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17 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

The big Holland v Norway decider behind closed doors. Didn't realise the Dutch had regressed so far that football is crowd less again. Crazy stuff.

Their 'partial lockdown' is actually pretty strict - https://www.government.nl/topics/coronavirus-covid-19/news/2021/11/12/press-conference-12-november-2021

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8 minutes ago, ddfg said:

We had guys cunningly walking off the pavement and onto the adjoining grass to avoid the covid checking stewards or even more brazenly some managed to bypass them by being unable to open their app and being ushered through and out the road. Bigger pantomine than the Pavilion and marginally less funny. Not blaming the individuals probably on less than minimum wage but those who came up with the buffoonery behind deserve to be roundly booed. 

Yeah assume you were east stand side too as this describes exactly what I encountered.

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1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Yeah assume you were east stand side too as this describes exactly what I encountered.

Corner of North and East, was a bit of a joke and from what I saw last night and at Murrayfield on Saturday not one iota of public safety will have been protected as a result of the introduction of the app. 

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Every time someone has said this about Sweden in the past they've launched another record breaking run up the European record board and introduced new restrictions. Tack så mycket Detournement.

Why do you lie like this?

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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

There's no better example of how polarised and dogged public political support has become over the past few years than how people react to things in this thread. When I went to my first gig in two years last week I had to use my vaccine passport to get in and I was told to wear a mask the whole time I was inside. It seemed like much of the audience did although I physically couldn't - I would have been whiteying everywhere if I hadn't. 

I don't think masks make any meaningful difference to anything. I think the contexts in which we're supposed to wear them are contradictory and self-defeating. The idea of having to wear them in a crowded indoor space for a few hours at a time is ludicrous to me. If someone thinks they make a difference and wants to wear one, fine. Go ahead.

I don't think vaccine passports are an appropriate measure for a democratic country to introduce. Aside from the issues with eligibility when the scheme was launched for people who hadn't had two vaccines, aside from them requiring various other objects to acquire one, aside from the increasingly large age ranges being prompted for a third vaccination and the inherent point that apparently within three months my passport is going to show that I'm not really protected against anything, the very notion of them is insidious. Why should we willingly have to show state-issued papers to go anywhere? How easy is it for the state to track the movements and habits of the entire adult population? I can use it, and I will, but as I've posted before I'm not going to vote again for any party/individual responsible for their existence. 

And yet, it's impossible to try and put this point across. Everyone on this thread who complains about restrictions and excessive caution is extremely pro-vaccine. They're extremely eager to be as free from Covid as they can be, and for everyone else to be too. They think there is a level of caution which goes beyond that and becomes restrictive, and are frustrated there isn't any suggestion of it ever mentioned by... anyone, as far as I can tell. The press certainly doesn't and if they're not holding the politicians to account then nobody is.

The problem comes with trying to separate that. Nobody can. I've said what I think about vaccine passports. Yet when I went to that gig there were some gimps outside with a big banner about vaccine passports on it. I didn't look at them for long but I saw "Bill Gates" on it and knew immediately that they weren't worth interacting with. Yet, to the Welshbairns and the moustaches of this world, I'm a petulant child and a complete moron because everyone who doesn't think the way they do is wrong.

The worst part about the sanctimonious p***ks on this thread who take great delight in laughing at people who've done all they can and get made to do more isn't that the polls suggest they exist in some sort of majority approval of things the Scottish government does, it's that they're completely unable to see the shite they post in here is exactly what they accuse the people they disagree with of doing. 

Smashing post and I can definitely think of a few sanctimonious p***ks of the type you refer to,

I'm actually even more pro vaccine than they are - I hated Devi and others playing down the vaccine for their own warped ends - yet I stick out like a sore thumb because I don't have some weird fantasy about how best to punish people who don't do what I'd encourage them to do re the vaccine. If it comes up in the pub and somebody mentions they don't want it, I move on with my life. They want to stigmatise taking a happy go lucky approach to life.

I think the pandemic has exposed how people really think. It's easy to virtue signal, proclaim you have progressive views, say f**k the Tories a hundred times a day - but many attitudes from the left consist of scoffing at working people concerned about their jobs/industries and just wanting to earn a crust - (some of the stuff aimed at nightclubs re-opening was disgusting) advocating punishing people if they don't do as they wish with their bodies, and tie themselves in knots about pressure on the NHS/sacking NHS staff if they don't take the jag and so on. One of the few positives to come from this carry on is seeing how these types think underneath the layer of self-righteousness on the top.

Self proclaimed progressives actually like divides, segregation and all the social consequences that come from it - they just want it on their own terms.


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19 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Anyway, f**k the lot of them.

Back to business.

Sadly it looks like Eire have shat the bed and decided that shutting pubs at midnight will save them all.

Still at least they gave it their best shot - an entire 4 weeks. 🙄

I'm honestly beginning to wonder if there's a shred of sanity left in the world.

I am genuinely wondering whether governments here and in Eire are seeing this as a great chance to end the excessive drinking culture in both countries. Because there's simply no other sane explanation for doing this to deal with an increase in cases amongst school kids.

Don’t know about anyone else, but lockdowns and restrictions that made going to pubs an ordeal saw me drinking far more than I ever did. At home - started enjoying wine and some cheeky bourbon & cokes midweek. If they are trying to end excessive drinking, funny way to go about it - folk will load up with bevvy at home. I drink because I enjoy it, never drink to excess, but lockdown and making going out a fcuking ordeal absolutely saw me drinking more. 

Edited by pozbaird
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Indeed. There's been an absolute explosion in home draft system sales, and the number of people with pub sheds / home bars etc now must be enormous compared to March 2020.

If reducing the amount people drink was the plan, making it cheaper whilst effectively removing regulations like "closing time" would be an odd way to do it.

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Swinney tells us that people in Scotland can have a "normal Christmas" with some Covid measures.  He says the extension of the vaccine passport scheme and other mitigations will help people live normally

In the meantime an outbreak of positive tests at a Primary school in the Falkirk area has caused at least 1 class to study from home.


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7 hours ago, oaksoft said:

This is why I just don't implicitly trust any of the "f**k the Tories" types.

Underneath they are exactly the same scum as the very Tories they attack.

I am happy to argue the toss with anyone over any issue but I will never, ever understand the mindset of actively getting joy out of someone else's hardship or struggle.

And then for these same people to use phrases like "I'm alright Jack" against others? They can frankly go f**k themselves with that level of sanctimonious shite. 🤣

They are plastic lefties. I honestly don't know who they think they are kidding. They are certainly deluding themselves.

And yes, @Wee Bully@welshbairn@williemillersmoustache@Bob Mahelp and @Robin.HoodI'm talking to all of you. You're in good company folks. There's a fair number of you on here. You lot immediately spring to mind as being particularly unpleasant examples of the exact sort of person I spend my whole life trying to stay away from. I'm missing someone else here but their username escapes me for now.

Life's vaccuums. Poison. Absolute poison.

That's what they are.

I hope your heads ok this morning mate. 

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31 minutes ago, Hard Graft said:


Swinney tells us that people in Scotland can have a "normal Christmas" with some Covid measures.  He says the extension of the vaccine passport scheme and other mitigations will help people live normally

In the meantime an outbreak of positive tests at a Primary school in the Falkirk area has caused at least 1 class to study from home.


Tbh this ‘we may have to’ hint hint stuff can f**k right off.

Either they’re going to extent passports or they’re not- just stop with the threats.

We know that boosters for those who need them are by far the best way to ‘protect the NHS’. Why not focus on getting them rolled out as quickly as possible to as many people as possible rather than pointless theatre?

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8 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Tbh this ‘we may have to’ hint hint stuff can f**k right off.

Either they’re going to extent passports or they’re not- just stop with the threats.

We know that boosters for those who need them are by far the best way to ‘protect the NHS’. Why not focus on getting them rolled out as quickly as possible to as many people as possible rather than pointless theatre?

You do know the booster programme in Scotland is ahead of anywhere else in the UK?

It’s not really fair to claim they are not “focusing” on it.  

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8 hours ago, oaksoft said:

This is why I just don't implicitly trust any of the "f**k the Tories" types.

Underneath they are exactly the same scum as the very Tories they attack.

I am happy to argue the toss with anyone over any issue but I will never, ever understand the mindset of actively getting joy out of someone else's hardship or struggle.

And then for these same people to use phrases like "I'm alright Jack" against others? They can frankly go f**k themselves with that level of sanctimonious shite. 🤣

They are plastic lefties. I honestly don't know who they think they are kidding. They are certainly deluding themselves.

And yes, @Wee Bully@welshbairn@williemillersmoustache@Bob Mahelp and @Robin.HoodI'm talking to all of you. You're in good company folks. There's a fair number of you on here. You lot immediately spring to mind as being particularly unpleasant examples of the exact sort of person I spend my whole life trying to stay away from. I'm missing someone else here but their username escapes me for now.

Life's vaccuums. Poison. Absolute poison.

That's what they are.

Oh my. Pot kettle . 

Hope everything is okay. Maybe stay away for a while . Take care 

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15 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

You do know the booster programme in Scotland is ahead of anywhere else in the UK?

It’s not really fair to claim they are not “focusing” on it.  

It's been pretty decent actually.

The whole apparant desire to extend the vaccine passport is annoying though. Smacks of "we've paid for this so we'll damn well use it" among other things like not wanting to appear less carey than other countries.

"To save Christmas" this time round very much comes across as just another soundbite to shut down discussion.

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14 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

I don't doubt folk like that exist as we have seen on that site you mention but I've yet to see a "grass" post about the blatant ignore of track and trace so it's unlikely to change from that. It's a very difficult thing to grass on, masks, easy a photo of a mask less person is straight forward to do but what evidence can a person of that mind provide re passports.

That is 3 times at Hampden and I haven't been asked or seen anyone else asked for the vaccine passport. I don't expect pubs to be much different.

Ive seen quite a few and I can absolutely imagine a massive uplift in these, click on the people’s profiles and you’ll see alot of NS tweets being retweeted and comments telling Devi how pretty she is. 

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I guess the rationale for vaccine passports is two-fold


1) To reduce the spread itself by reducing the number of infectious people entering hospitality venues. The data on breakthrough infections makes this a difficult case, because we know that two vaccinations only provide a limited protection against infection from delta (albeit thankfully a much higher level of protection against serious illness) 


2) By preventing unvaccinated people entering venues where the virus is at higher risk of spreading, you hopefully reduce case numbers among the unvaccinated which could help reduce pressure on the NHS given that these people are more likely to go on to need hospital treatment.



The case for the former is very difficult to make because we know that the vaccinated can still catch and spread the dominant variant (albeit at a slightly lower rate than the unjabbed) so I think the SG are working on the assumption that the main threat to NHS capacity this winter is covid spreading like wildfire through the unvaccinated.


To this point, I’d counter that age rather than vaccination status is a far greater predictor of serious illness. I’d much rather catch covid as an unvaccinated but healthy 30 year old than I would as a fully vaccinated 75 year old. So if the rationale for this policy is to prevent the virus spreading among groups that are susceptible to serious illness then a much more appropriate policy would be to reintroduce shielding measures for over 70’s. But that’s not a vote winner so it’ll never happen. 

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