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1 hour ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Pre-emptive measures are by far the most effective way to reduce cases. At the start of the pandemic the UK should have looked at what was happening in Italy and took pre-emptive measures.

Seeing the data from the South East and then not doing anything until this probably more infectious strain is up here would be negligent.

I'm completely cynical about 'the data' that they are using to justify measures though: these are the exact same folk who were wheeling out ridiculous charts for exponential growth!!!111!!! a couple of months ago. The SG's 'short term circuit breaker' for the October break lasted eight weeks, so how credible is the latest 'review after a fortnight' likely to be? 

1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

Classism is alive and well in this country. I hadn't really seen it until this year but it has been prevalent on this thread since February/March.

"Scheme goblins" and "c***s" mentioned in the last few minutes are prime examples.

It's not so much classism as thirty years of rampant neoliberalist culture now taking its individualist above all, you caused this with your own actions blame game from its usual field of looking for 'scroungers' to the novel one of pandemic disease control.

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If controlling this means shutting borders then that’s what will have to be done. If Mark Drakeford had announced he was shutting the Welsh border would that be anti-English? No, because there’s quite clearly an agenda from the mass media to twist our border control policy as “further evidence” that “Crankie” just wants to impose tariffs on the English, despite the fact it would impose on every single other fucker on the planet.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
3 minutes ago, Andrew Driver said:

The whole purpose of closing the border last summer was to open up businesses and allow life to get back to normal.    We imported this disease via flights from Italy and Spain during Feb and March when many of us were advocating closing airports.    This didn't need to happen.     

At the end of the summer case numbers were practically zero.    But the SG (too scared to play the anti-English card) allowed hundreds of thousands of holidaymakers up from Covid hotspots of England.   

How do you shut the border?   Well you stop air and rail travel and use the police on border roads.   Fairly simple stuff.   

It's a million times more sensible than ruining small business.   

I doubt if there are many people joyriding between Scotland and England these days just for a laugh. The vast majority of people travelling are doing it for a valid reason....business, or unavoidable reasons just like my son's. 

The instructions are in place about not travelling between tiers unless travel is essential. Everyone knows it and the vast, vast majority stick to it. I don't think there's any real need for emotive language about 'closing borders'. 


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1 minute ago, printer said:

Irrespective of any actual or perceived bias for or against the UK and Scottish governments, the media has shown itself to be unbelievably weak, at best, or totally incompetent during this whole debacle.

I think the problem is the media is such a fragmented estate these days that anyone caught causing trouble or asking difficult questions just gets sidelined. You want in? Don’t rock the boat. 

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1 minute ago, Bob Mahelp said:

I doubt if there are many people joyriding between Scotland and England these days just for a laugh. The vast majority of people travelling are doing it for a valid reason....business, or unavoidable reasons just like my son's. 

The instructions are in place about not travelling between tiers unless travel is essential. Everyone knows it and the vast, vast majority stick to it. I don't think there's any real need for emotive language about 'closing borders'. 


I’ll still be going over the border to see my mother. She’s in a fragile state, plus I do her shopping. If that’s not deemed essential, I’ll take the fines

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6 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Sorry to hear that. Keep safe and well.

Thanks. I know the system and what I need to say and to who go get a bed to keep me safe.

Someone trying at lowest point to navigate triage nurse, gp call then call back then convince an ihtt team they’re suicidal isn’t going to have strength to do all that if it’s new to them.

I just had the 6hours waiting on an acute bed this time. 
I really do fear the next three months we’re going end up with mental health catastrophe.


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4 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Tonight broke me. I’ve not been so low in a long time.

Been crying for the last half an hour, don’t really know what else to do. Works been a distraction but it can only be for so long.

Away to watch the penalties from the Serbia game. That’ll put a smile back on my face.

Get the Scottish Cup Final on!

Just remember to talk to mates and family.



I'm sure I read that Zoom are allowing  calls for along as you want from the 23rd until the 26th so people can spend as much time as possible catching up with friends and family with no charge.

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2 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:


It will get better next year, hopefully early.

Talk to your mates and your family. It's tough just now but people can be there for each other.

Absolutely, its  vitally important to share with friends and family how you're feeling.

Don't bottle it up and become ill.   Nhs resources such as mood juice website are worth a look.

But as Marshy says Don't suffer in silence, you're not alone.

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What is the end game in all of this? We’ve had these restrictions for almost 9 months now. Clearly they aren’t working. I’m pretty sure we were the “longest lockdown” country in all of Europe when cases were basically non existent all because of the zero covid utopia that NS and chums strived for. We are no further forward in be able to do some enjoyable things freely than we were in late March. We were told lockdown was a short term solution back then, yet here we are still being restricted and businesses being fcked around every few weeks. Criminal 

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8 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:


It will get better next year, hopefully early.

Talk to your mates and your family. It's tough just now but people can be there for each other.

Absolutely. Reach out to people if you need it. It feels like there’s no end to this but it is coming. It’s absolutely shite but it will end. 

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1 minute ago, Thereisalight.. said:

What is the end game in all of this? We’ve had these restrictions for almost 9 months now. Clearly they aren’t working. I’m pretty sure we were the “longest lockdown” country in all of Europe when cases were basically non existent all because of the zero covid utopia that NS and chums strived for. We are no further forward in be able to do some enjoyable things freely than we were in late March. We were told lockdown was a short term solution back then, yet here we are still being restricted and businesses being fcked around every few weeks. Criminal 

I think the next step will depend on how much transmission takes place on Christmas day itself. If that doesn't cause an explosion in case numbers then a few weeks of harsh restrictions and schools being closed hopefully lets go back into kinder tiers in mid January.

Maybe this is what we need to end the cycle. The curveball is Christmas day itself.

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Not that its a good thing to see people talking the way some of the last few posts are on here. Its really sad actually, but it does make me feel a bit more rational in the way I reacted to the news to see i'm not somehow out there on my own and being some sort of doom monger. I really think they have measured this wrongly. I mean, to all intents and purposes with the exception of the gym, this wont change my day to day routine much at all, yet I just feel this massive dark cloud about it.

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Fucking struggling to take this all in, and I'm now wondering what the point in getting up in the morning is. I'm now extremely concerned about what next year will fucking bring. Will the vaccine be effective towards this so called new strain?? 

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