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When do you go to sleep?

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Since I've left school I've either been at uni or working full time doing really weird shifts in a 24hr restaurant. This, combined with me being a bit of an insomniac already, has resulted in my natural sleep pattern being going to bed about 5 or 6am and getting up at some point in the afternoon. I'm alright if I get into a routine but as soon as I have a few days off or don't have anything to do during the day I invariably start becoming nocturnal. 

This doesn't really bother me right now, though it is hell on earth waking up at 2 in the afternoon on my day off and having to be up at 5 the next morning for work. It'll probably take a lot to adjust if I ever end up with a regular 9-5 job though.

When do you go to sleep P&B?

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15 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

Since I've left school I've either been at uni or working full time doing really weird shifts in a 24hr restaurant. This, combined with me being a bit of an insomniac already, has resulted in my natural sleep pattern being going to bed about 5 or 6am and getting up at some point in the afternoon. I'm alright if I get into a routine but as soon as I have a few days off or don't have anything to do during the day I invariably start becoming nocturnal. 

This doesn't really bother me right now, though it is hell on earth waking up at 2 in the afternoon on my day off and having to be up at 5 the next morning for work. It'll probably take a lot to adjust if I ever end up with a regular 9-5 job though. 

When do you go to sleep P&B?

Shortly after reading your posts. 


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I used to do daft hours all the time thinking 9-5 M-F would be boring. When I switched it was brilliant, apart from rush hour commuting. Sleeping patterns adjusted quickly and much easier to plan social stuff and football etc.

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I usually get to sleep between 11 and 1. When I worked in Aberdeen I had to get up at 5 for the commute. Now I work in Dundee, I get an extra 2 hours in bed in the morning, I feel a lot better for it too.

When I worked offshore, night shift was a c**t, especially the chopper home if it's like a 10 am check in you don't get much sleep until your home at about 4 the next evening.

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25 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I used to do daft hours all the time thinking 9-5 M-F would be boring. When I switched it was brilliant, apart from rush hour commuting. Sleeping patterns adjusted quickly and much easier to plan social stuff and football etc.

Aye that's definitely the biggest downside about shiftwork. Probably worth getting up at 7 five days a week to know you'll be able to do what you want with your weekends without requesting them off months in advance.

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1 hour ago, johnnydun said:

When I worked offshore, night shift was a c**t, especially the chopper home if it's like a 10 am check in you don't get much sleep until your home at about 4 the next evening.

As much as I prefer night shift (room to yourself, yasss), the utter pain in the hoop is when you check-in and then the bloody thing is delayed, and delayed, and delayed.  You want to find a spare cabin to crash in but you know they could call for kit-up any minute.  Once home, I usually find myself involuntarily sleeping on the couch in front of the TV at ~19:30 for the best part of a week.

Anyway... normally I head to bed  around 23:30 and read an actual book for 15-20 mins.  Other half gets up at 06:55 and then I manage to fall asleep again for an hour whilst she gets ready.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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