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5 minutes ago, 101 said:

If you believe a child is being neglected is such a way I would urge you to contact social work.

What are the social going to do about parents feeding their kids 7 happy meals a week for dinner?

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12 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

The entire country vaccinated, in summer, an outdoor event and with social distancing. 

The SG can get to absolute f**k if they even attempt this. There is literally no reason that 20 odd thousand local fans couldn’t go. 

Hampden Park should be full, the risk is surely so minimal that we can go ahead with it. Fucking first time at a tournament since 1998 and we're going to give up a chance to have games on our doorstep. Why?!

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4 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

What are the social going to do about parents feeding their kids 7 happy meals a week for dinner?

Exactly the same thing if you reported a child was anorexic.

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If no one has posted regarding return to school for S1 to S3s.  This is what i got this morning from Madras College in St Andrews.   60% of their pupils as a sidenote are bussed into school.

A holding email still suggesting plans still not thought through and this was a last minute change.  The bold part is an interesting "climbdown".

You will be aware the First Minister announced earlier this week that there will be a planned, phased return to secondary school learning.  At present, a small number of senior pupils in priority practical subjects have been accessing in school, face to face learning from the 22nd February. This has been working well.
The First Minister announced that from the 15th March all learners in S1-S6 will have some face-to-face teaching in the two weeks running up to the Easter holidays (w/c 15th and 22nd March). She also stated that two metre physical distancing will be in place from the 15th March till Easter for all members of the school community. Face coverings should always be worn, unless exempt. This places considerable restrictions on the number of learners who can be accommodated in school during these weeks, as room capacity with 2 metre distancing is significantly reduced.  Yesterday evening, it was announced that physical distancing on buses will be one metre.
We await Scottish Government guidance to be published to plan for the phased return from 15th March. I am sure you will appreciate this is a challenging logistical and timetabling exercise across both buildings. I will be back in touch once our plans are in place.
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Hampden Park should be full, the risk is surely so minimal that we can go ahead with it. Fucking first time at a tournament since 1998 and we're going to give up a chance to have games on our doorstep. Why?!

I completely agree. I said this a few weeks ago but there are still over 3 months until these games. There’s going to be hardly anyone in hospital and the prevalence of the virus will be so low by this point, it’s going to be ridiculous when these games are moved somewhere else or there are 300 fans allowed in to the stadium.
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1 hour ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

It has been a year in and I am still amazed by the number of take away deliveries that are made during the day. 

A couple of years ago when the just eat thing was kicking off big style I remember being in a greasy spoon getting a roll and this cafe sending out breakfast rolls and cups of tea via delivery before 8am. 

I treat myself to a greggs for lunch once a week or so, and the just eat guy is always hanging about outside picking up deliveries. At 1130 in the morning. I didn't even know you could phone shit in at that time. 

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44 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Don't think many on here needed images to know what he's like on the inside or outside, heaven help those with a better veneer that need his input to get on in life. 

He's like the addiction counsellor that thinks all addicts are scumbags. 

Here we have the author of 'I'm doing okay during lockdown, quit whining everyone' suddenly calling for maximum understanding and support for puffing fat messes like himself.

Not surprising at all tbh.

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49 minutes ago, virginton said:

You know what narrative has really failed to deal with the crisis? This 'it's not your fault, you've got a hidden addiction to doughnuts' claim, tied with the utterly moronic 'big is beautiful' drivel that haw abdicated all personal responsibility over the past twenty years. A society that not only accepts and encourages obese adults to do f**k all to change their habits, but also lets parents build up their children as mini-blimps without calling that out for what it is: child neglect. If the child was an anorexic waif then we wouldn't think twice about calling in social services, but giving them KFC daily and letting them waddle their way into a lifetime of chronic ill-health is given the green light by our permissive society.


Society needs to treat fatties like smokers: second class citizens who do not have the right to bring their disgusting habits wherever they please, and are subject to penalties. Either a fat tax on overall income (slapping it on products is regressive) or alternatively a health benefit/deduction for the non-obese. Social pressure is the only way out of this cul-de-sac though, so we can drop this 'mental health' objection. 

Well no, the only person who got a picture of some random person erased from the site was a moderator for breaking the site rules. Cold hard reality seems to pressing on a nerve though. 

Fúck me, MT called it. Spiteful just about sums you up. A truly misanthropic, hate-filled individual. I'd suggest therapy, but no therapist could come out of an encounter with you without severe MH issues of their own. 

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2 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Fúck me, MT called it. Spiteful just about sums you up. A truly misanthropic, hate-filled individual. I'd suggest therapy, but no therapist could come out of an encounter with you without severe MH issues of their own. 

The 'contribution' of a braying ex-landlord like yourself has, as ever, been noted and filed in the bin where it belongs. 

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19 minutes ago, Slacker said:

Hampden Park should be full, the risk is surely so minimal that we can go ahead with it. Fucking first time at a tournament since 1998 and we're going to give up a chance to have games on our doorstep. Why?!

It should've been open for St Johnstone and Livingston season ticket holders for the League Cup final last weekend.

Would've been about a 5-6,000 crowd in a fucking 52,000 stadium.

COVID has completely shattered people's ability to assess risks. :lol:


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26 minutes ago, 101 said:

If you believe a child is being neglected is such a way I would urge you to contact social work.


Societal pressure is all well and good but the comparison with smoking is flawed you are unlikely to go completely the other way when you stop smoking by say stop inhaling. We already know that societal pressure especially depicting people who are extremely fit and/or thin leads people, especially young people into eating disorders. Weight is a balancing act too far either way is extremely damaging so unless you have some kind of magic spell that controls public pressure shaming the fat but making sure everyone understands what "normal" looks like then I don't think that is a particularly good idea.

The more you say "disgusting fatties" the less likely that people who see themselves as fat, regardless of their weight, will be likely to be change into shorts and a t-shirt and go to the gym or go swimming.

I do think that the Cancer charity having to withdraw their obesity campaign was mental they stated a fact and people got upset. I agree that some kind of promotion of making healthy food cheaper with Government intervention would be good also getting kids in the kitchen is also key there is little point them learning how to turn the oven on and put in a baking try of beige products. But if you taught them to make a basic meal it's likely to be healthier and mean they have a healthier relationship with food. 

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So you say but lots of pictures of random people are posted on this forum, to my limited knowledge very few are removed. People shouldn't have their image shared without their permission but I don't think posters can ask for images of random people to be taken off the site unless of course it's a NSFW picture outwith the relevant section but I believe this wasn't the case in this instance.

Anyway way off topic, at least cigars reduce appetite so yet another win for Covid.

I'm going to guess here that he woiuldn't contact the tea-swilling, facebook-posting Public Sector workers because they're completely incompetent* and should be running their service according to the diktat of a cellar-dweller from Greenock**.

*This opinion, like many of his other prejudices, will have nothing to do with any traumatic events in his childhood. Not at all. No way. Don't be daft.

** Or wherever he lives. 

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8 minutes ago, virginton said:

Here we have the author of 'I'm doing okay during lockdown, quit whining everyone' suddenly calling for maximum understanding and support for puffing fat messes like himself.

Not surprising at all tbh.

I've not called for anything, just pointed out that you're a saddo who isn't too chuffed about himself.

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5 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

It should've been open for St Johnstone and Livingston season ticket holders for the League Cup final last weekend.

Would've been about a 5-6,000 crowd in a fucking 52,000 stadium.

COVID has completely shattered people's ability to assess risks:lol:

24/7 Government messaging has shattered people's ability to assess risks.

Most people would not consider what they do each day to be subconscious risk assessing, whereas now all they think about is what risk any activity has with respect to covid and panic if it isn't zero.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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30 minutes ago, 101 said:

So you say but lots of pictures of random people are posted on this forum, to my limited knowledge very few are removed. People shouldn't have their image shared without their permission but I don't think posters can ask for images of random people to be taken off the site unless of course it's a NSFW picture outwith the relevant section but I believe this wasn't the case in this instance.

I have met VT (once, a long time ago) and would be 99% certain that the picture posted claiming to be him was in fact not him. However, anyone posting a picture claiming it was another poster would very quickly have it removed by the mods because it's absolute fucking oddball behaviour.

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