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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Na cause full time mummy Chantelle won’t let them cause y’see her pal on Facebook says Bill Gates wants to control us.
"I'll take my chances with the so called 'deadly' illness with a 99.9% survival rate [emoji140][emoji2958]"
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My wife is employed by the NHS in a frontline health care role.  Happy to report any extra limbs or compulsive buying of Microsoft products that develop over the next few weeks.
Genuinely just realised that this (just about) coincides with the new Xbox getting released. Maybe @Colin68262047 has a point...
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“Firstly, because the MHRA has done a great job of working with the company to look at that data as it’s come through and do things in parallel, rather than one after the other as they normally would, that’s the first reason,” Hancock told Times Radio.
“The second reason is because, whilst until earlier this year we were in the European Medicines Agency (EMA), because of Brexit we’ve been able to make a decision to do this based on the UK regulator, a world-class regulator, and not go at the pace of the Europeans, who are moving a little bit more slowly.  We do all the same safety checks and the same processes, but we have been able to speed up how they’re done because of Brexit.”

But June Raine, chief executive of the MHRA, said the approval was made using provisions under European law, which still binds the UK until the end of the Brexit transition period on 1 January.  She told a media briefing about the vaccine: “We have been able to authorise the supply of this vaccine using provisions under European law, which exist until 1 January. Our speed or our progress has been totally dependent on the availability of data in our rolling review and the independent advice we have received.”


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4 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:
4 hours ago, Bairnardo said:
What about those who havent yet been offered a vaccine? Should they be frozen out from normal life until their turn comes?

Nope. My ire is fully directed towards people who refuse to take the vaccine.

But, but, but.....I want tae wait until a number of P&Bers have taken the vaccine and see if they're still with us a month or so down the line.


3 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:


I think you and VT are making this a bit more black and white than it is, you don’t have to be a covid denying anti vax moonhowler to have concerns about this,


My thoughts exactly

1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:
3 hours ago, virginton said:
If over 50s were a genuine priority then they should have been mass shielding in the spring and autumn rather than clogging up every supermarket aisle in the country to pick the biscuits/wine all year long. Seeing as they didn't think that restrictions should apply to them and furiously warded off any attempts to do so, the move should be reciprocated.
Open things up once frontline and shielding groups are vaccinated and continue the program while the economy gets back to normal. This is the best way out of the ridiculous mess the UK has landed itself in.

 I'd probably draw the line at over 65s plus front line workers, care home residents and those with serious underlying illness.

I'm in there somewhere but I'm hoping some P&Ber will volunteer tae take the jag then publish daily how they're getting on.

it brings tae mind this joke I saw recently - 

Doctor can you help me, I’ve grown 5 testicles!“

How does your underwear fit?”

Like a glove...”


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4 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

That could take a while, NI is getting 12000 doses, top priority is care home residents and staff, of whom there are 30,000 folk.

So not all the top priority are getting vaccinated in the first phase.

Over 50s are about seventh on the list from what I could gather.

Clearly what's needed here is some sort of "Hunger Games/Running Man" televised playoff scenario amongst the oldies. Survival of the fittest (least decrepit), in order to determine who gets the limited number of doses available.

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1 hour ago, Wee Willie said:

But, but, but.....I want tae wait until a number of P&Bers have taken the vaccine and see if they're still with us a month or so down the line.

I'm going to leave strict instructions in my will for you to be told that I'm fine, feel 10 years younger!

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My only "concern" is whether the effectiveness is as high as the trials made out. In normal conditions with social distancing, mask wearing and limitations on mixing, it's quite possible more people will catch it than did in the trial. You can't simulate normal conditions in such a trial as doing so would be unethical, so it's one limitation of what you can do. 

That said, the key thing from the trials was that the vaccines prevented serious illness. That's all we need at this stage - if some people still get it but don't become seriously ill, we've done what we need to. Through time if necessary we can work on preventing it entirely - that's not the immediate problem; the issue is managing it and if we can stop people getting seriously ill, we have done that. 

More than happy with the trial data showing the vaccines trialled so far are safe. 

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18 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I am slightly concerned about the side effects of the Pzifer vaccine. I’ll let it be tested on fat Brit porkers first.

Also I get the flu jab every year so I won’t be lectured on the importance of a vaccine by someone who doesn’t get the flu jab because they can’t be bothered.

I'm really quite disappointed there hasn't been any Viagra references yet, I thought we could do better TBH

Despite all the red dots my post received I'm definitely not anti vax , I just believe we should treat this one the same as we do for all the other ones.  We don't refuse treatment to those who are overweight, smokers , heavy drinkers or drug users,  we don't deny employment or recreational opportunities to those in the first 2 groups either.  Do we really want to live in a country where the government can say " you must accept this vaccine or else their will be consequences"? I just don't think that's right &  if nothing else it will play into the hands of those who think this is a conspiracy ( I'm not one of them)

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5 minutes ago, Michael W said:

My only "concern" is whether the effectiveness is as high as the trials made out. In normal conditions with social distancing, mask wearing and limitations on mixing, it's quite possible more people will catch it than did in the trial. You can't simulate normal conditions in such a trial as doing so would be unethical, so it's one limitation of what you can do. 

That said, the key thing from the trials was that the vaccines prevented serious illness. That's all we need at this stage - if some people still get it but don't become seriously ill, we've done what we need to. Through time if necessary we can work on preventing it entirely - that's not the immediate problem; the issue is managing it and if we can stop people getting seriously ill, we have done that. 

More than happy with the trial data showing the vaccines trialled so far are safe. 

This! there could be 100 000 cases a day with no maks or SD but if they have nothing more than a cough & cold then who gives a f**k, they won't even need to be off work,  the danger with covid was never in it's mortality rate, it is very low, the danger is because it spreads under the radar it will find it's way to the vulnerable and kill them, if it doesn't kill or make them seriously unwell any more then job done, a week of unpleasantness can never justify these huge scale restrictions on life

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My only "concern" is whether the effectiveness is as high as the trials made out. In normal conditions with social distancing, mask wearing and limitations on mixing, it's quite possible more people will catch it than did in the trial. You can't simulate normal conditions in such a trial as doing so would be unethical, so it's one limitation of what you can do. 
That said, the key thing from the trials was that the vaccines prevented serious illness. That's all we need at this stage - if some people still get it but don't become seriously ill, we've done what we need to. Through time if necessary we can work on preventing it entirely - that's not the immediate problem; the issue is managing it and if we can stop people getting seriously ill, we have done that. 
More than happy with the trial data showing the vaccines trialled so far are safe. 

The placebo group and the test group should have been mixing as much (or as little) as each other so the difference in infection should be as measured.

There's going to be some people who get the vaccine but still catch Covid - it will be a small percentage but will end up with a disproportionate amount of attention.
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