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Stuart Campbell/Wings Over Scotland


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6 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

To be fair on WGD, he had a massive stroke and is now only partially mobile. Unlike certain SNP list candidates, there's no real doubt about his disability. He made a specific appeal for funds to buy a more suitable house and have it adapted for his new circumstances.

Given the circumstances, it's a bit unfair to call him a grifter.

I'm pretty disgusted at Wings for suggesting that only the pandemic stopped him from beating up a wheelchair-bound invalid though




Ah I didn't know that. I'm not au fait with the personalities involved here being honest. 

Edit: actually I did know he had had a stroke now I think about it. I didn't realise that was related to the house though

Edited by madwullie
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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

Going full 12 Ruel Street bring yer maw on a guy who calls himself "the wee ginger dug" is just terrific content. The UK political scene's greatest mind reduced to this.

"Sturgeon lost Salmond’s majority and became beholden to the foul, racist, misogynist paedophilia sympathisers and enablers of the Scottish Greens – a situation that it’s now possible with hindsight to see absolutely delights her."

I could only dream of being this tethered to reality.

Not that I want to dignify this zoomer with a serious response, but it's worth saying, the SNP vote share and number of votes went up at each of the Scottish elections under Sturgeon, and the 2015 general election result under her is their absolute high water mark so far. Salmond's majority was a quirk of electoral maths specific to that election.

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5 hours ago, ICTChris said:

If it was his last ever blog then why not just say exactly what Paul Kavanagh did that was so bad?

WGD already has and the whole thing is very sad indeed.

In general terms there is a brutal and infantile (see Annie Wells on Twitter this week) level of discourse that I've never seen before.

Any nuance and progress is lost to entrenched shelling from partisan positions.


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On 11/05/2021 at 20:12, ayrmad said:

We'll said, those lying to get someone done for sex offences should get named and shamed for lessening the chances of convictions in the genuine cases. 

Quite surprising how few fucks are given for women and their rights on here nowadays. 

What exactly do you think the impact would be on convictions for sexual offences if the alleged victims are prosecuted for perjury every time a trial doesn't result in a guilty verdict?

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27 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

What exactly do you think the impact would be on convictions for sexual offences if the alleged victims are prosecuted for perjury every time a trial doesn't result in a guilty verdict?

Why would alleged victims be prosecuted for perjury after every not guilty/proven verdict?

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Is he wrong with regards there being no referendum for the foreseeable future? Is he wrong about Boris just continuing to say no?

I couldn't give a shit about the trans debate but these are the things I'm interested in. I hope he's going to be proved wrong but I suspect not.

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14 hours ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

You could say that! 

So, since I haven’t actually spelled it out yet: Wings is over. We’ve said everything there is to say and I’m not going to spend the next five years pointlessly repeating myself while Nicola Sturgeon busily turns Scotland into a vicious, spiteful, intolerant, authoritarian and misogynist country I’ll be ashamed to come from and am already afraid to live in. The tragedy is just going to have to play out and the pieces be picked up afterwards, whenever that is and whoever’s left to do it.

Scotzine did it better IMO.

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11 minutes ago, Kaz said:

Is he wrong with regards there being no referendum for the foreseeable future? Is he wrong about Boris just continuing to say no?

I couldn't give a shit about the trans debate but these are the things I'm interested in. I hope he's going to be proved wrong but I suspect not.

I think he's correct on an awful lot of stuff, unfortunately he puts too much bitterness into his posts. 

He's certainly got Sturgeon and those around her pegged. 

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

A not guilty or not proven verdict does not imply that the complainants were lying. 

Of course, but you only have to look at the conspiracy nutterdom around the Salmond case to see how many people make that leap.

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14 hours ago, madwullie said:

Reeks of just doing it so people beg him to stay and he feels like a big man. 

This is exactly it.

Expect another blog post at some point this month where he declares he can't let down the folk who count on him. Something something gender identification.

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29 minutes ago, Kaz said:

Is he wrong with regards there being no referendum for the foreseeable future? Is he wrong about Boris just continuing to say no?

I couldn't give a shit about the trans debate but these are the things I'm interested in. I hope he's going to be proved wrong but I suspect not.

Do you think the Greens and Sturgeon's wing of the SNP are actively blocking any attempt at advancing independence? Because that's clearly what he believes.

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14 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Of course, but you only have to look at the conspiracy nutterdom around the Salmond case to see how many people make that leap.

So you think everyone of his accusers was doing it from a position of actually suffering at the hands of Salmond? 

Why is Salmond not even allowed to state which pieces of evidence helped aquit him? 

A few people involved in this could claim justice hasn't served them well, Salmond is one of them. 

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