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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, Tynierose said:

I see Sturgeon has banned travel to Manchester, I will enjoy my pint even more when I get their next week.   Utter nonsense.

She really is an abhorrent wee cow. Genuinely have an overwhelming urge to drive down take a selfie at Old Trafford and the Etihad then drive back up the road. 

2 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I dont know what the entry requirements were but people enjoying themselves again. Things you love to see


Entry requirements were a negative test and a ticket for admission.

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I get the Government has to shift all those shan tests they spunked a fortune on, and their pals getting contracts, but the obsession really has to stop once the vaccine rollout is complete.


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Looking at the number of vaccines going into the arms of those in the 18-30 age groups in the last week, wait to see those cases falling out of the sky for good by mid July once all eligible people in the adult population are jagged and protection level rises.

Look at the case numbers in places like Florida, California, Texas, New York where people are rolling up to Walmart or Publix and getting jagged on a first come first serve basis. Over there, all demographics are getting vaccinated with the same priority and its really reflecting in their numbers just crumbling. 

There is nothing in our future to suggest we won't be on this exact path shortly. Literally the only difference is purely the age prioritising of those vaccinated first and the lessened mobility/infection potential of those demographics. We can see that already in the decimation of infection rates in those over 50 now vs those over 50 before vaccine rollout 



Edited by djchapsticks
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4 hours ago, TheScarf said:

Seeing loads of Nigels on Twitter getting a card with their first dose details on it. I didn’t get anything like that after my first. Do you get it after you’ve had you’re second?

If not is there somehow you can prove you’re vaccinated?

Think its just in England they have them wee cards.

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Just back from London, honestly it was like total normal.

Big crowds, seeing mutual pals again, singing, bevy, pubs with no social distancing and I’m no anti-masker or have a problem wearing one but it was nice to see no one having to wear one, it not being enforced and it just not being a thing down there.

Rejected service in the bar after the game for being too pished, nature is healing.

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The problem with voting for clowns is that you end up getting a circus.
The situation overall is far from funny, but it is amusing seeing people on social media etc who blindly voted SNP because "freedom" and "Nicola cares more than Boris" losing their mind over the likes of sports days, nursery graduations and NS & the SG continuing to meddle with and impose somewhat contradictory, ultra cautious restrictions as if they are somehow unexpected.
You quite literally endorsed their approach when you voted for them just last month. You don't get to call people selfish for 15 months, shout for tighter restrictions and keeping lockdowns in place because it suited you not needing to commute to work, and now complain because, as the world starts to take steps back to normal and people start to stick two fingers up to them and get on with enjoying their lives, their shan decisions are finally starting to have an impact on the things you care about.
That's all very well, but the alternative was/is much worse.
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I get the Government has to shift all those shan tests they spunked a fortune on, and their pals getting contracts, but the obsession really has to stop once the vaccine rollout is complete.
There's a place in Scotland, that have produced something like 200 million test kits. A huge proportion of them have never left the warehouse. There's no fuckers wanting them and 200 odd folk are losing their jobs as a result.

I'd be very surprised if they are ever shifted to be honest.
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1 minute ago, scottmcleanscontacts said:

There's a place in Scotland, that have produced something like 200 million test kits. A huge proportion of them have never left the warehouse. There's no fuckers wanting them and 200 odd folk are losing their jobs as a result.

I'd be very surprised if they are ever shifted to be honest.

Is that the place at Inveralmond?

They got an extension to their building paid for to help them with that, so I doubt the folk who own the company are hugely fussed.

Free extension, then just punt the unneeded tests/staff in the bin, and march on knowing your building has increased in value.

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Is that the place at Inveralmond?
They got an extension to their building paid for to help them with that, so I doubt the folk who own the company are hugely fussed.
Free extension, then just punt the unneeded tests/staff in the bin, and march on knowing your building has increased in value.
Not really the point I was making to be fair.
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21 minutes ago, Les Cabbage said:

Just back from London, honestly it was like total normal.

Big crowds, seeing mutual pals again, singing, bevy, pubs with no social distancing and I’m no anti-masker or have a problem wearing one but it was nice to see no one having to wear one, it not being enforced and it just not being a thing down there.

Rejected service in the bar after the game for being too pished, nature is healing.

I’m sure JL won’t be pleased to hear this. 

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47 minutes ago, scottmcleanscontacts said:

There's a place in Scotland, that have produced something like 200 million test kits. A huge proportion of them have never left the warehouse. There's no fuckers wanting them and 200 odd folk are losing their jobs as a result.

I'd be very surprised if they are ever shifted to be honest.

My work is one of the main suppliers of test kits in the UK and I work in credit control involving dozens of these companies. 

We've been warning for about 10 months that the covid bust is going to severely harm many small pharma and medical companies who saw their income instantly explode beyond all comprehension due to the boom of government overspill contracts. They suddenly had a huge surplus of expendable income and piled it into test kits and instruments that at the end of this, will be worth nothing.

Many will have timed their purchases correctly but I fully expect many also stockpiled and will find themselves in trouble.

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