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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:

It would be interesting to see if legal precedence begins to emerge re "emergency powers". Didn't some Scottish publicans try a legal challenge last year ?

Yes, I don't actually recall what happened with that but presumably it was thrown out.

Cutting through all the nonsense, its surely as simple a choice as get people vaccinated and go back to normal while accepting there will still be infections and their will still be deaths but that the NHS will cope, or alternatively live like prisoners for the rest of our life's worrying about "new variants", etc and watch as economies are ruined, standards of living drop hugely and quality of life is close to zero.

Do we want to survive or do we want to live ??

Personally I'm willing to take my chance with Covid rather than live a life like this.

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2 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Ok, quite a lot, meaning that things need prioritised.

Naturally, gyms come way behind schools.

That is a point of view.  If you look at it from a pure epidemiological standpoint where school opening will drive up the R rate more than gym reopening you could argue that opening schools is the last thing society needs.

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19 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Why take such a gamble when that industry had been hit hard earlier in year? Were you betting on government self employed support being higher than her furlough wage from employer?

Not at all. Government support or furlough money had never even came into the rationale. Like many, we had taken that there would be ongoing restrictions perhaps even a second full lockdown but certainly not to the level or length of time currently being seen.

She had been furloughed back in March and her boss from early doors was making all sorts of noises about closing up and potentially not being able to afford staying open. In fact she didn't even receive a wage of any sort from her former employer until the end of May when furlough money finally arrived. My partner has been there for 30 years since the day she left school and came to a stark realisation that her job was in such a precarious situation that her boss could close up and leave her with nothing with only a few weeks notice and she became absolutely despondent at the thought of going back...also the environment that the shop had become was really dragging her down for a long time before covid. So at the point in the summer where this looked to be all over (at least from a lockdown perspective, if not restrictions), she had a bit of lightbulb moment and questioned to me whether she could do on her own two feet, working from a separate facility at our home and I agreed.

Bear in mind that the wheels were set in motion for this in June but due to timber shortages, restrictions etc, it did not get completed until the start of September. Even then, was not a risky move as cases were still low enough to stay under thresholds for the first 13 or 14 weeks of operation. It still isn't a risky move, her business was going quite well in the time she was open and her customers will still be there by the time it reopens but in the weeks and months she is forced to close, she should absolutely be supported.

Edited by djchapsticks
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5 minutes ago, 101 said:


Anyone any idea why Labour voted against this, seems like one of the good things to come out of this will be properly run care homes and they vote against it.


Probably some SNP amendment to preclude them from voting for it, they all love playing that game. 

Edited by ayrmad
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The problem I've got is late Autumn/early Winter in London they were going to fitba and pubs and filling out Oxford Street Chrimbo shopping, luckily in Inverclyde we could go out and socialise for a bit, then we hear of this Kent variant causing problems and it was coming up North meaning many parts of Scotland not even get a chance to come out of hard lockdown. So the Scottish governments cautious approach resulted in us getting it doubly tight. Instead all 4 nations shutting everything but absolute essentials for the whole of January and tell everyone wanting to fly in to GTF we have this ongoing semi lockdown, with everyone going to work mingling on transport etc..and a forever glum outlook.

Edited by dirty dingus
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12 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

It's because we're still at a stage where where some restrictions are necessary, and because schools are very much more important to society than gyms.

If schools have 10x the impact of gyms on the reproduction rate then that does not matter though. The proper way out is to first identify what can be opened up while comfortably keeping forward momentum going, then you can quite rightly prioritise between like for like choices. That the government can't even commit to its beloved full-occupancy schools policy tells you that it is not confident that it can achieve this balancing act. 

On the other hand, the government could restore non-essential retail, gyms and services to their December 2020 restrictions tomorrow and cases would almost certainly continue to fall. 

Edited by vikingTON
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2 minutes ago, Left Back said:

That is a point of view.  If you look at it from a pure epidemiological standpoint where school opening will drive up the R rate more than gym reopening you could argue that opening schools is the last thing society needs.

If this was about viewing things from a "pure epidemiological standpoint", we can be sure that the response on here today would be very different.

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35 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Came back with the start of lockdown. Those living or working in a level 4 area should avoid all unnecessary contact and not go to work for as long as "lockdown" is in place.

Missed that. 

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Sky News Breaking   @SkyNewsBreak · 18m   Head of the UK's vaccine taskforce Clive Dix has told Sky News every adult in the UK could receive both doses of a coronavirus vaccine by August or September "or maybe sooner if we need to"
That seems like good news but I'm starting to get to the point where I'm thinking "what fucking difference does it make?"
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3 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:
Head of the UK's vaccine taskforce Clive Dix has told Sky News every adult in the UK could receive both doses of a coronavirus vaccine by August or September "or maybe sooner if we need to"


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5 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:
Head of the UK's vaccine taskforce Clive Dix has told Sky News every adult in the UK could receive both doses of a coronavirus vaccine by August or September "or maybe sooner if we need to"

Great news that could well see Orkney and Shetland finally get reduced to Tier 3 in time for Christmas.

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3 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
6 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:
Sky News Breaking   @SkyNewsBreak · 18m   Head of the UK's vaccine taskforce Clive Dix has told Sky News every adult in the UK could receive both doses of a coronavirus vaccine by August or September "or maybe sooner if we need to"

That seems like good news but I'm starting to get to the point where I'm thinking "what fucking difference does it make?"

Can’t lift lockdown just in case!

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