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Films that produce tears

DA Baracus

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22 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

Cool Runnings, when they pick the sled up and walk towards the finish line. Every. Fucking. Time.

The end of Paddington 2 when he finds out what the Browns got as Aunt Lucy's present had me pretty close the other day too!

Watched P2 last week and the eyes were moist at that scene.

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The scene where he is sheltering in the public toilet holding his son while blocking some guy trying to get in. I had my son in my arms watching that and had to leave the room.
Marley and Me when the dog died was horrendous. All the kids were sobbing loudly and one of the little buggers looked right at me and I lost it.
The end scene of Philadelphia.
An episode of Cold Feet (not a film) where one of the girls had her baby (Rachel) at the end as the boyfriend struggled to get there in time and they launched into the closing song "female of the species" just as the baby came out and he got there in time. I couldn't do anything for about 20 minutes.
The Good Will Hunting scene was a tough watch too.
A few moments in Bohemian Rhapsody too.
The end of Toy Story 3.
Watership Down when one of them got killed.
Seem to remember Bambi's mother getting killed.
Can't remember anything else right now.
Spot on with the end of Toy Story 3 and Bambi's mum getting killed.

I'm getting worse as I get older and find quite a few of the animated films get me like the beginning of Up.

I mentioned this thread to my wife and her immediate response was A.I.
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I remember seeing LOTR Return Of The King in the cinema when I was younger and a big burly guy started actually bawling when Bilbo leaves the shire.

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before having a kid i was dead inside and the only thing that got me welling  up was the end of It's a Wonderful Life.

Last week, watching Rudy when he was carried off the field had me in bits. I have watched it a several times before being a dad and nothing but now my eyes are flowing.

As much as i love Lord of the Rings, that scene does nothing for me now after the first time i saw it as i know the crap that is coming after it.  First time i saw the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up.

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On 15/05/2020 at 23:34, D.A.F.C said:


Always gets me, went to see some of the original artwork in Brighton museum a year or so back. Did the whole exhibition, and the last picture is just the melted snow. Walked out trying to hide the tears. 

Another film that ruined me was Life Itself. Was something Sky Cinema advertised as bit of a romantic comedy. Within 15 minutes had to pause it so that me and my ex could go and get tissues. A film has never made me that upset. 

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First 10mins of Up and Inside out (f**k your pixar). Also on the animated avenue A Silent voice but it is a very difficult watch with everything it deals with.

Willem Dofoe death in Platoon, equal parts awesome and emotional. Also a few scenes in Logan.

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Leaving animated features aside - you wouldn't catch me welling up at Inside Out, TS3, or the like, not me, no way - the ones which hit me hardest :

Schindler's List - The final five minutes, when the survivors come overthe hill and morph into their descendants, placing memorial stones on the graves. The numbers on the text bring hom ethe horror of what happened, and the number of survivors after a couple of generations hammer home the importance of one (flawed) man's actions. It's as cliched as fúck, but Spielberg absolutely nails this for me.

Land and Freedom - The funeral, where the care worker unfolds the bandana and throws the earth on the coffin. Again, if you've seen it, you'll know. The whole story of the film in one shot.

I, Daniel Blake - Another Loach masterpiece, and a sneak attack on the tear ducts. The scene in the food bank absolutely sandbagged me, just out of the blue.

Pride - One of my favourite films, and so many emotional scenes. The ending at the Pride Mrch, and the "where are they now" piece are obvious, but for me the absolute killer is the scene in the club where they sing "Bread and Roses". It's a great song anyway, but put into the context of the Strike and the wives' part in it, absolute floods ensue.

The Mist - Pretty standard low-budget Stephen King adaptation, but that final shot! Fúck me that's dark.

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I shed a lot of manly tears from films/TV in my youth, before I started taking pills to turn me into a stone-hearted emotionless robot.

I remember experiencing emotions through The Shawshank Redemption that I've never felt from watching another film, the most vivid being tears of joy with Andy's scene in the rain.

The Plague Dogs being mentioned reminded me of Watership Down. Bright Eyes fucking ended me. Absolute gibbering mess over a set of drawings.

On 17/05/2020 at 23:21, Archie McSquackle said:

It's not an animated film but a sci-fi weepie starring Jude Law about a robot boy who wants to be human. Full title is A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Full packet of hankies required (well, for my wife anyway).

I've mentioned this before, but I saw this in an American theater where half the audience felt like you, and were openly weeping. The other half were laughing hysterically about how mawkish and insincere the whole thing was. It wasn't good. Harsh words were exchanged.

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