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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

I shit on the BBC for not dealing with obviously corrupt people like Laura Kuenssberg but Lewis Goodall is a superb hire for them and this segment on newsnight is forensic. Demolishes her interference.

Glad the comments section picks up on hasnt vs. has; he does say hasnt in the video and its pretty clear its just a wee slip.

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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

He and his wife were thick with it when they travelled give it a rest.

I know they were, that was my point. But I can't believe they would have travelled if they thought there was a fair chance doing so could lead to his parents dying or becoming seriously ill.

As they don't appear to have passed it on, did they take additional precautions that they know are majorly effective but aren't telling the rest of us?

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I know they were, that was my point. But I can't believe they would have travelled if they thought there was a fair chance doing so could lead to his parents dying or becoming seriously ill.
As they don't appear to have passed it on, did they take additional precautions that they know are majorly effective but aren't telling the rest of us?
Occam's Razor, mate. They don't think they have to follow the rules. End of. Cúnts.
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6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I know they were, that was my point. But I can't believe they would have travelled if they thought there was a fair chance doing so could lead to his parents dying or becoming seriously ill.

As they don't appear to have passed it on, did they take additional precautions that they know are majorly effective but aren't telling the rest of us?

Give it a fucking rest.  The next thing you’ll be posting is that’s all a conspiracy.


On a separate note, Dundee Courier story - fruit pickers from abroad will be exempted from two week quarantine.  A decision by the U.K. government not the Scottish one.

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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

I shit on the BBC for not dealing with obviously corrupt people like Laura Kuenssberg but Lewis Goodall is a superb hire for them and this segment on newsnight is forensic. Demolishes her interference.

You're right about Goodall. At least someone is doing their job properly:



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I know they were, that was my point. But I can't believe they would have travelled if they thought there was a fair chance doing so could lead to his parents dying or becoming seriously ill.
As they don't appear to have passed it on, did they take additional precautions that they know are majorly effective but aren't telling the rest of us?
He did it because he is a c**t who thinks that rules are for the little people. Pure and simple. Plenty of families have had to abide by the rules and not leave home while they were symptomatic, and still look after their children at the same time.

The public health advice has always been not to leave home if you have symptoms, with absolutely no exceptions.

And if there was any doubt about Kuensberg's loyalty's, she has well and truly nailed her colours to the mast with this one. It's one thing for her to put out tweets from her "sources ", but to give answers to other reporters is a different matter.
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10 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I know they were, that was my point. But I can't believe they would have travelled if they thought there was a fair chance doing so could lead to his parents dying or becoming seriously ill.

As they don't appear to have passed it on, did they take additional precautions that they know are majorly effective but aren't telling the rest of us?

Anyone who thinks they travelled 270 miles with a 4 year old kid without stopping at services to share a few bugs is deluded. Self isolation it is not.

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Downing Street now saying the trip was essential as he was concerned that he and his wife would become too ill to look after their boy. Still doesn't get away from the fact that countless other folk managed to follow the guidelines in similar circumstances.

If he was so sure he was acting within the rules, why lie about it for weeks?

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5 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

Downing Street now saying the trip was essential as he was concerned that he and his wife would become too ill to look after their boy. Still doesn't get away from the fact that countless other folk managed to follow the guidelines in similar circumstances.

If he was so sure he was acting within the rules, why lie about it for weeks?

I’d imagine that Cummings and his missus have the financial wherewithal to arrange emergency paid childminding more easily than most folk faced with that dilemma.

Any and every excuse will be used, I just hope voters in Scotland take note of these double standards.


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5 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Any and every excuse will be used, I just hope voters in Scotland take note of these double standards.

Narrator: voters in Scotland did not, in fact, take note of these double standards.

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I'm looking forward to hear what Carlaw has to say about Cummings.

Lest we forget what he said about Catherine Calderwood.

"Dr Calderwood's position is very difficult, untenable even, given the damage this has caused public trust," he said.

“The vast majority of Scots are complying with official advice to stay home and protect our NHS.

"There cannot be one rule for the bosses and another one for everyone else."

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I am in a very similar position to the one Cummings was apparently in. Family a long way away and no obvious contingency if we got ill. 

Had one of us caught it, we couldn't rely on family assistance to care for our daughter, who is under 2. We spoke about what we would do in such circumstances and both agreed that we would just have to tough it out. If things got bad (i.e. both in hospital or we were "floored" by it, as Cummings allegedly was) , we would have to phone family to come and take our daughter home with them. 

However, at no time would we ourselves undertake the journey as we would be symptomatic. Why his sisters or nieces couldn't come and collect the kid is beyond me here. 

He might have a good reason for this (childcare) but he's broken the guidelines and has to go. Yes it's a difficult position but there were other ways of going about this. I don't think Calderwood or Ferguson would've been fired if they hadn't resigned, but Cummings is a different matter - he is totally blind to these sorts of things and won't resign. Unlike the other two he is not someone undertaking a critical job and therefore should be fired. He can very easily be replaced by some other lacky.

He won't resign and he predictably won't be fired per the statement, so assuming this is buried with other covid news, nothing happens. The Tories will only punt him if it stays on the agenda and noticeably starts to damage them. 

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