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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:
53 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:
Some people just want an acknowledgement that we are in nothing like the situation we were in during March/April last year and want some kind of positivity that they can look forward to doing a multitude of normal everyday things in a couple of months time. 
A haircut, a walk into a shop, having someone round for a cup of tea, going to a football game, going to the pictures and yes even having a pint with friends. 

None of that is going to be possible until the most vulnerable have had both doses plus the 3 weeks or so for effect. That is not and never was going to be a couple of months from mid February ie mid April. Not sure why you thought it would be.

You can't seriously be suggesting that people can't get a hair cut or have a friend round until June, and that that is ok?

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“Am no voting SNP anymore”

”Sturgeon’s loving this”

”Am going to meet up with ma pals, f**k it”

”No holidays again this year”

Wah, wah wah.

Boo fucking hoo, lads. Grow up.



Edited by Hammer Jag
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I haven't seen anyone on here with unrealistic expectations. Basically no one here is suggesting we open things next week, other than some education. There have been zero signals however that Sturgeon is working towards "normality" come Summer. It's been only stick and no carrot for months, despite vaccines which seem to reduce almost 100% of Covid  deaths/hospitalisations. Her speech today was completely unacceptable. 
Has any scientist or world leader said things would return to "normal" this summer. People got caught up in vaccine euphoria and assumed it was the magic bullet. I have yet to see a shred of information from anyone remotely qualified saying we would be returning to what we knew as normal this summer.
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16 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't really understand the message of "we may need to go back into lockdown later in the year" tbqh.

This is an outrage. 

Essentially, we will be locking down vaccinated people so that they can avoid other vaccinated people. Meanwhile, those that haven't been vaccinated will be protected from significantly reduced chances of infection as a result of herd immunity. In which case, you're within your rights to ask why we've fucking well bothered with the vaccination programme. 

It is appalling that they are getting away with saying this shit unchallenged. 

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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:
57 minutes ago, bairn88 said:
I haven't seen anyone on here with unrealistic expectations. Basically no one here is suggesting we open things next week, other than some education. There have been zero signals however that Sturgeon is working towards "normality" come Summer. It's been only stick and no carrot for months, despite vaccines which seem to reduce almost 100% of Covid  deaths/hospitalisations. Her speech today was completely unacceptable. 

Has any scientist or world leader said things would return to "normal" this summer. People got caught up in vaccine euphoria and assumed it was the magic bullet. I have yet to see a shred of information from anyone remotely qualified saying we would be returning to what we knew as normal this summer.

Vaccines which stop upwards of 50% of transmission and are near 100% effective at stopping hospitalisations and deaths aren’t magic bullets? 

Has the world gone insane? 

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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
58 minutes ago, bairn88 said:
I haven't seen anyone on here with unrealistic expectations. Basically no one here is suggesting we open things next week, other than some education. There have been zero signals however that Sturgeon is working towards "normality" come Summer. It's been only stick and no carrot for months, despite vaccines which seem to reduce almost 100% of Covid  deaths/hospitalisations. Her speech today was completely unacceptable. 

Has any scientist or world leader said things would return to "normal" this summer. People got caught up in vaccine euphoria and assumed it was the magic bullet. I have yet to see a shred of information from anyone remotely qualified saying we would be returning to what we knew as normal this summer.

Chris Whitty.


“I think what we’ll see is a phased opening up as the vaccination levels increase and then we’ll be more or less back to normal for the summer I would imagine,”

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She said the best case scenario for this summer is last summer which is absolute shite and a strong sign that we will have another winter lockdown. 
Some take re lockdown. We will only need another lockdown next winter if something has gone seriously awry. It COULD happen no matter how unlikely it seems. Just last night Bozo said his roadmap out of lockdown would be "irreversible" and yet rolled back on that at the very first journo question. No one can promise anything with certainty.
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I stopped watching the briefings in December.  I enjoy the discussion on this thread because there's differing view points about the strategies, some good critiques of policy and some really interesting sources of information posted which I wouldn't otherwise have seen.

This is the first time I think the thread has really been overwhelmed by negativity.  I found myself getting really despondent just reading a few pages after the briefing.  Without going full Devi, Im just focusing on remembering that we do have multiple vaccines available, the roll out is going well, the weather will start improving soon and restrictions will be lifted.  Despite conspiracy theories that get banded about, none of the UK governments want to be the ones responsible for irreparable damage to the economy (the extent of which this has already been done is up for debate) or are using extended restrictions just to see how we all react to living under a totalitarian state.

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9 minutes ago, Hammer Jag said:

“Am no voting SNP anymore”

”Sturgeon’s loving this”

”Am going to meet up with ma pals, f**k it”

”No holidays again this year”

Wah, wah wah.

Boo fucking hoo, lads. Grow up.



That's really harsh and unsympathetic.  This is difficult for people. 

I don't thing you're wrong though.

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You can't seriously be suggesting that people can't get a hair cut or have a friend round until June, and that that is ok?
It will be once the most vulnerable have had both shots plus 3 weeks. Think that's going to be about May which will tie in roughly with the end of furlough end April. There has never been any talk of anything sooner just assumptions / wishes.
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2 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

That's really harsh and unsympathetic.  This is difficult for people. 

I don't thing you're wrong though.

It’s difficult for all of us, not just those who are continually bitching and moaning about it.


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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:
14 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
You can't seriously be suggesting that people can't get a hair cut or have a friend round until June, and that that is ok?

It will be once the most vulnerable have had both shots plus 3 weeks. Think that's going to be about May which will tie in roughly with the end of furlough end April. There has never been any talk of anything sooner just assumptions / wishes.


This assumes essentially that the first jag has almost no effect, which the data from Israel seems to suggest is not the case. I do not believe it will take anything like 15 weeks from the first jag to see the signs of improvement amongst the vaccinated population if it works here as it has in Israel.

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Vaccines which stop upwards of 50% of transmission and are near 100% effective at stopping hospitalisations and deaths aren’t magic bullets? 
Has the world gone insane? 
I've yet to see any scientist or world leader say it was, have you ?

Only time will tell if the figures you quote (based on comparatively tiny samples) equate that way "in the field". We all hope and pray they do and if they do great all will be well but no one will commit to it as we simply don't know.
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This assumes essentially that the first jag has almost no effect, which the data from Israel seems to suggest is not the case. I do not believe it will take anything like 15 weeks from the first jag to see the signs of improvement amongst the vaccinated population if it works here as it has in Israel.
Also, let's bear in mind the size of that gap, which takes us into May from a December start, is because we were told, and scientists/subsequent studies have agreed, that the vast majority of protection is gained from the first jag.
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I sense an opportunity here, I’m going to open a pub in my school’s gym hall.  That way you can all have some delicious pints and a shot on the ropes at the same time. 
Ice packs and a call home if you get pished and bump your head.
3 pints of lager and half a dozen burpees please.
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5 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

I stopped watching the briefings in December.  I enjoy the discussion on this thread because there's differing view points about the strategies, some good critiques of policy and some really interesting sources of information posted which I wouldn't otherwise have seen.

This is the first time I think the thread has really been overwhelmed by negativity.  I found myself getting really despondent just reading a few pages after the briefing.  Without going full Devi, Im just focusing on remembering that we do have multiple vaccines available, the roll out is going well, the weather will start improving soon and restrictions will be lifted.  Despite conspiracy theories that get banded about, none of the UK governments want to be the ones responsible for irreparable damage to the economy (the extent of which this has already been done is up for debate) or are using extended restrictions just to see how we all react to living under a totalitarian state.

The briefings would bore you to tears, 5 or 6 one liners and a cheerio would suffice most days. 

She could announce 1000 deaths a day up here and most peoples subconscious would just do a shrug. 

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