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16 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

Looking forward to another day of wondering will we / won't we be hit with further restrictions.

What a time to be alive.

Easier said than done, especially if you have a business, but you can't control it and parliament isn't back until Tuesday so I try and put it out your mind it's all advice so use your own good judgement.

Try and have a nice weekend, support your local they could use the help! :cheers

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On the issue of school, everyone knows that next week not much learning  will be done, especially in Primary schools. Leaving them open means that, some of the vulnerable kids maybe get three more hot meals and place of safety. Closing them removes that option all together. There wouldn't be time to set up hubs for these kids at this stage in term.

I'm sure plenty of parents will opt not to send their kids so they don't get pinged in days before Christmas. 

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Not good news as such but there isn't any bad news.
Case numbers continue to track the number of tests conducted.
Hospitalisations and deaths remain stable.
In other words nothing is actually happening.

When did we start seeing cases of Omicron again? About 2 weeks ago? If so I’d imagine we’re not far off seeing if hospitalisation rates and deaths rise.
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5 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

That is kind of my point, I just despise them all. I used to think the SNP were different to the usual political shite we put up with down south, but they’re just the exact same. It’s depressing not having confidence in anyone these days and knowing that regardless of party all politicians can happily just bypass questioning like this and get away with it.

That's an age thing. You get progressively less impressed as time goes on.

You look at politicians, senior staff at work or elsewhere and think, "How the fūck did they get there, who gave this idiot a job anywhere, never mind an important one? Who voted for her?

We're going to Hell in a handcart...

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Just now, scottsdad said:

A massive diversion from Covid, but who shares an account with their missus? 

Bet they'll be a riot on the "infuriating things.." thread. 

I've seen couples that share email addresses but yeh this is different level.

That is of course either of them actually exist. I suspect they might be anti cyclists.

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Just now, RH33 said:

On the issue of school, everyone knows that next week not much learning  will be done, especially in Primary schools. Leaving them open means that, some of the vulnerable kids maybe get three more hot meals and place of safety. Closing them removes that option all together. There wouldn't be time to set up hubs for these kids at this stage in term.

I'm sure plenty of parents will opt not to send their kids so they don't get pinged in days before Christmas. 

This is a fair point. I was saying for a few days that shutting the schools a few days early would be a big win, and that would be fine for me and folk like me - but not everyone. On reflection I was wrong. 

The school as a safe space where a child can be fed and away from a potentially poor home environment is not to be underestimated. I hope this attitude prevails and we don't go back to online learning. Seeing parents line up at the school to collect paper bag lunches for their kids was one sight of the original lockdown I won't forget. 

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As I've alluded to before on this thread, I'm a scientist working on infectious diseases, and although Covid isn't really my specialty, it's something I've become increasingly involved in over the past year or so - particularly in terms of what is happening with it in Africa.

Anyway, on the back of all that I have a model that predicts how many cases will be reported in Scotland each day. It sometimes fails, but it's usually not too bad. The most reported in Scotland in one day since this all began was 7,113. Today the model is predicting 8,868. Obviously that goes without any predictors of how it translates to hospitalisation and death.

Fingers crossed it's out on the low side, and feel free to shoot me and it down in a few hours if so!

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4 minutes ago, RH33 said:

On the issue of school, everyone knows that next week not much learning  will be done, especially in Primary schools. Leaving them open means that, some of the vulnerable kids maybe get three more hot meals and place of safety. Closing them removes that option all together. There wouldn't be time to set up hubs for these kids at this stage in term.

I'm sure plenty of parents will opt not to send their kids so they don't get pinged in days before Christmas. 

Why not simply advise parents not to send their kids to school unless absolutely necessary?

Or does limiting unnecessary social mixing only apply to hospitality?

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Why not simply advise parents not to send their kids to school unless absolutely necessary?

Or does limiting unnecessary social mixing only apply to hospitality?

i think we know why, requiring a baby sitter loses votes.

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

Why not simply advise parents not to send their kids to school unless absolutely necessary?

Or does limiting unnecessary social mixing only apply to hospitality?

Because they can't be seen to be closing schools by default, I suspect they know fine well that absence rates will be high next week but have opted not to close them.

In the media this week we've seen the consequences of kids hidden away from schools and agencies due to lockdown.

I'm neither saying it's right or wrong, just providing a possible reasoning.

I work in hospitality and think the advice is clear as mud. I only got my Christmas week rota on Monday and new year one isn't sorted yet as we don't know if event going ahead.

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8 minutes ago, RH33 said:

On the issue of school, everyone knows that next week not much learning  will be done, especially in Primary schools. Leaving them open means that, some of the vulnerable kids maybe get three more hot meals and place of safety. Closing them removes that option all together. There wouldn't be time to set up hubs for these kids at this stage in term.

I'm sure plenty of parents will opt not to send their kids so they don't get pinged in days before Christmas. 

The hubs are already set up and have been since April just in case we’ve had to go back to them. There would have been plenty time to set them up again had a decision been made at the start of the week.

Even so, we all know that the attendance next week will be skeleton at best, there’s nothing to stop schools from having staff in on a rota system. Absolutely no point in vast majority of teachers in supervising four kids per class when classes could be combined and have staff taking turns at being in school / working from home and therefore having a slightly less chance of being pinged and having an entire family staying in the hoose for ten days,

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