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So thats the Ozzies calling for the halting the of the roll out of the Oxford (dont forget to mention its from Oxford, gstq, watp) Vaccine because its apparently not any use.... f**k knows whats gonna happen if thats the case. 
Anyway, increased controls tomorrow should be implemented along with Jeane Freeman’s resignation on her failure to get the vaccination efforts up and running and overseeing advice that said ‘aye just huv xmas with yer granny’. Stop blaming the public for the mess you told them they could get themselves into. 

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36 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Does Sweden have curbs on indoor house gatherings?

8 in a public gathering and is also the recommended amount for a private gathering...but no more than 4 to a table.

The swedes i know have basically put themselves n lockdown and from what i see on there social media they just visit parents/kids much like ourselves outdoors as they dont tend to enter homes for the visit.All been wfh since feb last year apart from my mate in gothenburg as he works for the council as a lorry driver

Edited by doulikefish
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35 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Last time I checked I don't think so. There are limits on gatherings in public buildings but not your own home.

Swedish guidlines are all here and the parent page of this one. 


As far as I can see they don't specify anything about your own home. They don't even specify numbers, only talking about a "small circle" which they acknowledge will be different for everyone. 

Edit: although I don't know how up to date this is. @doulikefishseems to know more about specific numbers 

Edited by madwullie
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23 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

8 in a public gathering and is also the recommended amount for a private gathering...but no more than 4 to a table.

The swedes i know have basically put themselves n lockdown and from what i see on there social media they just visit parents/kids much like ourselves outdoors as they dont tend to enter homes for the visit.All been wfh since feb last year apart from my mate in gothenburg as he works for the council as a lorry driver

The point isn't about what they are doing now, it's about what we, and they, did in the Spring and Summer.

Despite everything we did and spent to supposedly avoid the exact scenario we find ourselves in, we are there.

What we did was damaging, and hugely expensive, but has ultimately not produced a different result. It's absolutely fair to question the effectiveness of restrictions in the Spring and Summer when faced with the very real prospect of following the same blueprint again.

Rather than looking at it as a black and white right vs wrong approach, it's more looking properly at what, if anything, actually works?

Edited by Todd_is_God
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A third of the population in Sweden have one parent born abroad. It's far more diverse than the UK and that also makes the comparisons to Norway and Finland outdated.
Aye, Sweden's diversity is well documented and explains why they are an outlier in many statistics but have a wander around Oslo and you'll see Norway aren't far behind, about 10% Asian and 5% African. 40% of Oslo primary school children have a mother tongue other than Norwegian.
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16 minutes ago, Snafu said:

I was brought up in Thatcher's Britain a teenage punk, listening to punk bands like Crass, Subhumans and Discharge, then Napalm Death and ENT

Nothing to add to this topic, other than that you have superb taste in music.

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16 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Swedish guidlines are all here and the parent page of this one. 


As far as I can see they don't specify anything about your own home. They don't even specify numbers, only talking about a "small circle" which they acknowledge will be different for everyone. 

Edit: although I don't know how up to date this is. @doulikefishseems to know more about specific numbers 

I missed out what is probably the most important bit the police there now have the powers to break up public gatherings 

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17 minutes ago, Snafu said:

I was brought up in Thatcher's Britain a teenage punk, listening to punk bands like Crass, Subhumans and Discharge, then Napalm Death and ENT, going to free festivals and sleeping on other people's floors, unsure of what the future holds, no plans and little ambition. Worked in a health shop for a short time in the mid eighties and there were lots of CND leaflets which I would read on my break, 'Oh Inverness targeted by the Soviets for an airburst because its a communication center, that's nice'.

The 80's were more stable than many in the west took for granted at the time as the old Soviet guard started to die off and be replaced with leaders with a more progressive outlook. The 80's then were nothing compared to the 60's and the paranoia around the time of the Cuban missile crisis, my Dad remembered the RAF being on full alert and in the air  going back and fore around the Highland capital and the airbases at Lossie and Kinloss, it was very grim for a few days, we came very close and it wasn't the Russians that we were worried about it was the trigger happy USA we had to watch out for to kick it off. They had shown the world in 1945 what they were capable of, no one else had gone that far.

Linking up to the current topic there was an animated film shown during the 80's about an old couple who followed the government guidelines, a few pamphlets on how to get through a nuclear strike, these were the instructions of the time and they were ludicrous and of no help in the end. I remember the film Threads as well, gave me nightmares.

Do we trust our governments to be giving out the correct advice?



Yeah, Threads is pure nightmare fuel. When the Wind Blows is not much better.

Ironically in the 80s you had this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Able_Archer_83

Which ended up probably being an even closer call than the Cuban Missile crisis. One side was hallucinating and the other wasn't paying attention. Would have been a real whoopsie. The whole world incinerated over a misunderstanding and no one left standing afterwards would have known why.

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27 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

So thats the Ozzies calling for the halting the of the roll out of the Oxford (dont forget to mention its from Oxford, gstq, watp) Vaccine because its apparently not any use.... 

Where are you seeing that?

25 minutes ago, Snafu said:

I was brought up in Thatcher's Britain a teenage punk, listening to punk bands like Crass, Subhumans and Discharge, then Napalm Death and ENT, going to free festivals 



If it was a choice between listening to Crass and getting radiation poisoning is take the radiation.

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So thats the Ozzies calling for the halting the of the roll out of the Oxford (dont forget to mention its from Oxford, gstq, watp) Vaccine because its apparently not any use.... f**k knows whats gonna happen if thats the case. 
Anyway, increased controls tomorrow should be implemented along with Jeane Freeman’s resignation on her failure to get the vaccination efforts up and running and overseeing advice that said ‘aye just huv xmas with yer granny’. Stop blaming the public for the mess you told them they could get themselves into. 
Think they're suggesting that the efficacy of the Oxford vaccine isn't high enough to achieve herd immunity. I thought that 2 doses of the Oxford jag were 90%+ effective which I thought would have been good enough?
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2 hours ago, virginton said:

You do that because you'll be the only one sticking to a target that the SG has already downgraded twice. 

Early December - Freeman giving it big licks that they will vaccinate 1 million: not going to happen.

Late December - Oh aye but we'll have 900,000 doses though so that's no big difference.

Now mid-January - we only got 12k done in a day but that's alright and let's just call it 500k this month and see how they do next month instead.

I'm not happy because the clowncar incompetence of the government is well on track to require 18 fucking months of restrictions to resolve a public health crisis, and will also leave an enormous, smouldering crater where the economy used to be. Which will be just great for all the non-boomers who will be paying through utterly shite public services in perpetuity. 

Yep, more laughable bluster 'cos you can't possibly admit you're wrong about targets for something that wasn't even available.  Laughable the key word, as you clearly are happy judging by all your ranting on here.  😂


53 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

So thats the Ozzies calling for the halting the of the roll out of the Oxford (dont forget to mention its from Oxford, gstq, watp) Vaccine because its apparently not any use.... f**k knows whats gonna happen if thats the case. 

So they are saying it won't protect enough to give herd immunity (Vaccine not good enough to stop coronavirus). I've never really understood the lack of anyone questioning the use of the Oxford/AZ vaccine here in the UK, other than the UK Gov thinking it's great because it's from Oxford University? Despite it's cost & storage benefits, its clearly not as good as the Pfizer vaccine in its prime aim, to give protection from Covid-19. It's 62-90% efficacy, compared to 95%. We better hope it ends up being 90% and the Ozzies are wrong!  

Edited to add: knew I'd read something about this recently. We have a FAQ for the vaccines at work and it says:

The short term efficacy from the first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is around 90% and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is around 70% (3 weeks after first dose). They have data on the detectable antibodies you have after one dose of the Oxford/AZ vaccine, measured in a Geometric Mean Titre (GMT) level, and that GMT goes up the longer you leave it between the two doses (they don't have any data on the Pfizer vaccine but have no reason to believe it will be any different). I don't know enough about it to say how good that is, but it sounds promising to a clueless idiot like me. :) 

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27 minutes ago, Snafu said:

The 80's were more stable than many in the west took for granted at the time as the old Soviet guard started to die off and be replaced with leaders with a more progressive outlook. The 80's then were nothing compared to the 60's and the paranoia around the time of the Cuban missile crisis

The late 80's certainly, but the early eighties were pure shitting yourself times and dreams of nuclear devastation. The Soviet Union had just properly invaded Afghanistan and Reagan was scaring the shit out of everyone with his star wars programme, meaning if the Soviets wanted to win an nuclear war it would have to be first strike and no hanging about, and thus the same for the Americans. 

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16 minutes ago, s_dog said:

Yep, more laughable bluster 'cos you can't possibly admit you're wrong about targets for something that wasn't even available.  Laughable the key word, as you clearly are happy judging by all your ranting on here.  😂


So they are saying it won't protect enough to give herd immunity (Vaccine not good enough to stop coronavirus). I've never really understood the lack of anyone questioning the use of the Oxford/AZ vaccine here in the UK, other than the UK Gov thinking it's great because it's from Oxford University? Despite it's cost & storage benefits, its clearly not as good as the Pfizer vaccine in its prime aim, to give protection from Covid-19. It's 62-90% efficacy, compared to 95%. We better hope it ends up being 90% and the Ozzies are wrong!  

Reminder that Pfizer and Moderna didn't bother testing anyone who was asymptomatic during their clinical trials. AZ/Oxford tested everyone. 

Those efficacy percentages have been gamed. Nevertheless, the vaccines prevented serious illness. 

Edited by Michael W
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