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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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Dominic Cummings to give evidence to Sue Gray's investigations.
There is something weirdly, perversely satisfying about Cummings deciding to eviscerate Johnson via social media. Thinking back to when Johnson demanded that Cummings face the media in the back garden of no. 10 to attempt to explain his trips to Barnard Castle, I'm wondering if this current spewing of insider info. by Dom is just personal revenge, as I can't see an ideaolgical/policy type reasoning behind it.
Sorry, rambling now coz it's late and had a few sherrys but f*cking enjoying Johnson's public humiliation.
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"Rigby went straight to the heart of the matter. Dominic Cummings says you are lying and that you were explicitly warned the party should not go ahead. This account has been confirmed by a second source. So, have you lied? she asked the prime minister. For once Johnson was wearing a mask inside a hospital, but even so there was no sign of the usual telltale smirk. His eyes were the giveaway, as they invariably are. Puffy, almost closed, the pupils bloodshot pinp***ks. Eyes that had stared into his soul and been surprised and alarmed to find that he had one."

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"Rigby went straight to the heart of the matter. Dominic Cummings says you are lying and that you were explicitly warned the party should not go ahead. This account has been confirmed by a second source. So, have you lied? she asked the prime minister. For once Johnson was wearing a mask inside a hospital, but even so there was no sign of the usual telltale smirk. His eyes were the giveaway, as they invariably are. Puffy, almost closed, the pupils bloodshot pinp***ks. Eyes that had stared into his soul and been surprised and alarmed to find that he had one."
Cummings just needs to publish the email and Johnson is toast.
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Not much support for Boris around here at the the moment, even from the Battered Together* mob who feel compelled to worship at the feet of the Westminster elite. 

If even P&Bs unionist attack dogs aren't speaking up for him, his coat is definitely on a shoogly. 


*Copyright Salt n' Vinegar 2022 😁

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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The Guardian are reporting the ring leader of the group trying to get 2019 intake Tories to turn on Johnston is Alicia Kearns. 

A quick Google reveals she did PR for the MoD relating to actions in Iraq and Syria and was a communications director for Global Influence which is a company doing private sector Psy Ops. 

What a shock. 

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2 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I look forward to Rees-Mogg today declaring that pork pies are scum food, only eaten by thick Northerners.

I quite like pork pies. although they usually give me heartburn more often than not, so he could be right.

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A quick Google reveals she did PR for the MoD relating to actions in Iraq and Syria and was a communications director for Global Influence which is a company doing private sector Psy Ops. 
What a shock. 

What's the connection between that and wanting a new leader?
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Cummings just needs to publish the email and Johnson is toast.
Apparently, timing is everything here. The growing band of MP's who want a VoC don't want it on Friday as it's only a single line whip. If they don't make a move today and have VoC tomorrow then it will be next week when the Commons will be full. This gives Cummings more time to throw a couple more grenades. Also, they will be very mindful that if they force a VoC and Johnson prevails, it will be at least one year before they can hold another.
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