you can tell by his face that he knows his time is up. Gone is the usual blustering and look of fight in his eye. He looks defeated.

I wonder (and I'm sure it would come out) whether in their cabinet meeting whether it was made clear to him they want him out and as per above Boris is now just looking for a dignified exit. 

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4 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

I think if you look at his interview on Sky today, you can tell by his face that he knows his time is up. Gone is the usual blustering and look of fight in his eye. He looks defeated.

I wonder (and I'm sure it would come out) whether in their cabinet meeting whether it was made clear to him they want him out and as per above Boris is now just looking for a dignified exit. 


Well, the interviews on that Guardian photo today, he was at pains to point out that was  "People at work, talking about work"

You just can't argue with that, painfully obvious now you come to think about it.

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9 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Well, the interviews on that Guardian photo today, he was at pains to point out that was  "People at work, talking about work"

You just can't argue with that, painfully obvious now you come to think about it.

Oh aye, all the work meetings we all have that involve booze and no papers, laptops or tablets etc.

They just constantly take everyone for fools. Even if what they are arguing was true and it was work, I'd be concerned that no one in any way noted or recorded anything and that they were consuming alcohol while working. If I was drinking in the job, I'd get rightly sacked. If it is after work and a few drinks consumed, not uncommon, then it's not work and the rules are bring broken. 

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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I suspect the likes of Steve Baker and Jacob Rees-Mogg are behind the leaks in the hope of replacing Johnson with someone further to the right. Pretty well all the "one nation" tories have been purged from parliament and replaced with rabid Conservative Way Forward types, so there's no chance of the next PM being a cuddly Kenneth Clarke type.

For me it's not so much about lurching to the right, but just being conservative again.

I'd love to see them actually make an effort to conserve the traditionalist ways we used to hold dear as a people.

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32 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

I think if you look at his interview on Sky today, you can tell by his face that he knows his time is up. Gone is the usual blustering and look of fight in his eye. He looks defeated.

I wonder (and I'm sure it would come out) whether in their cabinet meeting whether it was made clear to him they want him out and as per above Boris is now just looking for a dignified exit

Personally, I hope his exit is as undignified as possible.

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