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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

Bit of a turnaround from your rolling tantrum (among many others) at having to wear a mask at work in the first place. 

That said, I don't see why people should be obliged to wear a mask, or do social distancing, or any of these other measures when there are a stack of treatments on the table to deal with this illness. If individuals choose to take extra precautions after this current wave is toast then that's up to them; it should not be enforceable by law though. 

This is correct. Was that all you wanted to add ? 

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2 minutes ago, Robin.Hood said:

This happens in all supermarkets regarding people standing in aisles n catching up with pals n blethering for period of time etc. Working n shopping is all we are allowed to do, just so happens mine combines into one. People do not stick to distancing or mask wearing properly. This has been going on for some time, nevermind opening other places up. The day the snow came badly here in dundee was the first time I felt it was a proper lockdown as the shop was pretty quiet. Soon as snow has started to clear it is hoaching... 

However none of this is anything new to anyone. 

I don’t think you are following me, or are just ignoring the point I’m actually making. Social distancing in supermarkets is irrelevant as other than occasionally queuing due to numbers inside, distancing in supermarkets makes little difference to normal life (arguably better than previously in some respects IMO).

The point is that when governments say “restrictions to stay for x amount of time” they don’t clarify what restrictions this means, so you have people assuming this includes social distancing, which if it is the case would stop almost every aspect of normal life from happening.

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On 12/02/2021 at 09:41, Elixir said:

I know, it's Neil Ferguson, but clearly he still maintains a lot of influence on government policy, so it's important.

Speed of falling tumbling so skydivers can take their parachutes off

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10 minutes ago, Captain Peter Sallis said:

Anyone who mentions an end date is lying to you.


When Johnson says '12 weeks to beat coronavirus' Or we will be back to normal by Christmas 2020. Or Easter 2021, they are lying. 

Bearing in mind of course these are the same c***s that are insisting there is no border in the Irish sea. 

It's not like they'll lie through their teeth about brexit but you can 100% trust their word on anything to do with covid. They literally lie for a living 

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17 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Bearing in mind of course these are the same c***s that are insisting there is no border in the Irish sea. 

It's not like they'll lie through their teeth about brexit but you can 100% trust their word on anything to do with covid. They literally lie for a living 

As do all politicians irrespective of party.   Granted the tories are the experts in being mendacious however they're all it.

They all twist the facts to suit their own agenda or take on things.  Its been the same since time began and nothing will change that.

Its like the old sketch, when do you know a politician is lying?  Easy their lips move...


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2 minutes ago, H Wragg said:
11 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
Asda Milton in Dundee had a huge queue - my son had an hour long wait to get in.

I don't think I've seen a queue to get into a supermarket since last summer.

There was a big queue at Tesco Maryhill on Tuesday when I was on my way back out. I had a smug grin all the way home, as I had strolled in on arrival.

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Busiest I’ve seen our Tesco and the high street for a long time today. Still didn’t need to queue to get in though. Probably busier because I’m usually out a bit earlier for the shop I think rather than any other reason. Amount of folk standing gassing at the aisles was infuriating though when trying to get to stuff on the shelves. 

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15 hours ago, Snafu said:

Europe's oldest person, French nun Sister Andre, turns 117 on Thursday after surviving Covid-19 last month and living through two world wars, with a special birthday feast including her favourite dessert -- Baked Alaska.

WTF Sister Andre no


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On 12/02/2021 at 10:12, Todd_is_God said:

Another one that can't read 👏🏻👏🏻

There are a lot of people on this forum, who, when it comes to reading, are like my wife when it comes to listening. Read/hear words and then put them into whichever order suits their purpose at the time.

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I'm sorry to dig up a post from a few pages back, but this really got to me.
Losing out on a holiday doesn't bother me. I couldn't afford to go anywhere this year anyway, and I don't drink. So a pint isn't an issue. People need things to look forward to though, and at the moment it feels like there is nothing positive on the horizon.
I cannot stomach the restrictions in their current (or similar) forms continuing for a great deal longer. I've been able to visit my grandparents once inside since August. My Papa is going downhill with his memory and it's brutal having to talk to him through a window from the garden (which I technically shouldn't be doing anyway because he lives in a different local authority). My Granda lives on his own but was an active member of the bowling club and played 5s with his pals once a week - as well as using the pub to meet up with old work colleagues and so on. He hasn't been able to do that since Boxing Day and now spends six days a week on his own.
I don't have a massive social circle, but I've not seen any of my pals from football or who I went to Uni with (barring the guy who I co-comm for on SonsTV) for a year. 
My week consists of working, watching TV, going on a walk and sleeping. Every single day is the same - apart from the weekends when I'm not working, so just walk, watch TV and sleep. 
I didn't mind that at first, nor did I mind when my pay was cut for a few months, nor did I mind that I've lost out on overtime that used to make me a decent amount of extra money. But the idea of carrying on with this routine; week after week after week until at least Autumn fills me with a deep feeling of dread.
A few months ago my Granda phoned me to say he felt like he was "just existing, not living". That has stuck with me.
As soon as hospital numbers drop to more acceptable measures, restrictions should be loosened. As soon as everyone over 70 or with an underlying condition has received their second dose, restrictions should be loosened. And so on.
Apologies if your post was solely about international travel and I've just gone off on one here btw. Once I started typing I just couldn't stop!
His post is trolling, of the brand he normally employs. Best ignore, especially if its causing you anxiety.
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