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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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I'm supposed to be 'out of here', but I feel rude by not responding to a direct question. So, just to make people aware, after this reply, I will not be posting in this thread for a few days. and will not reply to any questions.
Many of the nationalists I know, possibly the majority, are staunch republicans. Their reaction is likely to be "Meh! So what? He was a privileged king anyway. Who gives a f**k? We should be looking to the future Scotland - diverse, multicultural, equitable. Royalty sucks! I'd be quite happy if it was pulled down. The Bruce has nothing to do with the sort of nationalism I support or the Scotland I envisage! Let's build a workers' paradise." Some might even agree, given that he was racist against Saxons.
Other nationalists I know are more traditional. Aye, most of them are still pretty woke, but they also value Scotland's past. The majority cherish Scotland's past and share it with everybody. They value Scottish history, Gaelic, Scots, Burns. "We're all Jock Tamson's bairns." They'd probably be pretty annoyed by it.
In a nutshell, Scottish nationalism is mostly woke. Many supporters wouldn't condemn Black Lives Matter, and if the hoax were believed would refuse to condemn, and perhaps even justify, the graffiti. I hope that makes sense. 
"Woke". f**k off
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17 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Yep! This. Theres c***s on every side of every argument. No one wins in an argument or battle between extremists.

There are few things more pathetic than the attempted 'both sideism' pish like the above.

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Im more disgusted at the guys who started on the young women and men who were having a picnic at Hyde park, one guy spat on one of the women as they wouldn’t get up straight away.


Hopefully a few lifted in coming days


Like this c**t



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There are few things more pathetic than the attempted 'both sideism' pish like the above.

Is one of those things your life away from this forum?
Im not taking anything away from the BLM movement in any way, they are in the right to campaign against racism and I support them fully, but its patently clear that they have extremists attached to them who seem less interested in a cause and more in just being violent, its not on the same level as those on the far right, thats obvious to anyone who has watched the coverage of this, I was responding to a particularly good post highlighting individual issues and not their movement as a whole.
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7 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Is one of those things your life away from this forum?
Im not taking anything away from the BLM movement in any way, they are in the right to campaign against racism and I support them fully, but its patently clear that they have extremists attached to them who seem less interested in a cause and more in just being violent

I'm sure that BLM leaders will be delighted to know that there's some no-mark in Scotland picking who can and cannot form part of their legitimate movement on the basis of his own wishy-washy, centrist 'values'. It's almost as if you don't 'support them fully' at all then.

Edited by vikingTON
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A lot of people on twitter giving it the "what have we become?" line. They've clearly never seen any footage from literally every single England away fixture for the last 40 years.

The only thing that's changed is that the Tory leadership courts their support as the authentic voice of the nation.

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I'm sure that BLM leaders will be delighted to know that there's some no-mark in Scotland picking who can and cannot form part of their legitimate movement on the basis of his own wishy-washy, centrist 'values'. It's almost as if you don't 'support them fully' at all then.

Im sure they’ll be delighted at being supported by Greenock’s edgiest virgin from the comfort of his maws spare room.


You can agree with a cause and disagree with the actions of a small number of its supporters. So I didnt make my initial point clear when I said c***s on both sides I thought it would be obvious that those on the far right are entirely c***s.

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18 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

You can agree with a cause and disagree with the actions of a small number of its supporters.

Except that you just categorised its supporters that you disapprove of as 'extremists... who seem less interested in a cause and more in just being violent'. So when you're gatekeeping who gets to be part of the legitimate BLM movement you can safely drop the charade that you fully support it as well.

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1 minute ago, Lee Van Tee said:

I'm wondering whether to vandalise the Burns statue in Aye due to him helping manage a slave plantation in the West Indies.

Or maybe campaign against modern day slavery in Africa and the Middle East instead.

Let's face it, you'll do fuckall about either.

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